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Q&A for How to Keep the Conversation Flowing with a Girl (for Guys)
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QuestionWhat is a good conversation starter?Eddy Baller is a Dating Coach and the Owner of a dating consulting and coaching service, Conquer and Win, based in Vancouver, Canada. Coaching since 2011, Eddy specializes in confidence building, advanced social skills, and relationships. Conquer and Win helps men worldwide have the love lives they deserve. His work has been featured in The Art of Manliness, LifeHack, and POF among others.Mention something in their immediate surroundings. For example, if you're at a grocery store and someone is looking at the shelves, ask them if they have recommendations or tell them about your favorite brand.
QuestionI can't afford coffee, so what should I offer instead?Community AnswerIt's not what you can afford -- it's what company you have to offer. Invite the girl out on a walk, or do something that doesn't necessarily have a budget attached to it. This may be refreshing for both you and her.
QuestionShe says she love me, but when I try to hold her hand she pulls away, and when I try to kiss her she smile, laughs and pulls away.Community AnswerShe's probably playing hard to get, especially if she's laughing about it. If she turns serious, and tells you "no," "stop," etc., definitely stop whatever you're doing. But it sounds like she's just shy and teasing you a little. Take things slow, but keep trying.
QuestionHow to keep a conversation flowing if the girl is really shy?Community AnswerTake the pressure off her to carry the conversation by sharing a lot about yourself and just occasionally asking questions to keep her engaged. It will take time for a shy girl to open up, so be prepared to be patient and put in a lot of work initially.
QuestionWhat if the girl is not interested in me?Community AnswerThen be polite and friendly anyway, because she is a human being with value. But don't feel the need to drag the conversation out or go into much depth. You want to invest yourself in conversations with people where the interest is mutual.
QuestionWhat if she doesn't like to talk to me before I start a conversation?Nizz358Community AnswerYou will never know until you try, so give it a try and see what happens.
QuestionHow do I know she loves me? We are friends, but she keeps on telling her other girlfriends and people around that I am the most important person to her.Community AnswerNot sure what more you need to infer. You could always just ask her at the appropriate time, like after a good dinner together, or after a movie together.
QuestionWhat should I do if I ask for her number and she says no?Community AnswerYou need to respect a woman's decision when she says no to you and stop asking. However, you could stay friends with her and try to get to a point where she feels more comfortable with you. At that point, you could ask for her number again. If she says no again though, then it's probably best to just give up.
QuestionWhat if you run out of things to say to a girl?Community AnswerSince most people find it easy to talk about themselves, ask her questions she can't respond with a simple 'yes' or 'no.' Remember, if you feel like you run out of things to say, if the girl really likes you, she will appreciate what you have to say, no matter what.
QuestionI told my friend about my crush and it got around to her. This might make our conversation awkward. How can I talk to her to get to know her better?Community AnswerJust treat her like you would any other friend, someone you want to get to know better. Say "Hi," ask her how her day is, how school is going, what she's doing after school, etc. Just keep the conversation on a friendship level for now and then see where it goes.
QuestionI met a girl kind of by accident; she is super laid back. We had a great time hanging out a week ago, but I'm afraid of being over the top or the opposite and not showing enough interest. We have been texting. What should I do?Pamela RoodeCommunity AnswerYou must call sometimes. Don't just text her. It is super annoying to only get a text.
QuestionWhat if the girl started the conversation?Nila LCommunity AnswerEngage yourself in the conversation. If she started the conversation, then she must want to talk to you. If you like her (as a friend or as a love interest), then you should show her that you want to talk to her too! You can follow the tips in this article regardless of who started the conversation.
QuestionWhat if I am incredibly shy and mostly talk online?Community AnswerIt's not a crime to be shy around new people but try to get out more and don't be afraid. Just get out there and try. Trying won't hurt and it's not the end of the world if it doesn't work every time.
QuestionHow can I start a conversation with a girl if I am shy?Community AnswerTry starting up a conversation with her about something you have in common. Ask open-ended questions to keep the convo flowing.
QuestionHow can I approach the girl that tried to invite me into a conversation?Nizz358Community AnswerSmile, greet her, and start a conversation if she doesn't start it first.
QuestionThe conversation is just me asking questions, and her answering them. It's like a game of 20 questions! Any advice?Community AnswerNext time dont start the conversation. Let her initiate and talk first. If things are always one-sided, it may be a sign that she's not very interested in talking to you.
QuestionHow do I impress and talk to a girl who is my classmate?Nizz358Community AnswerTry finding out what she's into and go talk about topics that she'd be interested in, or just go and talk about what's going on in the class you're in.
QuestionWhat if the girl told me she has a boyfriend but I'm still very interested?Community AnswerRespect that she is already seeing someone, and accept that you cannot always get what you want. Continue being her friend, if you can do so respectfully.
QuestionI just started talking to a girl on Messenger, how do I know if she's interested?Community AnswerDoes she start conversations often? Does she use a lot of emojis? Does she reply quickly? These are signs that she likes you, or at least likes talking to you. However, if she responds with one word answers and is always first to say goodbye, she's probably not interested.
QuestionHow can I do these things when I'm really shy?Community AnswerJust be yourself. Act like you're talking to a person you open up to most of the time.
QuestionIf a girl says something like "I wish I could hug you right now" over text, is she interested in me?Community AnswerThis normally is a sign of attraction. Make a move back and say something just as flirty and see if she likes it. It's okay to be shy -- some girls find it kind of cute, but don't be afraid to be assertive!
QuestionWhy didn't she give me any replies, even though I talked to her very politely and sweetly?Community AnswerSome girls just won't be interested in you, no matter what you say. It's ok, just move on.
QuestionWhat do I do if she leaves me without saying anything?Community AnswerNext time you see her, continue the conversation like normal. Don't mention the last time when she left abruptly.
QuestionHow can I keep a conversation going in a long-distance relationship?Community AnswerFocus on regular texts and calls. You can share images with each other, tell each other stories about your day, talk about the friends you've made, etc.
QuestionWhat if I am ugly and I have bad teeth?Community AnswerFirst of all, you're probably being too hard on yourself, and you should try to have a little more confidence. That being said, try doing some things to change up your appearance. Get a haircut, get some new stylish clothes and/or accessories, and consider getting braces for your teeth. Most girls appreciate a good personality, sense of humor, etc. just as much as good looks, though.
QuestionWhat if she brought up her ex while we were talking?Community AnswerThat could be a sign she's not over him or is still processing their break-up. She may appreciate the chance to talk, so if you can bear it, be a good listener. If not, subtly redirect the conversation.
QuestionWhat if I'm talking to a girl from a while back and I used to act conceited? Can I change the way she feels about me?Community AnswerYou can almost always change someone's perception of you. Just try to make an effort to show interest in her instead of talking about yourself. Pay her a compliment. Even something as simple as "You look nice today" can go a long way!
QuestionThere's this girl that has a boyfriend and I don't know how to talk to her. I want to talk to her but not make it awkward. What should I do?Nizz358Community AnswerTalk about things you're both interested in or talk about her interests.
QuestionWhat can I ask a girl to keep a conversation going?Community AnswerFollow up on things she has said. Pay attention to what she seems to be interested in. The more things you notice about her, the more connected you will feel. Ask her about her clothes and where she got them, or her purse, or anything that she seems to be interested in.
QuestionI'm with a women that says I don't talk enough, what should I do?Community AnswerAsk your girlfriend open ended questions. These questions can often start with how, or why? For example, you can ask "How do you feel? What is bothering you? What is your opinion on this?" These questions show that you're interested and want to know and be involved in your girlfriends life.
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