Q&A for How to Make a Friend Laugh

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    How do I deal with someone who is trying to steal my friends?
    Community Answer
    Talk to her (but don't be mean) and ask her if she wants to hang out with all of you together. Just don't let her take over the group.
  • Question
    How can I make up jokes to make a friend laugh if I am not good at jokes?
    Community Answer
    Look up jokes that will make someone laugh and then try to remember them.
  • Question
    When is the best time to hang out with my friends?
    Community Answer
    Any time is a good time, whenever you feel like being together, when you need a laugh, when you need to socialize, when you need to cheer them up or be cheered up, and so forth.
  • Question
    How do I make my friends laugh if I'm a serious person?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Humor can be found in the largest variety of things. If you're friends, you're sure to have something in common, start from there and give it a funny twist. Think of something you find funny and offer that, don't try to think of what they might find funny.
  • Question
    How can I make my friend laugh if he is angry?
    Community Answer
    When someone is angry it is always best to just talk to them about why they are angry. If you try to make them laugh they won't find it funny.
  • Question
    What can I do if my friend is unhappy?
    Community Answer
    Spend time with your friend, talk about what is making her unhappy and plan a fun day together including things she likes to do.
  • Question
    How can I make a really serious friend laugh?
    Community Answer
    All you need to do is find something that they love or like and turn that into a joke. It will be relatable and most likely to get them to laugh.
  • Question
    What if my doesn't like to laugh?
    Community Answer
    That's okay. You can just have normal conversations with your friend instead of trying to make them laugh, or take part in activities they like to do.
  • Question
    What if my friend takes everything too seriously?
    Community Answer
    Take your friend to a comedy show that will make them laugh or ask what things make them laugh. Remind them often that life is to be enjoyed, not treated as a permanent hardship to be overcome.
  • Question
    How can I make friends if some people keep making up rumors about me and everyone believes them?
    Rucha Naik
    Community Answer
    Rumors are rumors. They spread like wildfire and there is really nothing you can do about it. If you know the person who is spreading that rumor, you can politely ask them to stop. If you want to be friends with someone, tell them that it isn't true and you would like to be friends with them.
  • Question
    My friends just ignore me when I say a joke. What can I do to stop that?
    Community Answer
    First, find what they think is funny and make a joke out of it. Keep trying to change your joke every now and then to keep it fresh.
  • Question
    What should I do if my friend pushes me away from her other friends' conversation?
    Community Answer
    Then she is not being a friend to you and you should have a serious conversation. But if you are trying to stay nice to her and not seek revenge then you will just have to do the same thing she is doing to your friends.
  • Question
    How can I make my wife happy when she is overseas?
    Community Answer
    Obviously she will miss you, but try to make her feel like you're not as far away as you really are. Try to video chat with her, and send her stuff like care packages or cards telling her how much you love her. Talk to her whenever you can to make sure she knows that you prioritize your time with her even from afar.
  • Question
    How can I make someone laugh when the conversation is awkward?
    Community Answer
    Pull a funny face out of nowhere.
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    What are some good conversation topics?
    Community Answer
    Ask about the person to whom you are talking. People love talking about themselves.
  • Question
    What if nobody laughs?
    Community Answer
    If it was genuinely a good joke, it will crack you up. It is perfectly fine to laugh at your own jokes. Sometimes, people will laugh as a reaction to laughter.
  • Question
    What should I do if my jokes are not funny?
    Community Answer
    You can try learning new jokes. There are many handbooks and online sites dedicated to just jokes. And maybe your jokes are funny, but people don't understand your humor or don't know you're joking. Try different approaches and tones.
  • Question
    What if my friend does not think that the things that used to be funny are funny anymore?
    Community Answer
    Switch up your jokes! Repeating the same thing over and over isn't very entertaining. There should be an element of surprise to humor.
  • Question
    My friend is very serious and I always try to make her laugh. It never works. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Different people have different personalities. Your friend is the more serious type. The jokes that make other people laugh may not seem funny to her. Find out what makes her laugh and use those jokes instead.
  • Question
    My joke does not laugh at my jokes - what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Find out what kind of humor your friend likes, and go from there. She may think you are funny and enjoy your jokes, but have a reason for not laughing.
  • Question
    What should I do if my friend doesn't laugh?
    Community Answer
    Your friend might be having some problems. Ask your friend if they are okay.
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    What do I do if I don't feel my friend's joke is funny, but they want me to laugh?
    Community Answer
    Avoid making it awkward by not laughing at all. Just giggle a little bit, but don't laugh more than you should.
  • Question
    How do I become cool like my friends?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself. Whoever you are is enough. If they're already your friends, they like you just the way you are. Don't try to imitate other people, because more often than not, you just end up looking foolish.
  • Question
    What happens when nobody laughs?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Not all jokes will land. If there's an awkward silence after your joke, it's best to move on and find another way to make your friend smile.
  • Question
    All my friends are so funny and confident, but I’m not really. How can I change that?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Comedy and confidence, like all things, get better with practice. Smile, use approachable body language, and refine your jokes based on the feedback they get. You'll notice improvement if you keep at it!
  • Question
    What if I'm more of an emotional person than a funny person? My BFF is super funny and I talk about deep, emotional stuff all the time. Should I make an effort to be funnier?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    True friends love each other the way they are. That being said, try and find some middle ground with your friend. Talk to them about how you'd like to know more about how they're feeling. Also, mention that you'd appreciate them showing you some new comedy.
  • Question
    How do I make a friend laugh if I'm in a negative headspace?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Try using your negative attitude as an opportunity to create jokes. Comedy is rooted in frustration, so there's a strong chance complaining about something or someone might make your friend chuckle.
  • Question
    Can you tickle them?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but ask them first, or hint that you'd like to do that, because the person may feel uncomfortable about it. Always ask for consent.
  • Question
    I am not a funny person. How do I make my funny friends laugh?
    Community Answer
    Tell them simple jokes (like knock-knock jokes), send them funny memes, crack a "dad joke," or say something slightly gross.
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