Q&A for How to Get Into MIT

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    If my school does not offer weighted courses, will that affect my odds of admission?
    Community Answer
    No. MIT wants you to take the most challenging courses possible at your level. If there are none, they will look at the rest of your application.
  • Question
    Would it be better to graduate from high school early and start college, or wait and complete all four years?
    Community Answer
    Complete all four years. MIT is looking at grades, SAT scores and extra classes, so it is nearly vital to complete all four years - even if you're just doing the minimum.
  • Question
    Are good SAT scores the only criteria for MIT admission, or are there other factors?
    Community Answer
    There are other factors, such as your grades in high school, how advanced the classes you took were (e.g., Honors, AP), AP test scores, extracurricular activities, any other special accomplishments you might have, your application essays, and your teacher recommendation letters.
  • Question
    Does having an IPO medal increase your chance of getting into MIT with full financial aid ?
    Community Answer
    IPO medals and other academic honors are one thing the admissions committee looks at, however, a medal only shows so much about you as a student/person. Be sure you can articulate what that medal represents to you. Also, financial aid is need-based; it is not related to any extracurricular achievements.
  • Question
    If I want to study computer science as a major, should I mention that I have done some hacking into my school's administrator account and WiFi networks during my interview or on my essay?
    Community Answer
    No, you definitely shouldn't since that depicts you as a rule breaker and a criminal. Remember, first impressions are key.
  • Question
    Do I have a chance to get into MIT if my school doesn't provide weighted classes and I have a 4.0?
    Community Answer
    Sure. It is understood that applicants come from schools with different grading systems. As long as you're taking the most advanced classes available to you and getting good grades.
  • Question
    If my 9th and 10th grade GPA was low, can I still get into MIT?
    Community Answer
    MIT looks for well-rounded applicants. While you should certainly work as hard as possible to increase your GPA, you should also participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer and build your resume outside of school to be an attractive applicant.
  • Question
    What are good math and science courses for getting into MIT?
    Community Answer
    AP Physics C and AP Calculus BC are good ones to aim for in your last year of high school, if they're available at your school (otherwise, you could take physics and/or calculus over the summer at a community college). Until then, take the most advanced math and physics courses you can.
  • Question
    Will mental disabilities, like ADHD or depression, affect my chances of getting in?
    Community Answer
    Not at all! MIT will not reject your application just because you have ADHD or depression. ADHD can distract you from studying, and depression can cause you to lose motivation, however. Luckily, these are temporary issues that, with enough determination and hard work, you can overcome!
  • Question
    What should I do if I am from India and my grades are in percentage form rather than GPA?
    Community Answer
    You can easily convert your grade percentage into the point system. Some institutions may even do that work for you.
  • Question
    I'm thinking about working for a year as a break after high school. Will that weaken my application?
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't, as long as you gain some valuable skills or experiences during that time and are able to spin it in a positive way.
  • Question
    I am from India and an ordinary and average student. If I work hard in my high school can I get admission into MIT?
    Jayden Sauceda
    Community Answer
    Yes, that will help. Your middle school grades matter, but your high school grade matter the most. So if you were average in middle school that is okay. Just do great in high school.
  • Question
    If I didn't do so well in 11th grade, but good grades in 12th, do I still have a chance of getting admitted to MIT?
    Community Answer
    Yes. For MIT, you have to take weighted courses during high school and get at least a 4.13 GPA on them. Also, your SAT scores should be an average of 2220. For the 75% chance, your SAT score should 2350. Your ACT scores should be 34 to 36.
  • Question
    If I only scored 85% in 12th grade, can I get admitted to MIT if I do well in college?
    Community Answer
    If you're talking about getting admitted to a graduate program at MIT, sure. When you apply to graduate school, they only care about your college grades, not your high school grades. The same mostly applies if you want to transfer from another college to MIT in the middle of your college studies.
  • Question
    How do I increase my chances of getting into MIT?
    Community Answer
    Do very well in your science and math classes, score high on your standardized tests, and have science or math based extracurriculars.
  • Question
    How much percentage do I need to get in 12th (CBSE) to get admitted into MIT?
    Community Answer
    Compulsory 97 percent and 2400/2400 in your SAT exam, and very well in your ACT exam will give you a chance of getting in.
  • Question
    What is the best way for someone in middle school to prepare for MIT?
    Community Answer
    Complete some of the things on this list! Try to attend as many extracurricular activities or courses as you can, get the best grades possible, and show your teachers that you stand out. You could also try finding some kind of outside internship or volunteer position that might relate to what you want to study at MIT.
  • Question
    Will I have a chance to apply after a year off after high school graduation?
    Community Answer
    Yes. However, on your application MIT offers a space to fill with whatever you feel is important. They have said that that would be where you would want to say what you did with your gap year. They are looking for students who did more than just sit at home. Show initiative.
  • Question
    How does it work for international students with a different education system?
    Community Answer
    It works the same way. But in MIT, only 4% of students are international, so your application has to really stand out.
  • Question
    How does being an international student affect my chances at getting into MIT?
    Community Answer
    M.I.T. accepts all students of different backgrounds. Study hard, and you should be fine.
  • Question
    If my school doesn't offer advanced courses, but I have a 4.0 GPA, what are my odds of getting into MIT?
    Community Answer
    If you are taking the harder level course in your school, colleges will be happy. Colleges will also see that your school does not offer weight classes and will consider that.
  • Question
    I am from India with a good GPA of approximately 4.9. Is it possible for me to get a chance in MIT? I have a good report from my teachers, and I have done some research on my own.
    Community Answer
    Sure it's possible. You should apply.
  • Question
    What are the requirements for students from Pakistan? Are test scores enough?
    Community Answer
    Your scores or transcripts, standardized test scores (New SAT, SAT Math Level 2, SAT Physics Level 2, or any of your choice), recommendations, extra-curricular activities, portfolio.
  • Question
    If I am a student in Malaysia and can only find SAT tests, is it all right to only take those?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Although taking the SAT and ACT will help, MIT will see you can only take the SAT in your area, so not taking the ACT shouldn't penalize you.
  • Question
    How do I determine if my academic performance has been good enough to get into MIT?
    Community Answer
    Get your GPA up as high as you can.
  • Question
    How do I get into MIT?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    Can I get into MIT if I don't participate in extracurricular activities?
    Community Answer
    You could. However, MIT looks for well-rounded students, so you would probably have a lower chance of being accepted.
  • Question
    What does being eligible mean when applying to school?
    Community Answer
    Being eligible means that you meet the bare minimum requirements for applying to a school. Most colleges want either a high school diploma or a GED, but MIT does not require it. Understand that eligibility does not equal acceptability.
  • Question
    Can I get out of high school a year early if I take AP classes in the summer? Will that effect my chance of getting into MIT?
    Community Answer
    It depends upon what other credits you already have. You have to have a certain number of credits to get out of school. Check with your counselor. Getting through school earlier will probably not help, however.
  • Question
    Does participating in a high school band count as an extracurricular activity for an application to MIT?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does. Any activities or clubs count as extracurricular activities.
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