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Q&A for How to Find Out Who Your Best Friends Are
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QuestionIt depends on whether they actually have known me forever and they care for me. Isn't that right?Community AnswerThey don't necessarily have to have known you forever, but caring for you is a must! Most best friends should also know you inside and out.
QuestionHow can I find a friend I can trust?Community AnswerIf you feel a deep connection with someone, if you can talk about things that really matter to you and they don't back off and become distant, then you can start to let your trust take over a little bit. Only time will tell if they are worthy of your trust.
QuestionWhat should I do if my best friend betrayed me?Community AnswerYou should ask him/her why they did that and try and talk it out. If that person is truly your best friend, they will apologize and try to work things out.
QuestionWhen will my best friend start sharing their secrets with me?Community AnswerPeople are different and some can bond and trust easier than others. It depends on how long you've known each other. They may share as soon as tomorrow, or they may never share.
QuestionCan you have more than one best friend?Community AnswerYes, you can have multiple best friends, but there's usually one friend out of all of them that you are most comfortable with.
QuestionI have a friend that's rude sometimes but also fun and cool! What do I do?Community AnswerIf they are rude to you, then they will probably not be the greatest as a best friend. If they are fun and cool, then they might still be a good person to have around at a distance.
QuestionDo friends sometimes avoid each other?Community AnswerYes, and it sometimes happens even among the best of friends. Remember that each person, no matter who they are, is dealing with issues in their own lives. These issues can weigh heavily on a person, especially those who take the responsibility of their friendships seriously, and sometimes a person needs to separate themselves from others, even people they love or care about deeply, just to be able to keep being the friend that you know them to be.
QuestionWhat should I do if a friend of mine is really clingy and doesn't let me hang out with other friends?Community AnswerExplain to your friend that having other pals isn't a threat to your friendship and that you just want to spend time with other people. If your friend doesn't understand, he's not a good friend.
QuestionI have two BFF's and I have no idea which one to hang out with. What should I do?Community AnswerMaybe try and hang out with both of them or hang out with them on different days or different times.
QuestionHow do I know if a guy is just my friend?Community AnswerThey will treat you like a sister, may even call your sister and won't ever try to flirt with you.
QuestionHow do I thank my best friend for always sticking up for me?Community AnswerBe a good friend back to her/him! Someone who cares enough about a friendship will always nurture it. Think of ways to show you care.
QuestionWhy is my friend so on/off with me? She's always angry at me, but anyone else she gets along with fine. Advice?Community AnswerAsk her about it. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding between you two that she hasn't spoken about yet. Help her to express herself.
QuestionHow do I know if my guy friend is a best friend?Community AnswerIf he is comfortable talking to you around other people in public and around his other friends, that's a good sign. Another way to know is if he asks you for advice on things that he wouldn't ask just any of his friends.
QuestionI am really sad because some of the girls in my class are friendly but I am left out of their group. What can I do?Community AnswerGet noticed by them in a way that shows your best self. Do good things things while near them. They may pick up what you're doing, and let you in. But, don't just be nice to others because you want to be noticed, it's also the right thing to do.
QuestionHow can I tell if my teacher is jealous of me and my friend's relationship?Community AnswerA teacher isn't usually jealous of his/her students, so this is likely to be in your imagination. Try to focus on the friendship and leave your teacher out of it.
QuestionWhat do I do if my friend that I want to be my best friend already has a best friend?Community AnswerIf they fit the criteria in this article, they are already your best friend. Just because they already have one doesn't mean they can't be yours as well. Think about it: They are your friend, and they are the best one you have. In the meantime, try to be as nice as possible to them and listen and comfort them. In time, they may come to see you as a best friend as well!
QuestionI told a secret to my best friend and he told his mother. Is he really my best friend?Community AnswerIf he told his mother, then that's fine, although you might want to remind him of his promise. If he tells to other people, then you might want to reconsider the friendship.
QuestionWould someone still be considered a true friend if they never admit in public that they are my friend?Community AnswerIt really depends on the person. He or she might just be very reserved when it comes to feelings. On the other hand, if this person admits to being friends with other people but not you, then they might not be feeling that confident with the friendship.
QuestionWhat if one of my friends asked me if I would take them camping and the other person asked the same thing?Community AnswerYou could either bring both friends on the same camping trip, or arrange two separate camping trips. One for each friend.
QuestionI want to know how I can stop my BFF from school from slowly drifting away from me.Community AnswerIf she's hanging out with someone else, make an effort to get to know that person. You can also tell her straight up how you feel. Of course, you must know that you cannot make her change if she doesn't want things to be as they once were. But you can try to move the friendship into a future stage by letting her know you're cool with changes and a different kind of friendship.
QuestionMy best friend was hurt by me, but I didn't mean to hurt her. What should I do?PreuxFoxTop AnswererTell her that you want to understand what you did to hurt her. Listen to her explain what happened; don't try to interrupt and tell her she's wrong or that you didn't mean it that way. The important thing right now is how she feels. Then apologize and ask if there's anything you can do to help fix the situation. You might still have to give her a little time and space to get over it, so try to be patient.
QuestionI was never good at standing my ground, and someone forced me to help them tease and bully my friend. I desperately want to break free from this person. Help?PreuxFoxTop AnswererPractice what you are going to say first in private, this will make it easier to say when you need to stand your ground. Practice saying things like, "No, I don't want to do that," or "No thank you," or "I don't think that's right." Next time this person tries to make you do something like that again, tell them no, and go do something else.
QuestionHow do I get revenge on my backstabbing ex best friend?PreuxFoxTop AnswererThe best revenge is to just move on. She wants to hurt you, so if she sees that you are happy anyway, it will spoil her fun.
QuestionHow do I get my best friend back after a big fight?PreuxFoxTop AnswererYou will have to talk about what happened. Ask for your friend's side of the story, and then give yours. Don't contradict how the other person feels, but make "I" statements. For example, if your friend says something that you didn't think was true, don't say, "You're wrong, it was like this." Instead you can say, "I think we misunderstood each other. I thought it was this way." Make a strong effort to understand the other side, and make sure you feel like your friend is doing the same for you. Sometimes it might take some time before things really feel normal again, even if you both agree to keep being best friends.
QuestionI have a best friend, but I'm not her best friend. She has trust issues, but she trusts another friend who isn't her best friend. I tell her everything, but she doesn't tell me anything. Any advice?Tom De BackerTop AnswererThere's really nothing much to worry about here. Focus on the fact that you are friends, that's great. In any relationship, love or friendship, always ask yourself whether you're on the same level; if I want to marry you but you only just memorized my last name, we're definitely not on the same level. Always gauge where she stands and adjust your gear accordingly. You can go a bit faster than her and take some initiative, but if she doesn't follow, slow down. If you need her to share things with you, share less of your own, get on the same level. Give it time.
QuestionWhat should I do if one of my best friends is hanging around with others?Community AnswerYou should try to hang around with others as well. Don't cling to your best friend; they need to have the freedom to have other friends as well. If they don't talk to you or hang around with you anymore though, then I might not consider them a best friend.
QuestionI don't know if this guy is my friend or my crush. How can I tell?Community AnswerIt's easy. Observe how you feel around him. If you feel nervous or shy, then It's a crush. If you feel normal, then it's friendship.
QuestionWhat do I do when my best friend and I are having tiny arguments? We have never argued before, but she is constantly saying that I am wrong in what I say, and she makes me feel stupid in front of people.daria byronCommunity AnswerShe might be going through a big change or really hard time. Talk to her in private and ask her if anything is wrong. Tell her how you feel she is treating you.
QuestionWhy am I jealous that my best friend has other best friends, even though we are all best friends?Community AnswerMaybe you like that friend more than the others? Sadly there's not really much you can do, since you guys are all friends in a group. You should probably just accept you have a great group of friends and be happy about it.
QuestionMy best friend talks to somebody who lied to me, should we still be best friends?Community AnswerIf you still want to be friends with them, you should be. You can try explaining to your friend that you don't like that person and why, but your friend does not have to agree with you on every single thing. Sometimes your friends will have other friends that you don't like, and it's best to just accept that.
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