Q&A for How to Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

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    How do I text better?
    Joshua Pompey
    Relationship Expert
    Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert and Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking (NEM) based in New York City, NY. With over 15 years in the industry, Joshua helps his clients navigate online dating and has a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.
    Relationship Expert
    Expert Answer
    Reduce romantic tension by cutting back on any verbal or non-verbal flirting you might be doing. As you get more comfortable, you can start flirting with them.
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    How do I make texting interesting?
    Joshua Pompey
    Relationship Expert
    Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert and Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking (NEM) based in New York City, NY. With over 15 years in the industry, Joshua helps his clients navigate online dating and has a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.
    Relationship Expert
    Expert Answer
    Avoid asking everyday questions, such as "What's up?" or "How are you?" since they don't keep the conversation going.
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    What if you’ve been dating for a couple of days and you guys have talked for hours on end? What do I do if I want to keep talking to him? What are other things I can ask him if I’m in middle school?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Think about some topics he’s interested in, or something that you both have in common. Piquing his interest is a great way to get a conversation going, and can help you learn even more about him in the process.
  • Question
    How do I get a conversation going with a guy I like?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Ask some open-ended questions! These are questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer, and can really get him talking about his life. You can play it safe with something like “What are your plans for the weekend,” or ask something a little more random and fun, like, “If you could be president for a day, what would you do?”
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    How do I respond to a boy who I know likes me, because he has hugged me and put his hand on my knee?
    Community Answer
    Well, it depends on whether you like him back. If you do, then compliment him, or flirt and joke with him. You can also subtly touch him by fixing his hair or his shirt. If you don't like him, it's best to be honest and tell him you don't have romantic feelings for him.
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    How can I maintain a funny conversation with my guy friend so he does not get bored?
    Community Answer
    Keep a running monologue, if you need to. Talk about your life, ask him questions, tease him, tell jokes.
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    What do you do if there is an awkward silence and you have run out of things to say?
    Community Answer
    You could make a joke about the awkwardness, or you could just smile and ride it out.
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    How do I make a guy feel better about himself?
    Community Answer
    Compliment him. Tell him what you like about his personality, mention any special talents he has, tell him he's special to you, etc.
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    How do I know when it's the right time to kiss him?
    Community Answer
    Once you know him well, and you are sure that he likes you too, try to get closer to him with small gestures. Sit close, hold hands, lean against him, look into his eyes, etc. Then when it feels right, go ahead and kiss him.
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    How do I reply to a text when the feelings we have for each other are mutual?
    Community Answer
    Act like yourself. You can show him your feelings through the things you say, but it's a good thing to keep the distance at a good level.
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    How do I get to know a guy off of social media without seeming too weird?
    Community Answer
    Just be yourself. Ask him questions like what's his favorite color, tell him what you like, and try to be funny if you can.
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    How can I be more sociable with a boy I like?
    Community Answer
    Find out his interests, and ask him about them. Text/PM him and ask how his day is going. Find reasons to be places he'll be to run into him.
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    What do men think if the girl talks a lot during a date?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    People almost never think what you think they think, so don't worry too much about what your date is thinking if you do this or say that. If you go too far down this road, you'll get suffocated by thinking of all the possible reactions he might have. Just relax, be yourself, and talk as much or as little as you like. Personally, when I date, I kinda like it when she's into the conversation and puts in the effort to keep things going. Finally, it's also a test to see if he's strong enough to take charge of the conversation, too.
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    How do I respond if a boy holding my hands in public?
    Community Answer
    If you like him, smile and keep acting normal. If not, walk ahead of him to point at something and hurry up to that spot, or just remove your hand and keep your hands busy.
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    How do I get a guy to start the conversation in social media?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about who starts the conversation. Just ask them something you think they will find engaging, like their opinion about a recent event, a hobby you know they are interested in, etc. If he enjoys chatting with you, he will be more likely to start the conversation next time.
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    How can I keep a conversation going on a social network?
    Community Answer
    Just try saying really cool and interesting things so everyone will get hooked in.
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    How do I get a guy to call after we've been texting?
    Community Answer
    Ask him what he's doing, say you have something to tell him that's too long to say in text, and then ask him to call you. Of course, you'll have to actually have a story planned to tell him when he does call.
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