How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make Yourself More Attractive
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QuestionI am 15 and my boyfriend dumped me because he said that I should change myself, should I?Community AnswerNo. Unless your boyfriend was pointing out behavior that is demonstrably wrong, i.e, telling you to stop hurting people, gossiping, bullying, etc., he has no right to ask you to change. Let him go and find someone who appreciates you for who you are.
QuestionMy best friend is so pretty, and I look stupid next to her. How can I fix that without a ton of makeup?Community AnswerYou don't need to fix anything. So what if she is prettier? That doesn't mean you are ugly. You can put on a little makeup, but don't change yourself.
QuestionHow do I get noticed by a guy I like, when my parents are super strict about me wearing no makeup to make myself prettier?Community AnswerTry to casually strike up a conversation with him. Or become friends with his friends so you both end up hanging out in the same group. He'll notice someone new to the group. Also, try to find out what his interests are to see if you two have some things in common.
QuestionI am 11 years old and I'm going into 6th grade. How do I get a boy to like me if I am unattractive?Community AnswerHonestly, just try to make friends with him. Try to maybe find out what he likes. Just be yourself.
QuestionI'm 13, and this guy and I are best friends and I can't tell if he's flirting with me or not. How do I make myself more attractive to him?Community AnswerJust be yourself and show him that you're open all the time. If he likes you, then he'll come to you.
QuestionI'm only 13, and I want to attract a boy. What are some other things I can try?Community AnswerTry make yourself stand out, but not too much. You can wear make up, try a new hair style, keep your skin healthy, and hang out with people he is also friends with.
QuestionI just feel my lack of confidence due to my appearance. I wear expensive clothes but my face has a bit of acne, what can I do?Community AnswerIf a guy likes you, he will not care if you have acne. Your acne will clear up eventually. It's who you are as a person that matters most.
QuestionI am 18 and my boyfriend left me for another girl because she is more attractive. Should I change myself?Scourge the hedgehogCommunity AnswerNo.
QuestionHow can I make some girl jealous?Community AnswerDepending on who you and the girl are attracted to, just act like it doesn't bother you, and be happy and carefree. Try to flaunt your qualities, but be subtle.
QuestionThe guy I like is friends with a lot of girls. How do I get him to notice me? I want to stand out.Community AnswerMake sure to spend time with him and let him get to know you. Let him know you as a really good friend. Then when you are going through something hard he will want to help you. Even if he doesn't like you romantically, you will have gained a really good friend. Getting him to know you could lead to a romantic relationship in time.
QuestionI'm 11 and can't really tell if my friend is flirting with me or not. Any tips or ideas?Community AnswerJust be yourself, and then look for subtle signs like the slight touch of your hand, or if he doesn't act with you like he does with his other friends.
QuestionHow do I make a boy want to be my boyfriend (in middle school)?Community AnswerJust try to find out what he likes to do and what he's interested in. See what the two of you have in common, and ask him if he wants to hang out.
QuestionHow can I get a boy to find me more attractive without wearing makeup?Community AnswerIt's best to just be yourself. If he doesn't want you for you, then he's not worth it.
QuestionI'm 11 and I'm not allowed to wear makeup. What else can I do?Community AnswerAsk your mom if you can get LipSmackers lip balm. The Dr. Pepper flavor has a little bit of a pink tint. You can even dot a little on your cheeks for a touch of color. Don't forget--everyone looks better when they smile.
QuestionI am 15 and I really like this boy. How do I make myself more attractive?Community AnswerBe yourself, at all times. That is the most attractive trait to ever have.
QuestionI'm 14 and tall. How do I get girls to like me?Community AnswerJust be yourself. It doesn't matter how tall you are. The right girl will like you for who you are.
QuestionHow can I make a girl attracted to me if I'm a girl?Community AnswerIn this case, you'll need to see if she's into girls first. If not, you'd be better off as friends. If yes, then start off as friends and just be yourself.
QuestionI'm 14 and trying to impress this boy. I want him to go out with me but I'm not sure he will unless I change my clothes, hair, etc., any tips/advice?E OCommunity AnswerDon't do anything you don't want to. If he is right for you, he will be attracted to you naturally and as you are. You really shouldn't change for him.
QuestionI'm 14, and my friends joke around saying I'm ugly and fat, what do I do to make myself pretty and thin?Community AnswerThose sound like really bad friends, and chances are that those rude comments are not true! Tell your friends that they're hurting your feelings when they say those things, and if they don't stop, find better friends!
QuestionWhat outfits would most suit me if I have no shape?Community AnswerTry to work with your best features, then decide. For example, you might have glorious legs, so you could wear shorts or leggings. If you have an amazingly fit and thin waist, you should wear something that shows your waist off. If you've an ample bosom, make it the feature of your looks.
QuestionI'm not allowed makeup, so is there any way I can make myself look like I'm wearing makeup when I'm not?Community AnswerClear mascara and lip gloss are always good. Wear minimal concealer (only on problem areas) and a little blush.
QuestionI've had a lot of people say that my long hair is gross (even though I take very good care of it) just because it is long. I love it but my parents and others don't. Should I cut it?Community AnswerOnly if other people's opinions are very important to you. Otherwise, wear your hair the way you like.
QuestionI feel like I don't fit in at school because I'm not skinny like most of the girls. What should I do to feel more confident?Community Answer"Not fitting in" isn't really such a bad thing. People who "fit in" sometimes lack confidence, too. As long as you're at a healthy weight for your age, it shouldn't matter if you're skinny or not. Meanwhile, look for the good in others. Some of them will get the message and see the good in you.
QuestionI'm 14 and I really like this one boy in class. I've been crushing over him forever. How do I make him notice me?Community AnswerBecome friends with him by striking up casual conversations based on mutual interests if you know of any. Greet him in the hallways and be friendly!
QuestionMy ex who abused me keeps trying to be my friend. Should I let him?TuckeriscuteCommunity AnswerIt's best to keep toxic people out of your life. However, if you are confident that it will stay platonic and he will not try to hurt you again, you could let him back in your life a little at a time and see how it goes.
QuestionWhy am I so ugly and stupid?Community AnswerWe all have moments when we feel that way. It will pass. Meanwhile, pay attention to the article above.
QuestionHow can I get guys to like me if I don't think I have good looks and I'm getting braces soon?EmmecarqueCommunity AnswerTry focusing on personal hygiene, like brushing your teeth, and add a touch of makeup like mascara. Confidence is key, and it can significantly enhance your attractiveness.
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