Q&A for How to Get Rid of Your Dog

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    I need to give away two dogs. I want to do it the best way possible. I don't have money to pay a shelter. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to neighbors, friends and family to see if anyone you know is interested. Some shelters do not require money to leave a dog there.
  • Question
    What if my ex girlfriend won't give me my dogs back?
    Community Answer
    Show her the adoption papers, provided you have them. If she still refuses it may be necessary to contact law enforcement. They will help as long as you can prove that the dogs legally belong to you.
  • Question
    Why would someone want to get rid of their dog?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, many people get a dog impulsively without considering the immense amount of responsibility that comes with owning a pet. Others may have encountered unfortunate life circumstances that have left them unable to properly care for a pet.
  • Question
    My dog was okay being left alone until I moved. Now she barks all the time. What can I do help her stop?
    Community Answer
    Your dog is probably anxious and confused because she has lost the sense of security that came with her familiar home and routine. She may need some time to get comfortable with the new home, and you may have to take steps to re-teach her to be okay with you leaving the house. See How to Manage Separation Anxiety in Older Dogs .
  • Question
    How do I find someone to take care of my dog when I can't take care of him anymore?
    Community Answer
    Give your dog to a trusted adoption center. Talk to your vet for a recommendation.
  • Question
    Should I get rid of my dog if it has bitten people (unprovoked) on two separate instances?
    Community Answer
    I would not recommend it. Instead, find a professional trainer who can work with both you and your dog to correct this behavior. Sometimes dogs need a professional hand to teach them how to behave properly, so don't give up just yet.
  • Question
    My family recently got a dog and I don't enjoy having the dog around. They refuse to give it up. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can give up your family or embrace the dog. Try spending some alone time with the dog and see if the two of you can bond a bit. Dogs are amazing in that they will do anything to please anyone that is part of their family. So give the dog a chance and see what happens.
  • Question
    I've trained my dog, but other people don't follow my training and encourage the dog's bad habits. How can I get rid of it?
    Community Answer
    If you're really determined to give up the animal, find a rescue organization or no-kill animal shelter and explain the problem to them. Someone there will likely be able to continue training your dog and find a permanent home for him/her.
  • Question
    Who can I call to come get my dog?
    Community Answer
    Your dog is your responsibility. You can't just call someone to "come get your dog". It doesn't work like that. You should learn how to train and care for your dog. If you cannot do that, call your local shelter and never get another dog.
  • Question
    My dad passed away and I need to find homes for his chihuahuas. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Post an ad on Craigslist or ask your local animal shelter if they can take them.
  • Question
    It's impossible to train my dog, and trainers cost way too much. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to learn more about dog behavior before deciding that it's time to give up. There are many free training resources online from trainers all over that might be helpful. Just be aware, not all resources are good, and not all training solutions fit every dog. If you're dealing with severe behavior problems, a trainer might be worth it to properly assess your dog and provide solutions. This is like trying to diagnose an illness using internet resources. Sometimes you need the help of a professional.
  • Question
    What can I do if my wife refuses to get rid of a dog that keeps attacking and killing other animals?
    Community Answer
    You could just keep the dog away from other animals. If you have no other pets at home, you can just keep the dog inside and only let the dog outside on a leash. If you don't have a fence around your yard, you could put a fence up. You can also see How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Dogs for training tips. How to Stop a Dog from Killing Squirrels also has some guidelines specific to this situation (you can apply the same tips to any animals, not just squirrels).
  • Question
    How do I stop my dog from chewing on walls?
    Community Answer
    Give it something to chew on, like a bone, a Kong toy, etc. You can also apply something bitter to the wall that the dog won't like the taste of. Check out How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Things it Shouldn't ; there's a lot of good advice in there.
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