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Q&A for How to Draw a Pig
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QuestionWhat if my pig looks weird?Community AnswerKeep practicing, and you will achieve the desired results.
QuestionHow do I know if I drew the pig right?Community AnswerYou'll know when you look at your drawing and decide whether you like it or not! It doesn't have to look exactly like the example, and remember, it might take quite a bit of practice.
QuestionI'm doing this for a drawing contest. Will this help me at least be in the top 3?Community AnswerIt is possible as the pig looks good, but in the end it is totally up to the judges that are judging your contest.
QuestionWhat do I do if I mess up drawing a pig?Community AnswerIt's a good idea to sketch it out lightly first, then go over it with darker lines. If you've already made a mistake, you can try erasing if you drew with pencil, or just learn from your mistake and start over!
QuestionWhat if my teacher say is not good?MidnightBlue1_1Top AnswererDon't listen to your teacher. Drawing takes lots of time and practice. Work hard on your drawing and prove the teacher wrong.
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