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Q&A for How to Install Windows XP
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QuestionHow do I install Windows on a drive other than C:?Community AnswerOn the Choose Drive option, you should see your other drives. You can format them or erase their partitions so you can install Windows to those.
QuestionCan I install Windows XP without being connected to the internet?Tjbotha41Community AnswerYes, you can, if you have the install disk or a bootable flash drive for Windows XP.
QuestionCan we do Windows 7 and Windows XP in a single computer and have a common hard disk?Community AnswerYou can. Just identify which partition has Windows 7, and don't install XP on it.
QuestionWhat are some examples of operating systems?Community AnswerWindows Provide, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2003 Server Edition, Windows 2008 Server Edition, Windows 2013 Server Edition. Linux and Macintosh are also operating systems.
QuestionWhat do I do if my computer is not starting Windows XP?Community AnswerWhen it attempts to start up, press the Del key or F9 and see if it goes into safe mode.
QuestionCan I use my phone to format a computer?Community AnswerNo, you cannot.
QuestionDoes it work for Windows 10?Community AnswerNo. If you try to install XP on Windows 10, You will get a BSOD after setup tries to load Windows.
QuestionHow do I install Windows Vista?George jnrCommunity AnswerBoot into a thumb drive of CD using power iso, then make it your first boot order and install.
QuestionHow do I format the C drive only, leaving all the other drives alone?AcyclistTop AnswererGo to "run" then type either "MS-DOS prompt" or "command prompt" and then type "cd .." until on the screen the next line just shows "C:\" then type "format C:\".
QuestionHow to Install Windows XP Using Pen Drive?Community AnswerThere are a few programs for that; I recommend Rufus. Go to the BIOS and set the boot option to "+usb storage."
QuestionHow do I activate Windows XP without Internet?Alpha ElectroCommunity AnswerFollow the same steps as you did to install WIndows XP before. When you get to the part that asks for you to activate Windows, select the "No, remind me to activate Windows every few days." Keep in mind that you have 30 days to use Windows before activation is required.
QuestionWhen I'm installing Windows XP in my computer, my computer is not able to search previous version of Windows. So what should I do?Community AnswerIf you are running on Macintosh or Linux, look for software that will let you run multiple Os's. If you are on Windows, hit the Windows Key and R and then type "dxdiag" and follow instructions from there.
QuestionHow can I install Windows XP without a product key?Community AnswerYou cannot install Windows XP without a product key. This is a built-in anti-piracy function and there is no way around it.
QuestionHow can I get a valid product key?Community AnswerYou can't anymore. Microsoft dropped all support for Windows XP in April of 2014. This includes update and activation servers. The only thing they've done to acknowledge its existence since then is to release a patch for the nefarious WannaCry virus that went around a couple months ago.
QuestionWhy should I ignore the message "press any key to boot from CD" and what will happen if I don't ignore it?Community AnswerIt will start the setup all over again and possibly screw something up when copying files to the disk again.
QuestionWhat would happen if I tried to install Windows XP on a computer that doesn't have the right system requirements?Community AnswerWindows might be slower but you'll be able to use it, as long as you are not installing it from a computer that is designed for Windows 1.0.
QuestionI keep on trying to install Windows XP through USB but it never goes to boot page. How to make a proper bootable pendrive?AcyclistTop AnswererMake sure first that the program you're using to write the Windows XP image to the USB has a UEFI bootable setting on it. This will make the USB stick bootable. If your current program doesn't have this, Rufus is an example of a program that does have this setting. Second, if you restart your computer and go into the boot menu (normally pressing F8 or F10), change the boot order of your computer so that it looks for a bootable USB first before checking to boot of the hard drive.
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