Q&A for How to Get a Guy to Admit That He Likes You

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    How do you know if a guy likes you secretly?
    Mark Rosenfeld
    Dating & Relationship Coach
    Mark Rosenfeld is a Dating and Relationship Coach based in Norman Park, Australia. He founded his coaching business, Make Him Yours, in 2015. Mark specializes in helping women find, attract, and keep extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily, News.com.au, and The Good Men Project. Mark’s dating videos have received over 60 million views, and his book “Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating” was a best-seller on Amazon upon its release.
    Dating & Relationship Coach
    Expert Answer
    See if he initiates conversations with you—this is a huge sign that he enjoys spending time with you. Responsiveness and enthusiasm in the conversation are other signs that he may like you back.
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    What do I do if the guy I like doesn't like me?
    Mark Rosenfeld
    Dating & Relationship Coach
    Mark Rosenfeld is a Dating and Relationship Coach based in Norman Park, Australia. He founded his coaching business, Make Him Yours, in 2015. Mark specializes in helping women find, attract, and keep extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily, News.com.au, and The Good Men Project. Mark’s dating videos have received over 60 million views, and his book “Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating” was a best-seller on Amazon upon its release.
    Dating & Relationship Coach
    Expert Answer
    Create a really good impression when you're around them! For example, try to take your focus off him and put it on your friends instead.
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    What if he says he doesn't like you but then he really likes you? Also, how can you get him to tell you up front that he likes you?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    If he says he isn't into you, unfortunately, you've just got to take his word for it! Even if you suspect he's lying out of shyness or for some other reason, if he says he doesn't feel that way about you, there's really nothing to do besides respect that. If he comes around later and says he likes you after all, then yay! But until then, you might just have to carry on with life.
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    What do you do if you think that he likes you but he might like someone else?
    Community Answer
    Get one of your friends or his friends to ask him who he likes. It is completely normal for a guy to say "no one" or "someone" and not say a name. If you are feeling bold, then go for it! Tell him you like him! If you do tell him then be prepared that he may say he doesn't like you. Don't take it too personally if he does say he doesn't like you back, it is better to know than not know and have false hopes.
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