Q&A for How to Invite a Friend Over

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    What happens if I have a pair of friends fighting to go to my place?
    Community Answer
    Can they both come over? If you're only allowed to have one friend over at a time, choose one and tell the other friend they can come over next time. If the problem is that your friends don't like each other, try to help them work out their problems. Find something they have in common, a game or activity they both like for example, and convince them to play together.
  • Question
    How do you invite someone over if you're awkward or have a crush on them?
    Community Answer
    Just act normal and invite him over for an innocent get together. Be yourself and talk normally, act normally and don't say anything related to relationships.
  • Question
    What if I'm afraid she will say no?
    Community Answer
    You want to regret the things you did in life, not regret the things you didn't do. You should just go for it. If she says no, ask why later. It could be because of a scheduling conflict, not necessarily because she doesn't like you or want to hang out.
  • Question
    What if my friend is scared of my parents?
    Community Answer
    Ask them why, and then convince them that your parents aren't scary. Ask your parents to be extra nice and welcoming when your friend comes over.
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    How can I convince my parents to invite someone over for dinner?
    Community Answer
    Describe the person in very positive terms and talk about how much fun you will all have together at dinner.
  • Question
    I got a new house and want to invite people to see it, but I never did anything thing like this before. What should I do, and what do I need?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Set a date, think of some drinks and snacks to serve. Make a list of people you would like to invite, even if they don't know each other. Then be honest and positive with them; say: "Hey! I've never really done this before, but I would love to invite you to my new place and hope you would like that."
  • Question
    What do I do when my friend gets bored?
    Community Answer
    Ask your friend if they would like to play a board game, take a walk to the park, or watch a movie. If they don't want to do any of these things, ask them what activity they would prefer.
  • Question
    What if I am not close to that friend but I want to invite her?
    Community Answer
    Try inviting a small group (two to six people) so that she feels more comfortable about coming to vist and is more likely to accept. This should make you closer. Also, by inviting a smaller group she will feel that you do consider her as a close friend.
  • Question
    When is best time to invite a friend to my house?
    Community Answer
    If you have a close relationship with the person, then any time is good. If the person is of the opposite gender, then you need to talk with your parents first and get their permission.
  • Question
    My friend wants to come over, but she said she can't be bothered. What should I do to make her come over?
    Community Answer
    If she doesn't want to come over, she can't be forced, but maybe try meeting up somewhere fun or doing something fun.
  • Question
    My friends say bad words, but I am not allowed to. How do I get them to not say bad words in front of my parents?
    Community Answer
    My parents were the exactly the same. Tell your friends directly, "If you guys cuss around my parents, they might not let you guys come over anymore." That worked for me, but I did have to tell my friends multiple times to cut it out.
  • Question
    What is a good time to invite your friends over but not serve lunch or supper?
    Community Answer
    After 8pm, I suppose, but you should still have a snack on hand.
  • Question
    What can I do if my friend doesn't get along with my parents?
    Community Answer
    When your friend comes over, make sure your parents are not home. If your friend and your parents don't get along, it's probably best to avoid bringing your friend to your house. Maybe you should go to her house, or find another location to meet.
  • Question
    What if I ask my friend to come over but she doesn't want to?
    Community Answer
    That's okay. Sometimes people just have other stuff going on. You could always invite a different friend over and hang out with your friend that's busy some other time.
  • Question
    Do I show them around or just hang out?
    Community Answer
    Show them around a bit first so they won't get lost, then you guys can hang out together.
  • Question
    My friend says that she is going to hang with her cousin and our other friend in the summer. How can I ask her to come over when she can?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Say, "I so look forward to spending time with you this summer. I can make it on these days [list of days]. When will you be free?"
  • Question
    How can I tell a friend that I won't be able to come to the block party at her new house?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The format is: announce you have bad news, tell her how bad you feel, let her know you can't make it, (optional) tell her why, and ask for a new date. E.g. "Oh no, I just found out I can't make it to the block party! Now I won't get to see your new house. Are you free on Tuesday? Please say yes, I wanna see you."
  • Question
    How do I get invited to their house?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you could invite them to your house first, and then when they're leaving say something like, "We should do this again, maybe next time at your house?"
  • Question
    What if the person I want to have over already has plans?
    Community Answer
    Invite them over for another time and choose a different friend to have over while your other friend is busy.
  • Question
    I want to go to my friend's house but I don't want to be rude by inviting myself over. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should invite your friend over first. Then she or he will probably invite you over to return the favor.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my old bff still likes me?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to them and go from there.
  • Question
    What should I do with my friends if my house is small and I don't have much to do?
    Community Answer
    You could go hang out somewhere else, or you could meet at your house and go for a walk to the park, etc.
  • Question
    When I invite friends over my parents and siblings sometimes embarrass me in front of them. WHat should I do?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps it's best to find a day that your parents and sibling aren't home, so they can't embarrass you.
  • Question
    There's a friend from school I want to invite over to my house over the break. However, I can't be sure he'll respond to my emails, and I can't text. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Email him. If, after a few days, he doesn't reply, go ahead and approach him in real life. He surely can't ignore you like that.
  • Question
    I have a new house and I want to invite some friends over. How do I show them around the house but not seem like I'm bragging?
    Community Answer
    Just say: "Here is tour of my house, enjoy!" Just take them around the house and show them and don't say anything extra, other than things like: "If you need the bathroom, use this one"; "If you want snacks, get them from here", and "This is my room, enjoy!".
  • Question
    I want to invite my friend over to my new house. If there is boxes everywhere, is that okay, or should we unpack completely? Would it be too awkward if there are a few boxes?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about the boxes. As long as you're unpacked enough so that way you can maneuver around the house easily and there are things that you can do, there shouldn't be a problem.
  • Question
    I have a few friends I want to invite over, and I think we will have fun, but there is this girl doesn't talk that they want to invite. I don't know if she'll be fun. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    A lot of the times the quiet people are just a little shy or awkward, that doesn't mean they're not fun. I think you should give her a chance, especially if all your friends like her. Just make sure she feels included in whatever you guys are doing, and she'll probably open up and be less quiet.
  • Question
    I want to invite my friends over, but I'm afraid their parents won't let them come because our parents don't know each other. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask them if they think they'd be allowed! You could always ask your parents to call their parents, or to be home when your friends get dropped off so the parents can meet that way.
  • Question
    What if it's the first time I'm hanging out with my new friend outside of school?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    One tip is to end the hanging-out-time relatively quickly. At first it may be a bit awkward, but you'll soon get into the swing of things. Go home before the phase of awkward silence starts. Leave the friend a bit hungry, not entirely satisfied by your social interaction. Then, a few days later, do it again.
  • Question
    My friend refused my invitation to come to my house. She says we should only go to her house. What can I do to change her mind?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    This is not too big a deal. The important thing is to spend time together. If she feels better meeting at her place, then why not, go for it. You can also work in some "but I like my place, too" somewhere. Or keep that for the future. "Oh OK, fun! But one of these days I'd really like to show you my house, too."
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