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Q&A for How to Make Command Prompt Appear at School
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QuestionHow do I enable command prompt?Community AnswerTry using PowerShell. No one really bothers to block it and it is basically an improved version of Command Prompt.
QuestionMy school blocked everything you just suggested. What now?MikePlaysGamesCommunity AnswerGo to translate.google.com. Make the first box French, and the second box English. Paste the website link in the French section, and click it in the English section.
QuestionI can get into CMD, but it says "This has been blocked. Press any key to continue." What should I do?Community AnswerTry opening as administrator. If that don't work, your school's admin has blocked it.
QuestionHow do I make a command prompt appear on a computer?Community AnswerJust type, 'cmd' into the start menu search.
QuestionHow do I open CMD on a blocked PC?Community AnswerYou just make a notepad file on your desktop. Type in the following commands: start cmd.exe and save it as a .bat file.
QuestionI tried the notepad, I tried to do the Windows sign plus R, I tried everything here, but I cannot seem to get it to work! What else can I try?Community Answer@echo off :start SET /P com= %com% goto :start.Type this in notepad and save it as cmd.bat in all files. It will open command prompt. However, you will still not be able to use all the commands. A lot of them will work though.
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