Q&A for How to Get to Heaven (Christianity)

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    If I am trying to improve and haven't done a lot of sins in a long time, am I still going to hell because I sinned in the past?
    Community Answer
    No matter how hard we work to improve our behavior, we can never (in heart and actions) be perfect enough to deserve a relationship with God and eternity in heaven with Him. That's why Jesus came: our sins have opened a massive chasm between us and God, and Jesus laid his life down across that chasm so we could be reconnected and cross over from death to life. You need to accept Jesus as your Savior, believing that he died on the cross to save your sins. Once you do that, you have God's forgiveness for all past and future sins. At that point, when he looks at you, God sees perfection because Jesus is in you. You are a new creation.
  • Question
    How can a Christian get closer to God?
    Community Answer
    Read the Bible, pray often and talk to God during prayer as you would a friend.
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    I really want to believe in Jesus, but I have a small doubt. How can I strengthen my faith?
    Community Answer
    You can strengthen your faith by reading the Bible, and praying for guidance. The Lord will give you answers to all your doubts.
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    How do I ask Jesus to save me?
    Community Answer
    Just pray in your mind or out loud. Try saying something like this: Dear God, I know I am a sinner and I want you to come into my heart and forgive my sins.
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    Is creativity a sin?
    Community Answer
    In and of itself? No. God, as the ultimate Creator, made us creative as a reflection of Him. Creativity can be used for evil purposes, but it is not intrinsically sinful.
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    Once I have accepted Jesus Christ as the savior and I have faith, does that mean I am saved and I can continue living a sinful lifestyle without feeling bad about it?
    John Dufresne
    Community Answer
    No. In the Bible it says we are supposed to live each day through Christ, imitating his good works and doing the best we can for ourselves and others. You must pray each day for the wisdom and strength to avoid sinful acts. Do not give the devil a foothold.
  • Question
    I have lied lots of times and I can't stop. Am I going to hell?
    John Dufresne
    Community Answer
    First you need to believe that Jesus died for us on the cross to clear our sins. You have to ask him for forgiveness and that he comes into your heart and shows you the correct way to tell the truth. Being true to yourself and others is how it is mentioned in the bible and this is the way we need to live as Christians. Read the bible and do your best each day to live thru Christ.
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    What if I do not go to church?
    Community Answer
    He will forgive you, but you should go to church and seek the Body of Christ and forgiveness.
  • Question
    If I never go to church, but I am still Christian who doesn't sin, am I still going to hell?
    Community Answer
    It is impossible to have no sins. It is best for a believer to join a congregation at a church, because staying true to the faith is nearly impossible on your own. But you first need to admit you are a sinner and that Jesus is the only one who can save you from your sins.
  • Question
    Are we living in sin?
    Community Answer
    Yes, everyone is a sinner. It's part of being human.
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    If I kill myself, will I go to hell?
    Community Answer
    It's a matter of what you believe. Most Christian sects believe killing oneself means turning away from God's light and His plan for you, and results in hell. Please know that it gets better, and do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There is help available.
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    How do I act if I'm annoyed and angry with my siblings?
    Community Answer
    Pray to God to give you guidance. In the meantime, be nice to them. The Bible says to love everyone and to turn the other cheek. Revenge isn't what Christ wants, as He loves everyone and expects us to love each other.
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    How do I ask in a sincere to God way to be saved and wash my sins away every time I do something bad?
    Community Answer
    All people do many bad things, even though some self deceive about their perfection. Bad things include neglecting others, failing to care about an animal, not spending time on a hobby, putting work before family right up to stealing and lying, so the range is very wide! We could never ask God to forgive us each time. When you ask God to save you, He forgives all the sins you have done (apart from harming his precious creations), and every sin you will do. God knows what will happen in the future.
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    I do not have the Bible, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can read the Bible online or with an app for free, or you can buy one at a bookstore. You could also check out a Bible from the public library.
  • Question
    Do I have to follow all the rules in the Bible so I can go to Heaven?
    Peyton Carter
    Community Answer
    Well, yes. Try your absolute hardest to obey the Ten Commandments. But when you sin, as everyone does, you should sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness.
  • Question
    I have depression and gender identity problems. If I never told anyone about this, is it still a lie? And is being transgender okay? I'll never have any romantic interests in my life and I know that man must not lie with man.
    Community Answer
    Do not worry, God loves everyone and forgives their sins. Christianity is not here to judge and ridicule you, but to help you in a walk with Jesus Christ. Learn from the Bible by reading it on your own and with other Christians, then you may be able to find an answer to your questions yourself.
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    What does God and Jesus want me to do for them
    Community Answer
    God and Jesus just wants you. Your love. Your relationship. He wants you! The king of the world wants you and loves you! They want you to be saved and to live your life for Them. Read the Bible for more information on the Living God.
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    How did people of the old testament attain Heaven without Jesus?
    Community Answer
    According to tradition, while he was dead for 3 days, Jesus went to the realm of the dead to preach the good news to them. But if you don't believe that, perhaps you can believe that God is God and therefore stands outside time and space and can therefore bring Jesus' redemptive action to work at any time and anywhere he wishes. Faith is a wonderful thing.
  • Question
    If I listen to a lot of rap music with bad words, but don't sing them, will I go to hell or have I sinned?
    Community Answer
    You're letting that stuff get into your head, and eventually you might find it coming out of your mouth. That is why God asks for you to meditate on the pure things, what is decent and good. It won't send you to hell, but don't throw God to the curb for the things of the world.
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    I went to church before but I haven't been in a while. Will I go to Hell?
    Community Answer
    No, but it is important to go to church, so you should start up again.
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    I am a Christian who has stolen and lied. Am I going to hell?
    Community Answer
    You must repent, if you don't, and continue your lifestyle of sinning, then God won't want any sinners near the Holy Spirit. So,you have to repent, apologize. Give your life to God, and don't sin to guarantee a spot in heaven.
  • Question
    Do I still have to pray after accepting Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you do. If you are truly a Christian, you will want to talk to Him every day. Tell Him how your day was. Pray for others. Thank Him for what he has done. Continue in your relationship. You can't just keep living your life like before. Read the Bible, go to a good church, and pray!
  • Question
    I love God and pray, but I have never gotten baptized. Will I still go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you will. The thief on the cross beside Jesus went to heaven, and he was never baptized. He simply believed that Jesus was the son of God who died for his sins. Salvation is that simple. Baptism is simply an outward expression of your dedication to Christ.
  • Question
    Will God punish me even if I have been forgiven?
    Community Answer
    If you mean punish you eternally, no. Jesus made a way for you to go to Heaven to be with Him and the Father when He sacrificed himself on the cross. God does sometimes allow us to experience the natural consequences of our bad choices, however.
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    Is it a sin to be a left handed person?
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    I run a Christian account, and a girl who lives in Gambia asked me how to become a Christian. Later she said she accepted Jesus, but now her family is hungry and needs a lot of money. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You could research local resources in her area for help, or send her information to organizations in your area that do outreach. This way, her family and herself, can be properly vetted. Do not send her your own money, you have no way of verifying who she actually is. Keep her in prayer though, truthful or not, Jesus is still the answer to all.
  • Question
    I don't go to church, I don't really read the Bible, I celebrate Halloween. But I worship God, I love God. I am brutally honest, and I am always disrespectful to my mom. Will I go to hell?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you keep that up. Talk to your mom about buying you a Bible and talk to her about going to church every Sunday. Learn to be more respectful of your mother - God commands this. Also, people use the term "brutally honest" as an excuse to be rude and obnoxious, so you might want to reevaluate your actions there as well. No one likes people who are "brutally" anything.
  • Question
    Do atheists go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    An atheist can not enter heaven while keeping their current beliefs, and would not believe in the concept of heaven and hell. Should they convert to Christianity and keep with the teachings and beliefs, then they would be able to go to heaven.
  • Question
    If I write pornography, am I a sinner?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I think writing pornography would be considered a sin.
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    If I do all this just because I want to go to heaven, will I go to hell since my motives are wrong?
    Community Answer
    Wanting to go to heaven also means you want an eternal relationship with God. And even if you have skewed motives now the more you pursue God, the less skewed your motives will be.
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