How to Learn to Say No
Q&A for How to Illustrate a Book
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QuestionHow do I scan my drawing into the computer?Community AnswerGet a scanner or printer. You can get some pretty cheap off of Amazon or from Staples. Save the drawing and then do whatever you want with it. If you already have a scanner and you don't know hot to use it, search for the instructions online. If you're on a budget, you can just take a picture of your drawing.
QuestionIf I'm the artist, what medium do I use for the art? I am a painter; do I need to paint it on paper vs. canvas?Kim GTop AnswererYou can use whatever medium best suits you. As long is your original artwork is in a format that can be represented in a book, there should be no problem using canvas.
QuestionIf I'm publishing a book on Amazon, do I just place an image on the front for the cover?Community AnswerYes, but try to be creative. Find something that fits the book.
QuestionHow do I get the illustration on the cover of the book?Community AnswerSubmit your illustrations to the publisher.
QuestionIf I'm choosing a photo to be on the cover of my book, can I just look something up on the internet and use it or do I have to get permission?TorpiTop AnswererMost of the time you will have to get permission. Some websites sell images you can buy and use however you like, and others offer public-domain artwork that just anyone can use for free. If there is nothing obvious indicating that this is the case, however, assume you need permission. In most countries, copyright applies automatically, even if there is no copyright notice and the copyright is not formally registered.
QuestionIs it okay for a book cover illustration to be black and white?SirenCommunity AnswerOf course, it's your book. And if you think that it looks better in black and white, then keep it like that. There are many books out there with black and white covers. There are even covers out there in black and white but with a small amount of colour to make something eye catching.
QuestionHow can I illustrate by computer without using physical paintings or drawings?RainyTop AnswererThere are digital art programs you can use. Try ibisPaint, FireAlpaca, GIMP, MS Paint, or Adobe Photoshop.
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