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Q&A for How to Make Kandi
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QuestionDoes Kandi have anything to do with drugs?Felicia AxelssonCommunity AnswerKandi is associated with rave and EDM culture, and it depends on who you ask. Raves are to some people associated with drugs, so by extension, sometimes kandi is too. But it is never surefire, you can wear kandi without having anything to do with drugs.
QuestionHow do you get the second row on? Do you use another piece of string or the same one?Adorkable SanaCommunity AnswerPut the thread back through the first bead, and then add a bead and put the thread back through the third bead you initially put on, and so on. You just use a kind of long piece of string, but you can add on more string if you need to.
QuestionDoes it take a long time to make?AnotheronebitesthesoilCommunity AnswerLarge, intricate cuffs can take a while. Try single row bracelets if you are short on time.
QuestionI have seen people making kandi chokers, how do I do it?AnotheronebitesthesoilCommunity AnswerMake a bracelet but longer, so you can get it around your neck and have a comfortable fit. Make sure your cord is stretchy enough that you can get it over your head.
QuestionKandi isn’t reserved for one culture to wear only, correct? I saw someone get attacked for wearing them and want to be sure.AnotheronebitesthesoilCommunity AnswerKandi is for everyone! It originates from rave culture, which isn't limited to any particular race or culture, but people that do not go to raves can still wear it.
QuestionCan I use threaded string? I don't have any elastic strings.AnotheronebitesthesoilCommunity AnswerWhatever it it, it should be stretchy. As long as it stretches, it will work. Elastic is very cheap to purchase, so if your string is not stretchy, you should be able to buy the correct string for a few dollars.
QuestionWhat kind of string should I use?Community AnswerAny stretchy string should work!
QuestionWhere can I get the beads?Community AnswerAt a craft store or places like Walmart or Target.
QuestionIf I do this, but smaller, could I possibly make a Kandi ring?Community AnswerAbsolutely. It will take 10 to 13 beads, depending how big your finger is.
Questiondoes the brand matter for the elastic if so what do you recommendCommunity AnswerNo, it doesn't matter. Use any elastic cord.
QuestionIs this considered a ladder stitch?Community AnswerThe cuff they're showing seems to be an uneven peyote, but a ladder is easy, because it's simple.
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