Q&A for How to Get out of a Car Without Getting Shocked by Static Electricity

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    Even when I am out of the car and I open the door to go in the store, I get shocked.
    Community Answer
    Touch glass or another non-conductive part of the building to ground yourself slowly before you touch the metal. If this bothers you often, wear shoes with conductive soles (like leather).
  • Question
    Will covering my seats help?
    Community Answer
    Covering your seats with fitted covers made mostly of polyester does not stop the static. The best option is the anti-static laundry spray.
  • Question
    If I rub my feet really hard against the floor mats, then step out and immediately touch the door frame, will it shock me enough to restart my heart?
    Community Answer
    No, static shock will definitely not be able to restart your heart. There's too little current flowing.
  • Question
    I recently had some car repairs done, and I now get shocked when getting out of my car. Is it possible the mechanic did not ground the car?
    Community Answer
    The car would not run without the ground. They may have used a cleaner on the seats that is the cause.
  • Question
    What causes static electricity?
    Community Answer
    Static electricity is produced when two materials rub against each other, causing a build up of electrical charges. You can easily build up a static charge when different layers of clothing rub against each other, when your shoes make contact with carpet as you walk, or when you pull a synthetic jumper/sweater over your head.
  • Question
    Can I keep touching the metal buckle of the safety belt in the car to avoid getting shocks when I open the car door?
    Community Answer
    Static charge generates as you get up from the car seat. Open the door, touch the metal, then get up from your seat.
  • Question
    Is there some way to modify rubber soled shoes so they do not cause so much static buildup?
    Community Answer
    You could wrap a strip of copper sheeting or aluminum foil around one end of your shoe, so it touches both the ground and the top of the shoe.
  • Question
    How do cars get an electrical charge?
    Community Answer
    The rotation of rubber tires in combination with low air humidity and the wind/air passing over and around the automobile collecting negatively charged electrons or positively charged protons. If the tires are conductive they will slowly release the flow of excess negative electrons or excess positive protons to ground (neutral) to neutralize the difference in potential between the car and ground (earth).
  • Question
    Should I put tacks in the shoe soles to ground them?
    Community Answer
    You could, but car mats and carpet also act as an insulator. Therefore, it will not likely help reducing the potential difference between you and the car.
  • Question
    Can cotton prevent electric shocks from happening?
    Community Answer
    Cotton and leather are more or less neutral, so they do not tend to readily attract or give up electrons when they come in contact with other materials.
  • Question
    Why do I need to touch my car before pumping gas?
    Community Answer
    To release the static energy within your car. If you don't, there is a larger chance that the gas will ignite, starting a fire.
  • Question
    How powerful can static electricity get?
    Community Answer
    Voltage goes up to 30000V, but the current is weak in power, so no damage is done usually, just an unpleasant feeling of shock. Of course, pain is subjective, so some may find it more unpleasant an experience than others.
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