Q&A for How to Look Pretty in a Hijab (Muslim Headscarf)

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    What if my school does not allow me to wear hijab?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your guidance counselor about it or have your parents talk to your principal. Have them explain why you need to wear the hijab. If you live in the West (and even many other countries), you have the right to religious freedom. They must allow you to wear hijab.
  • Question
    Can I wear a hijab at the age of 11?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. There is no age limit for observing the hijab. You can wear it when you want.
  • Question
    Can I use bobby pins or safety pins to hold my head scarf in place?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just make sure they aren't very visible; that way, your hijab will look more beautiful.
  • Question
    If I read namaz and everything else, do I have to still wear a scarf?
    Community Answer
    Reading namaz and believing in Allah are the most important things in Islam. In the holy Quran it's written that you should cover your hair, neck and chest, so it's a very good idea to wear a hijab. But remember namaz and believing in Allah comes first of all. If you want to become a good Muslim girl, you can wear a hijab. But it's all up to you.
  • Question
    How do Muslim girls wear scarves?
    Community Answer
    A Muslim scarf for women is called a hijab. Check out this article about how to put on a hijab on wikiHow for instructions.
  • Question
    How can I put a scarf on a child?
    Community Answer
    There are slip-on scarves if you want your child to wear them to mosques, but I wouldn't force the child to wear it. If the child doesn't want to wear a scarf, don't force the issue -- give him or her some time.
  • Question
    At what age should I start wearing a hijab?
    Community Answer
    It is obligatory for a girl to cover herself as soon as she reaches the age of puberty, as this is when you become accountable.
  • Question
    If I'm a member of Islam, can I pierce my ears?
    Community Answer
    You can, but you cannot show your neck or hair, so make sure you put on your hijab carefully.
  • Question
    What if I want to wear earrings with a scarf?
    Community Answer
    It will not show, but you can add pins to your scarf or check out how to look fashionable in your scarf.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim girl wear jeans?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but if they're skinny/tight jeans, you should wear them with a top that goes to your knees. If they're not skinny jeans, you don't need to worry about wearing a long top.
  • Question
    Is it permissible in Islam to wear a hijab of different colored designs or patterns?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is permissible in Islam to wear patterned or colorful hijabs. As long as it covers your hair you will be fine.
  • Question
    Should the ears be covered?
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  • Question
    Is it haram if I don't want to wear a hijab?
    Community Answer
    In Islam it is compulsory for a woman who has reached puberty or age 15 to wear a hijab and properly cover her body excluding the face and hands.
  • Question
    Am I allowed to wear makeup?
    Community Answer
    In public or in front of people you don't know, no, it's not permitted. But if you were alone or with your family or husband, then it's okay.
  • Question
    A non-Muslim friend of mine wants to wear a hijab. I’m not Muslim either but she asked me if it would offend Muslims, which she didn’t want. So can you wear the hijab if you aren’t Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Maybe a few people might find it a bit offensive, but most Muslims are very happy when they have a non-Muslim friend who asks to wear the hijab.
  • Question
    What is the best hijab styles for oval and long face?
    Community Answer
    For long oval faces, try the Kuwaiti hijab. Either way, the hijab style does not matter, as long as you are covering your head.
  • Question
    Should a girl cover her neck with scarf?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    Yes, she should cover her neck hair and chest but there are permissible ways to cover more or less, like if you can manage to uncover your ears without showing your hair, then sure if you can make sure your chest isn't too visible then you don't really have to cover it with the hijab.
  • Question
    What are the best hijab styles for oval and long faces?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    If you have an oval face, then it’s best not to wear a style that makes your face look longer. This means you shouldn’t create a triangle tip at the top of your hijab and it also means, you need to show more of your face. While that may sound weird, showing more of your face actually makes it appear bigger than covering parts of it because it gives it more of a shape.
  • Question
    The whole purpose of the hijab is so no attention is drawn to the woman, so aren't bold patterns and beads defeating the purpose?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    The purpose is not to draw attention away from you. It is to draw sexual attention away from you, not all attention. Wearing bold colors is just fine since there is no Islamic law against fashion. So grab a nice hijab and have fun with the combinations.
  • Question
    As a Muslim girl, am I allowed to wear trousers above my ankles or is it too revealing?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    Your trousers can be above your ankle but no higher than directly above your ankle. Just make sure to wear socks or shoes that cover your ankle with it. Try wearing high tops from Vans or Converse to match the look while keeping modest.
  • Question
    As a student or as a girl who wears Pakistan dresses, how can I do my hijab beautifully with my long dresses?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    If you are wearing a dress past your ankle, try wearing a thin hijab wrapped loosely that covers your head to your chest to give a glamours or fancy look. If it is on on the ankle, try a longer slip-on hijab that covers a little past your chest for a modest look. And if you are wearing one that is above your ankle, try a smaller, tighter one to give off more of a casual look.
  • Question
    How about a one-piece hijab? I unfortunately don’t have any cloth-like scarves, but I want to look nice, any ideas?
    Mareeyah Binlonzo
    Community Answer
    Slip-on hijabs are a favorite as they are easy to use and can come in a variety of designs. If you are looking for more of a fancy look, purchase some wrap-around hijabs. But if you want something more casual for everyday, then try putting on the hijab with a hat or hood. If you are wearing a hood or coat, you don't need the hijab to hang out but if the hijab doesn't hang out then you'll look like your wearing a rag, so tuck it out the front. Also, make sure you have a good mix of colors dark and light and for slip-on hijabs, not patterns. Try wearing a zip up dress or one of those thin and flowing ones. and wear Vans or Converse.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim girl wear makeup?
    Community Answer
    Generally it's okay, as long as it is kept natural. Crazy eyeshadow, fake lashes, and very dark lipsticks are too flashy for Islam. But a simple makeup, where you look like you aren't wearing any is okay.
  • Question
    As a 10 year old girl, how do I look fashionable with hijab (I already wear it)? I obviously can't wear make-up and jewelry either and I don't really like the child slip on hijabs?
    Community Answer
    Even though flashy jewelry and makeup are not okay as a Muslim, you could wear natural makeup and maybe a simple ring. Get pretty patterned hijabs and pair them well with your clothes.
  • Question
    How can you make your hijab look nice with a uniform?
    Community Answer
    Wear dark colour hijabs, such as black or the dark version of your uniform. Maybe add some black pins too.
  • Question
    I do not want to wear the hijab, but my parents are forcing me. I tried to refuse, but they are not listening and are threatening me to send me out of the house. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Have a talk with them, and tell them that you are not ready yet. Tell them you will wear a hijab when you are ready, I did the same.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim girl wear pants?
    Community Answer
    It is allowed. However, it should not be showing your shape or have bright flashy colours. There are many pants that are loose-fitting and still fashionable.
  • Question
    Can a revert Muslim girl only mix or be-friends with non-Muslim males and females?
    Ayisha A. Gill
    Community Answer
    She can be friend and mix with non-Muslim girls. But there's no space for gender intermingling in Islam whether males are Muslim or not, it's not allowed to mix with them.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim woman be a Muslim and not cover her face?
    Ayisha A. Gill
    Community Answer
    Yes, she still can be a Muslim without covering her face. But covering of the face is ordered in Quran (8:59). If she doesn't cover her face, she's disobeying Allah and his messenger, but she still is a Muslim.
  • Question
    How do I take off a hijab correctly?
    Community Answer
    If it’s a slip-on type, just grab the bottom and lift it off over your head. If it’s a wrap-on type, unwrap it. If it’s pinned on, unpin it and just take it off.
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