How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Get a Photographic Memory
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QuestionHow rare is a photographic memory?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThere’s not a lot of scientific evidence to support the popular notion of “photographic memory,” but eidetic memory occurs in about 2-10% of children. It’s less common in adults.
QuestionHow do you know if you have a photographic memory?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerLook at a picture for 30 seconds, then turn it over or look away from it. If you can still “see” the image clearly in your mind’s eye, with its original colors and details, you may have eidetic memory.
QuestionThe article mentions to read book but not fiction. Which type of books are preferred?Community AnswerYou could read autobiographies or any nonfiction you are interested in reading.
QuestionIs it true that some people are born with a photographic memory?Community AnswerIt is absolutely true that some people are born with a photographic memory. Nikola Tesla definitely had this ability, but he also had hallucinations and the ability to imagine things overlaid into his vision. Lots of people who are born with the ability of photographic memory also have the ability to overlay objects and memories into their vision. If you know what augmented reality is, where a computer draws a 3D image over real life objects in a live video stream, it is nearly the same thing. This is why they have such amazing creative and logical thinking abilities.
QuestionAssuming that I follow all these tips regularly, how long will it take to achieve such a skill?Community AnswerIt would take quite a few months, maybe even years, depending on the intensity with which you train your brain to develop a photographic memory.
QuestionCan I achieve an eidetic memory even if I am not born with it?Community AnswerYes, you absolutely can achieve an eidetic memory if you are not born with it. There are probably tons of people in the world who have achieved an eidetic memory. All you need is patience and motivation.
QuestionCan a 100 percent photographic memory be attained through these methods?Community AnswerMost likely not, as scientists are not sure that a 100% photographic memory is possible at all.
QuestionCan I have juice or soft drinks?Community AnswerYou can, but I'd personally recommend avoiding juices and soft drinks. They're filled with refined sugars which slow the rate of neural growth in the brain. You can consume these occasionally, but only in moderation.
QuestionDoes it run in families? My mom has a photographic memory, and I do, but my dad and sister don't. How can that happen?Community AnswerThere's really no hard science on photographic memories, so it's completely unknown whether or not it runs in families. That being said, what evidence is available does seem to indicate it could be genetic.
QuestionHow am I supposed to remember these tips?Community AnswerWrite them down on a peice of paper and take that paper everywhere you go. Read over it when you have time.
QuestionWhat if I can't remember?Community AnswerDon't let it get you down. Having a photographic memory is rare, and usually people are born with it. It is a tricky skill to learn, so just be happy you were made the way you are.
QuestionIf I follow these tips and it doesn't work, does that mean that some people can't learn it?Community AnswerUnfortunately, not everyone can develop a photographic memory, but that's okay! You should keep trying anyway; you might improve your memory somewhat either way.
QuestionHow do I know I have a photographic memory?Community AnswerThere are many tests available online for photographic memory, such as the one from Open University. If you wish to test yourself, all you need are a bunch of photographs (5-10) with many details. Throw all the photos on the floor and mix them around. Pick one photo and stare at it for 5 seconds, mix the photos again, choose a second photo and stare at it, and repeat until you have stared at all the photographs. Put the photos away and picture the first photo, with every major and minor detail (for example, that little kid dabbing in the background that you can hardly see). If you successfully recreated the photo, you have photographic memory.
QuestionIf someone has a photographic memory does that mean that once they've seen written information it will be automatically stored in their long term memory, or does the person need to make some effort to retain the information?Community AnswerPeople with a photographic memory won't be able to remember literally everything they see or read throughout the day. But if they're actually paying close attention, or intentionally trying to remember something, they will likely be able to recall it. So yes, there is effort involved.
QuestionCan I get eidetic memory using this method?Community AnswerUnlikely. Eidetic memory is typically found only in young children, and is incredibly rare in adults.
QuestionWhy could I have lost the photographic memory I had when I was little?Community AnswerOne reason could be you didn’t really have a photographic memory, just a knack for remembering things. You could also have not exercised your brain enough or have been doing things that block certain receptors in your brain having to do with memory.
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