How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Eat Muesli
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QuestionWhat ratio of muesli to yogurt should I have if I want to eat that?Community AnswerUse whatever ratio you want. Some people like half and half. Some like two parts yogurt to one part muesli. Some just like a sprinkling of muesli over the top.
QuestionIs it okay to not soak it in milk, but rather to eat it immediately in cold milk?Community AnswerSoaking will make it softer so if you prefer a bit more of a crunchy texture, eating it straight away is the way to go.
QuestionCan we eat with cold milk only?Community AnswerYes, of course. Enjoy. Alternative milks and ordinary ones are both fine. The varying temperatures give different textures and tastes. Enjoy what suits you.
QuestionCan I eat muesli dry?Community AnswerYes, you can eat it dry. It is no different than eating it with milk or yogurt.
QuestionHow can I turn it into grab-and-go breakfast?HumanBeingTop AnswererTo make a grab-and-go muesli breakfast, make muesli bars as advised in Step 4 of the article above.
QuestionCan I pour some into my hot chocolate?HumanBeingTop AnswererEating it in a bowl with a spoon with the hot chocolate will present less of a choking hazard. Pouring muesli into a cup of chocolate and then drinking it could cause you to choke. The muesli might also sink to the bottom of the cup and stick, preventing you from consuming it.
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