Q&A for How to Get on and off a Ski Lift

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    What do I do if I fall off on a school ski trip?
    Community Answer
    If you are skiing with a school, there will be instructors there. One instructor typically goes first and one instructor goes last. If you fall off, the instructor will see that you've fallen off and he will get off the lift and ski back down the mountain with you. There's no way to fall off of a chairlift, except when you are getting on/off, but if you're really worried about that, tell your ski instructor and he/she will help you. They might even tell the person operating the lift to slow it down for you. Don't worry, people understand that you might be nervous and they will help you.
  • Question
    How do I get over the fear of falling off during unloading?
    Community Answer
    Be confident. Take a couple minutes to prepare before getting onto a lift. Go with a trusted friend or family member who has skied before. Remember to read all the signs on the way up, and follow all directions stated above.
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    What if I cannot reach the bar?
    Top Answerer
    Ask someone sitting next to you to bring down the restraining bar. If you are alone, ask the operator to stop your lift and ask them to put it down for you.
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    If I want to ask the operator something like slow it down, or stop, how do I do that?
    Community Answer
    You can ask them at the bottom and you can put your thumb down to slow down when getting to the top.
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    How do I not fall off if the chairlift does not have a safety bar?
    Community Answer
    The safety bar helps protect you if you drop something, etc. If you are sitting properly, you're not likely to fall off.
  • Question
    What should I do if I miss getting off the lift or gondola? Should I stay on?
    Community Answer
    If you miss getting off, the operator should stop the lift and help you get down.
  • Question
    What happens if a ski lift malfunctions?
    Liam D
    Community Answer
    The staff will work to get the chair running again, and if necessary, they may need to evacuate the lift.
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