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Q&A for How to Keep Fishing Worms Alive for Fishing
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QuestionHow do you build a worm bed?Community AnswerCheck out this article on building a worm bed from scratch: However, you can also purchase a plastic tub to use instead.
QuestionWhat is the best temperature for worms in a refrigerator?Community AnswerBetween 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 37 degrees Fahrenheit keeps the worms maintained and happy.
QuestionWhat are "coffee grounds"?Community AnswerThe “ground” coffee beans that are left in the filter after a pot of coffee is brewed.
QuestionWhat should you feed worms to keep them alive?Community AnswerYou can put the worms in a bag of dirt and mulch. This is what worms usually eat in their natural environment.
QuestionI have my worms in a refrigerator. When I check on them, they are climbing up the sides and escaping through the lid. What am I doing wrong?Community AnswerTape the lid down. It will make it harder for them to escape.
QuestionHow do I know if the worms are dead?Community AnswerThey will not be moving if they're dead. If you're unsure just by looking at them, try picking one up and squeezing it gently. If it still doesn't move, it's dead.
QuestionHow do I know if worms are alive?Community AnswerIf worms are alive, then they will wiggle around or show other signs of movement.
QuestionWhat temperature should I set the refrigerator to maintain the fishing worms?Community AnswerYou might want to leave it around 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower to freeze them.
QuestionCan I keep my worms in a small can? Will my worms mate?Micaela LittleCommunity AnswerIf you keep your worms in a small container they might not have enough room and they might die. Your worms might mate but it matters about the space. They need enough space to have their baby worms and to thrive.
QuestionHow do I mail worms safely?Community AnswerCheck with your local post office to find out about any rules/procedures required to mail worms. It would be best to use a 1-2 day shipping service. Place the worms in soil in a small, semi porous container (something like a paper coffee cup) with a small ice pack next to it. Put that in a slight larger container and make sure that it is insulated. Mark on the box that you intend to ship the worms that it is perishable and to keep the box upright.
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