Q&A for How to Find Ghosts in Your House

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    Are ghosts real or not?
    Community Answer
    That's a very personal perspective. They seem real to some people and are definitely not real to others. It depends on your beliefs, your faith, your attitude toward spirits and "other worlds". Despite attempts to "prove" their existence scientifically, from a scientific perspective, there are no ghosts but that doesn't stop people trying to prove they exist, and that's what science is all about, continuing the search for truth.
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    What if I hear a baby crying in my room?
    Community Answer
    Listen and try to find the source, as it might be a television or radio, the wind, the house creaking or something very ordinary. If all this real life investigation fails and you believe in ghosts, consider researching who once lived in the house.
  • Question
    The door to my bathroom opens and closes automatically several times a night. I'm starting to get really scared. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Decide whether it could be cause by environmental factors, such as a draft or anomalous air current, before worrying too much. Turn off your air conditioning or heat at night and leave the door shut all the way. Chances are, it won't budge. If you do discover that it's still opening and closing throughout the night, call a paranormal investigator immediately--that's not normal!
  • Question
    Will the ghost be scared if I try to communicate with it?
    Community Answer
    There's no way of knowing. If the ghost is a spirit of a deceased person, they may possess the same sensibilities, reactions and fears as the living. It's also possible that they could be "trapped" in the emotional state they were in when they died, and are stuck in an endless cycle of these feelings in a realm beyond the living world.
  • Question
    At night, my automatic camera picks up movements such as weird lights and static. Could this be evidence of a ghost?
    Community Answer
    It could be. Have the photos analyzed by a photography expert. They'll be able to look for evidence of environmental factors, tricks of light or tampering. And keep taking photos. You may catch something definitive sooner or later!
  • Question
    I lost my grandfather 4 years ago. How can I communicate with him without an Ouija board?
    Community Answer
    You don't need any special gadgets to feel closer to your grandfather. He'll always be with you. Talk to him privately in your thoughts and prayers, and listen for his replies in your heart. You'll know when you feel him there.
  • Question
    Can I be in a relationship with a ghost? Is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Having a relationship with a ghost is unusual but not impossible if this is something you believe possible. However, realize that other people probably won't believe you and may even worry about your mental health. Perhaps keep it to yourself or share only with others who have like beliefs.
  • Question
    The people that lived here before us told that there was a football coach who lived here. We hear him passing the football, so what should we do?
    Community Answer
    You can do one of the following. One, you could investigate the source of the noise, which may well be an appliance, a loose item flapping in the air currents, a door banging, mice, or goodness knows what but something real and very much in need of attention by way of repair or removal. Two, you could ignore it totally (at the risk that something structural in your home or a rat's nest/pest infestation might actually require attention) and just accept it's a noise that's part of the house. Three, you could choose to believe it's a football coach's ghost endlessly tossing a ball for whatever bizarre reason he has. Which pathway seems the most reasonable to you and your family? Do you trust that the people who sold you the house kept it in fantastic condition?
  • Question
    How do I make a ghost my friend?
    Community Answer
    Ghosts (most likely) exist as residual energy, which means they don't have thoughts and desires the way we understand them. For this reason, it's unlikely that a human could strike up a friendship with a lingering spirits. The best you may be able to do is attempting to understand whether the ghost gives off a friendly or malevolent energy and treating it accordingly.
  • Question
    I am an atheist and I am not scared of ghosts. Can I move into a haunted house?
    Community Answer
    Presuming that this house is on the market as "haunted", then you can by all means move into it. Other than being informed by ghost believers that it is haunted though, you'd have no way of knowing, sensing or caring less whether or not it is haunted. Given your beliefs, your rational self would find out all the reasons for the creaks and bumps in the night, so you should be fine.
  • Question
    What if I saw a shadow that was not mine?
    Community Answer
    Then it is either a shadow of another person or of an object. Look more closely to see who or what is casting that shadow.
  • Question
    Does a ghost radar work? If so, what app should I use?
    Community Answer
    Ghost radars are notorious for being gimmicks. They work by randomly generating ghost "signals" in your vicinity, which appear and disappear without rhyme or reason. You're better off sticking with your own senses and some basic recording equipment if you want to get proof of ghostly activity.
  • Question
    Are some ghosts friendly?
    Community Answer
    Since ghosts used to be people like you or me, it stands to reason that there would be a few friendly ones out there! If you experience ghostly phenomena around your home, determine whether it seems harmless or whether it may be a warning from darker forces. Benign ghosts won't make it a goal to terrorize you.
  • Question
    How do I find out the identity of a spirit in my house?
    Community Answer
    Do some research into the home's former owners, especially if any other them died in or near the property. Use a Ouija board to ask the ghost who it was in its former life, or question the entity aloud and record its answers on a video or audio recording. Also, keep an eye out for any clues it may be pointing out that will inform you of its identity, such as photographs or old letters and other belongings. For its own sense of peace, the ghost might want you to know who it was and how it lived.
  • Question
    EMF readings skyrocket in one corner of my house, and my cats go wild when they're around. Do you think there could be a presence of some supernatural energy?
    Community Answer
    Very possibly. Keep investigating; if you can, take some photos or video and perform a EVP recording of that area of your house. If recording technologies turn up anything, they'll be able to tell you much more conclusively what you might be dealing with.
  • Question
    If the doors in your house open and close on their own and you see strange lights and have terrible nightmares, is this the work of a ghost or not?
    Community Answer
    It's difficult to say. Things that appear to be physically impossible, like doors and cabinets closing on their own or disembodied creaks or sighs, can often be explained away by simple physics--a draft, the foundation of your house settling, etc. However, if these things happen recurrently with no apparent explanation, and your dreams have a strong, unignorable significance, it may be the influence of spirits.
  • Question
    Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I see scary shadows moving around in the next room. Could it be a ghost, or is it nothing?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like a delusion caused by your sleepy state. Our minds tend to play tricks on us when we're only half-awake because the chemicals surging in our brains are reacting to sensory stimuli that we see in dreams. Wait until you're fully awake before making a determination. If you still see them when you're alert and attentive, it may just be a spectral visitation after all.
  • Question
    Can a ghost kill someone?
    Community Answer
    There's no real reason to think so. Because of their disembodied state, ghosts have a limited ability to interact with our physical world. Rest easy--you really have nothing to fear from a ghost, except possibly the mysteries that it raises about the unknown boundaries of life and death.
  • Question
    What happens if I don't have a tape recorder to get EVP?
    Community Answer
    Use your mobile phone, laptop, a digital recording device, etc. Many things make recordings these days and tape recording is definitely on the wane.
  • Question
    I live alone and always keep my doors locked, but once in the middle of the night something grabbed my leg and yanked it in. Is this possible?
    Community Answer
    It's hard to say for sure. Ghosts ordinarily can't "touch" the living, as they lack a physical form. If a ghost were to be capable of interacting you in a way that manifested physical sensation, it would mean that it has an immense presence.
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