Q&A for How to Join Delta Force

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  • Question
    How do I join Delta Force if I'm a citizen in of country?
    Community Answer
    To join Delta Force you must also be a citizen in the United States and be enlisted in the U.S. Army.
  • Question
    How long is the training for Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    7 to 8 months to be exact, including selection and the operator qualification courses.
  • Question
    What specifically should I do to help me get to Delta?
    Community Answer
    Most Delta come from the Special Forces (Green Beret) so get into Special Forces. Most Special Forces come from Rangers or have at least gone through Ranger school. Other important qualities include: being very physically fit, being "trainable" - i.e listening carefully and asking smart questions, learning to think outside the box/on your feet. It's important to be disciplined but not too regimented in your thinking. Find ways to make yourself stand out, maybe you were a great Eagle Scout, track star, etc.
  • Question
    What kind of college degree would help me get into Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    One way to move up the chain is by going to West Point. Taking ROTC programs at colleges that offer them can help you start at a higher rank. No amount of school will get you in D company.
  • Question
    Can officers join Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    Yes. However, officers are held to a much higher standard than regular infantry, both physically and mentally. They're usually the ones tasked with being the leaders of their respective training groups. They need to have excellent leadership skills as well as be the most dedicated and motivated soldiers throughout training. Any failure in upholding these standards and you will not be given entry into Delta Force.
  • Question
    If a person is selected from a different branch of the military, what are his opportunities for advancement?
    Community Answer
    Delta Force promotes equally based on attitude, leadership, self-motivation and experience in any U.S. Special Force such as the Rangers or SEAL.
  • Question
    I'm overweight but determined. Can I still be in Delta?
    Community Answer
    You won't make it in any branch of the military being overweight. There are some thicker guys that make it, but it all depends on how good of shape you're in. The more weight you're carrying, the more likely it is that your knees won't hold up during training. Go on a diet, exercise your butt off, then join. Only a very few make D company.
  • Question
    If I go to West Point for four years after high school and join the SEALS as an officer, would it be possible afterwords to become Delta?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Delta recruits from all branches of the US Military.
  • Question
    Do I have to be part of the military to join the Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Delta only takes people who have already been in a special force, like Army Rangers, Green Berets, etc.
  • Question
    Can I be in the Delta Force and the Navy SEALs at the same time?
    Community Answer
    No. The Navy SEALs are part of the Naval special forces unit, and the Delta force is the Army's counter terrorism group. You cannot be a part of two different military branches.
  • Question
    Is Delta Force the same as the SAS?
    Community Answer
    The SAS are British Special Forces, and Delta Force are US Special Forces. They are similar, but from different countries. The SAS also do bodyguarding and are much harder to join.
  • Question
    If I am 18 and pass the SFAS and SFQS, can I go to Delta Selections?
    Community Answer
    Definitely not. You'd have to be top notch. Twenty-two is the age requirement.
  • Question
    If I join MARSOC as an officer, would I still be eligible to join Delta?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Delta Force recruits from all special forces. If you are an officer, you will be held to much higher standards for assessment and selection.
  • Question
    Can females join the Force?
    Community Answer
    Women are not allowed to be Special Forces Operators and therefore cannot be a member of SFOD-D. Having said that, however, they can call their branch manager and request to be attached in a support role within their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty).
  • Question
    How do I become a reserve police officer?
    Community Answer
    First determine if you want to be an officer or deputy. Then decide if you want to stay a volunteer or eventually become full time. Then figure out how far you are willing to travel each time for work. Do you have special skills like computers, medical, other languages, etc.? Go on a ride along with agencies you think you might want to work for. Some larger agencies have their own training program, smaller ones don't, so look at community colleges for training.
  • Question
    Why are females not allowed to join?
    Community Answer
    Right now, the Army ordinarily does't allow women in combat roles, although in 2018 (or 2017), two women qualified for, and were accepted into, the Army Rangers. "Combat role" isn't just battlefield. It's any mission where the personnel are required to be combat-trained. Also, physical requirements and training in general are tougher than what most soldiers are likely to need in combat, giving some flexibility for differences between men and women. For Delta, requirements are far greater, and operators are virtually certain to routinely be in situations that are as tough or tougher than the training maximum.
  • Question
    Do I have the opportunity to try out for Delta if I am in the National Guard?
    Community Answer
    No, you must be active duty and have at least 2 years left on your contract.
  • Question
    If I join the Marines, could I become part of the Delta Force? Would it be harder if I joined the Marines than if I joined the SEALs or the Army?
    Jaxton Prashant Seedarnee
    Community Answer
    Honestly, it depends on the situation. Ask a Task Force Delta Ranger; I am sure he would give a very detailed answer.
  • Question
    Can I join Delta Force if I have a GED?
    Community Answer
    No, you have to have a high school diploma. The Marines will barely let you in with a GED.
  • Question
    Can I try out for Delta Force if I joined the Marines first?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Delta has Marines. You can always transfer to the army but you'll be behind on promotion. Most Marines in Delta stay Marines (and after speaking to a former Marine, they stay in Delta until retirement).
  • Question
    What kind of weight training is necessary to join Delta Force? I am a teen and I am really thin.
    Community Answer
    Its okay to be thin. When I went through BUD/S, I was one of the smallest guys in the class but I was also working out a lot doing cardio. In SO and SF programs, the number one thing that helps is doing cardio and embracing the grind. These type of programs are marathons, not sprints.
  • Question
    Can I apply for Delta Force if I've been in the Navy for years?
    Community Answer
    They accept applications from all personnel in the US Military and on rare occasions outside military SOF units. If you are not in a combat arms job, go to BUD/S, get a deployment or two in, then seek DEVGRU or Delta.
  • Question
    Has there ever been a women in the Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    No, you must be male to join. Most women who join Special Forces, like Rangers, don't even make it into the Rangers.
  • Question
    Can I still join if I'm British?
    Community Answer
    You'll need to be a American Citizen in order to join Delta Force. Most importantly you will need to enlist for the U.S. army for 4 years to join the Delta Force.
  • Question
    Can a police officer join Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    You must join the military first, but your police background may help with selection and training.
  • Question
    How long can I serve in Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    Probably about 4–10 years. Delta operators will often be older, in their mid 30s. They have gone airborne, ranger battalion and/or SF. If they have done all three they will be early thirties, retiring in their late thirties.
  • Question
    Can I apply if I have served in the royal marines for 8 years and have US citizenship?
    Community Answer
    You would need to enlist in the US military, obtain security clearance, and pursue a pathway to join.
  • Question
    Can an enlisted Marine join Delta Force?
    Community Answer
    No. The reason is that Marines are Marines, and Delta Force are soldiers. Enlisted soldiers can join Delta Force though.
  • Question
    Does Delta Force select from the Marine Raiders?
    Top Answerer
    No. SFOD-D is an Army unit, which means you must be in the army -- even if you're MARSOC.
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