Q&A for How to Look Drop Dead Gorgeous

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    Does your skin tone affect which colors look best on you?
    Jordan Stolch
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Jordan Stolch is an Image Strategist, Style Advisor, and the Founder of MiKADO - a concierge personal styling firm. With over a decade of experience, Jordan specializes in helping people eliminate the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress in order to build a powerful image and use clothing to their strategic advantage. Jordan trains entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate executives in the foundations of "power dressing", from some of the country's preeminent companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Berkshire Hathaway, Universal Music Group, Starbucks, and Disney. She works with clients both in-person and virtually, teaching them how to take the confusion out of style so they can operate at a higher level. Jordan earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and studied Merchandise Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIDM).
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Expert Answer
    Yes, absolutely, as most people aren't divided into warm and cool tones. Knowing what skin tone you are and then being able to choose from either side of the palate will play a huge difference in the way color looks on you.
  • Question
    Sometimes I feel pretty, but other times I feel ugly. I always find myself comparing myself to others. I'm 17, would being a teen have something to do with this?
    Community Answer
    Yes, these are very normal feelings to have at your age. Teenagers are constantly comparing themselves to others. Just know that everyone else feels the same way you do, even the most confident person you know. Even adults have days they don't feel so attractive, though. Keep in mind that we are our own worst critics, and try not to focus too much on appearance. There's a million things about you that make you interesting and beautiful that have nothing to do with your looks.
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    How do I get rid of natural eye bags?
    Community Answer
    Put some spoons in the freezer overnight. When you wake up, apply the cold spoons under your eyes. You can also use used, cooled tea bags on your eyes.
  • Question
    How do I look drop dead gorgeous if I have sensitive skin?
    Community Answer
    Use sensitive skin lotion and other skincare products. Don't wear too much makeup that will irritate your skin. Wash your face with a mild cleanser.
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    How do I make my skin look beautiful?
    Community Answer
    Develop a skin routine, exercise often and eat healthy foods. Doing these things, along with drinking lots of water, can give your skin a natural glow and flawless look.
  • Question
    How can I be smart and pretty at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Study in school and be open to new things. Read books and educational magazines. For the beauty part, follow these steps and read other articles. Most importantly, be yourself.
  • Question
    Will being hot make me a girly girl? Will it help my boyfriend like me more?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you feel about it once you become “hot.” If you have a good boyfriend, he will like you however you feel most comfortable feeling. Don’t feel obligated to be someone you are not for others opinions. Be you.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of acne?
    Community Answer
    Wash your face twice a day and moisturize. Drink a lot of water. Avoid junk food and sleep on clean pillows. Don’t touch your face. You can try acne products with sulfur, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. You can also see a dermatologist and they can prescribe ointments or antibiotics.
  • Question
    Can I look drop dead gorgeous if I have braces?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can! It can help if you choose colors that are flattering on you.
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    How do I get rid of facial spots?
    Community Answer
    Develop a good skin care routine. Wash your face twice a day and use toner and moisturizer. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep at night.
  • Question
    Can I wear lip gloss?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Lip gloss with shine but not too much sparkle looks good with an everyday outfit. Pick natural colors for casual dress, but a richer color like red looks good for going out.
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    What if I don't exercise that much?
    Community Answer
    You can either take in fewer calories to stay trim, or just love your body the way it is.
  • Question
    How do I make my face glow if I have oily skin?
    The Wiki Knowledge
    Community Answer
    Be sure to wash your face at least twice a day. You could use scrubs to prevent acne. Makeup is not always a good solution, as it clogs pores and causes skin to drastically worsen.
  • Question
    Can I be drop dead gorgeous at any age?
    Community Answer
    Of course, age doesn’t define beauty! Take good care of your skin and wear sunscreen to prevent wrinkles and sun damage. Drink water, exercise lightly, and eat healthy. Those are the keys to looking gorgeous your entire life.
  • Question
    How do I deal with people teasing me for being ugly?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them. Everybody looks a little awkward in grade school/middle school, and these people are probably just teasing you because they feel insecure about themselves. Don't let it get to you. If they don't stop teasing you even after you're ignoring them, ask a teacher or other adult at school to help you.
  • Question
    Is it good to have brown hair and dark brown eyes?
    Community Answer
    Sure! You're beautiful no matter what.
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    What if my face is sort of round?
    Community Answer
    Try wearing side bangs to hide the roundness, or wear contours to accent your jawline.
  • Question
    Can I still look drop dead gorgeous with glasses?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Choose glasses that look amazing on you. If you have a couple of pairs, try to match them with your outfit.
  • Question
    Do I need abs to look hotter?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not need abs to look hotter, though abs are certainly attractive.
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    I have a very pointy chin, but it looks flat because of chin fat. How can I get rid of it?
    Community Answer
    If you are under 18 it's normal to have some baby fat, which will start to get lost in your twenties. Losing weight in general will change the shape of your face, but if you want to focus on a specific area try doing some face yoga exercises, like lifting your head up and down to stretch your neck out.
  • Question
    How can I look gorgeous if I'm a kid?
    Community Answer
    Depending on your age, ask your parents if you could wear makeup. Wash your hair regularly and wash your body every day. Moisturize your skin with lotion after washing your body. Always wash your face and moisturize it two times a day. And just remember, it's not what's on the outside that's most important, but what's on the inside. Always be yourself. You'll be looking drop dead gorgeous in no time.
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    What if I have to wear a school uniform?
    Community Answer
    Check out How to Look Good In Your School Uniform . There are lots of good tips there for jazzing up a uniform.
  • Question
    If I use a teabag for my eye does it matter what type of tea I use?
    Ivy Yera
    Community Answer
    Not really but I suggest green or black tea for your eyes. Ice cubes also work.
  • Question
    I just don't feel pretty. I do not want some answer that tells me to be myself and I'm beautiful all the time. I just want to know how to be pretty without makeup. I just want to have good hairstyles.
    Ivy Yera
    Community Answer
    Try to learn French braids for hairstyles there are some good videos on YouTube. Half up half down also works and if you're allowed to flatten or curl your hair depending on your hair type and use some heat protection. Blow drying your hair also works for a good look and if your hair is dry use a hair mask either store-bought or homemade. Thinking of yourself pretty is also a good mindset and you will start feeling more confident. And have nice clothes; they don't need to be expensive, just neat and pretty, as they will make you feel good.
  • Question
    What can I do if I feel like my face is the ugliest in the world?
    Community Answer
    You are beautiful in your own way, don't listen to people who say otherwise. To help you, follow the steps above and dress your best. If you need a confidence boost, look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, "I am beautiful. People who say I am not are wrong and are mean." Say this at least once a day.
  • Question
    Can I look drop dead gorgeous and eat a lot of food? Is it normal to wake up early?
    Community Answer
    You can totally look drop dead gorgeous if you eat a lot! Having a curvy body isn’t a bad thing and you can always exercise. Also, waking up early is really good for you and can make you feel accomplished and energized!
  • Question
    Can I still be gorgeous with freckles? I always feel really ugly and lonely when the other girls and guys judge me for them.
    Community Answer
    Just ignore them . Freckles are gorgeous. If they ever make fun of you again, just say 'I like them, and I can't wipe them off just for you!' They are a very pretty feature of some lucky girls and guys. Treasure them.
  • Question
    Can I be gorgeous if I wear spectacles?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just make sure they're fashionable frames that suit your face shape.
  • Question
    I'm pretty but it seems like no one is interested in me. What can I do to make people attracted to me?
    Community Answer
    You can try to be more confident. Have good posture, talk while making eye contact, and walk with long strides.
  • Question
    If I go to sleep really late at night and wake up several times during the night, then wake up early in the morning naturally and feel really tired but unable to fall asleep, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try a diffuser, the smells might relax you. Try keeping calm in the day. Meditate just before you want to sleep so that you are calm. Reduce your in take in caffeine. Something may be bothering you asses your feelings.
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