Q&A for How to Make Loose Face Powder Into Compact at Home

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    Can I use lotion other than alcohol?
    Community Answer
    You can use lotion while making your bronzer, but that would make it a liquid-like bronzer. You cannot use lotion as a substitute for rubbing alcohol though. The whole point is that the rubbing alcohol will allow the mixture to mold into your container and it will then evaporate out leaving you with a pressed powder. Lotion would not do this.
  • Question
    For alcohol, can I use nail polish remover?
    Community Answer
    No! Nail polish remover can burn your face. Use isopropyl alcohol instead.
  • Question
    Can I use water instead of rubbing alcohol?
    Community Answer
    No, you can't. Rubbing alcohol will soften and mold the powder, before evaporating. Water will make the powder soggy and ruin it.
  • Question
    Could I add liquid foundation to this mixture to give the new pressed powder some color?
    Community Answer
    Foundation will give it color, but it will be unlikely to set, as the mixture will be too runny.
  • Question
    Would rose water work?
    Community Answer
    Rose water would work as a good primer, but not to make a compact powder. Try to use rubbing alcohol instead.
  • Question
    Can I use normal 70% alcohol instead of rubbing alcohol?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it should work fine as a substitute to rubbing alcohol.
  • Question
    Can I use facial toner instead of using rubbing alcohol?
    Community Answer
    It wouldn't work very well. For the face, don't use rubbing alcohol. Toner does wonders for your skin if you have oily skin.
  • Question
    Can you use hydrogen peroxide instead of alcohol?
    Community Answer
    Use the alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide can burn or not mix with anything else your using
  • Question
    Can I use vinegar instead of isopropyl?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. It will need a little longer to dry and will maybe not be that pretty, but it will do the job.
  • Question
    Would this work with cornstarch?
    Community Answer
    No and Yes. No, because Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not good for the body and not food-grade and yes, because if you want it for decorations of to make colored cornstarch for fun.
  • Question
    Do I have to use a paper towel?
    Community Answer
    A tissue works also, although a paper towel is recommended. A paper towel will absorb the extra moisture without falling apart like a tissue would.
  • Question
    Could I use a toner instead of the alcohol?
    Community Answer
    Many toners have a high alcohol content, so that MAY work (I've not tested it), but it would likely leave impurities in your pressed powder, causing it to flake out of the container. Just to be safe, stick with isopropyl. If the smell terribly offends you, you could use Everclear.
  • Question
    I did my own loose powder with arrowroot powder, cornstarch, and cocoa powder. Would alcohol work on this? Also, will witch hazel work as well?
    I like sushi
    Top Answerer
    Alcohol will work on this, however witch hazel will not give you the same results, unfortunately.
  • Question
    Can I use hand sanitizer to replace rubbing alcohol?
    Sasha Haley
    Community Answer
    No! Hand sanitizer has lots of harsh chemicals that can ruin your face and cause rashes and breakouts.
  • Question
    I made a compact with my loose powder and rubbing alcohol, but the result was a very fragile compact powder that broke super easily. Is there a way to improve it?
    Community Answer
    It is possible you didn't press it hard enough. If you let it set without pressing, there might be a lot of space between the powder particles, thus its would break more easily. If pressed too hard, it might also become too stiff. Wait until the powder is no longer liquid and more of a stiff cream texture. Get a tissue or similar and a flat object that fits into the shape of the compact; for example, the lid of a foundation bottle or a lipstick tube. Put the tissue on top of the powder and use the flat object to press the powder evenly on the whole surface.
  • Question
    Can I use perfume instead of using alcohol when making loose face powder into compact?
    Community Answer
    Considering perfume has a high alcohol content, this might actually result in a pressed powder, but I would absolutely not do this; fragrance is bad for the skin and could certainly cause a reaction in such amounts (not to mention it would smell so strongly it would likely be irritating to the nose and eyes).
  • Question
    Should I use 70%, 91% or 99% alcohol when making loose face powder into a compact at home?
    Community Answer
    Higher is better. It could work even with 70%, but any non-alcohol ingredient wouldn't evaporate and might change the consistency of the pressed powder, possibly making it unusable.
  • Question
    Can I use balanced, softener-enriched lotion for making loose face powder into a compact at home?
    Community Answer
    No. The powder won't dry and become hard. You need a high alcohol content liquid, and any lotion-type ingredients will not evaporate and will stay in the powder, possibly making it more a cream.
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