Q&A for How to Make a Guy That Is Mad at You Like You Again Through Text

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    What can I do if my boyfriend isn't responding to my messages or picking up my calls?
    Community Answer
    Just give him some space. Arguments, especially significant ones, can cause wounds that take time to heal. Constantly pestering him won't do you, him, or the relationship any good.
  • Question
    Should I keep texting him if he does not reply?
    Community Answer
    No, if you keep on texting him, he will probably get more annoyed. Give him a few days to reply. He could be busy with other things, or he might still need more time to "cool off."
  • Question
    A guy told me he isn't mad at me, but it seems as if he is. Why won't he tell me if he is mad at me?
    Community Answer
    Quit worrying and most importantly, don't nag him. He'll get irritated if you keep asking him why he is made with you. Change the subject and ask him how is day is going, or about an interest of his, like sports or subjects. If he still refuses to talk to you, give him space until he's ready to talk. However, if this stretches out too long, let him know you're not going to put up with any silent treatment .
  • Question
    How long should I wait before I try talking to him again?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the guy. If he gets angry easily, give it a few days at most. However, if it takes a lot to get your guy mad, it could take weeks before he's ready and willing to talk. Use your own personal judgement to decide when you should give it a shot.
  • Question
    What do you do if you apologize, but he keeps ignoring your text messages?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the situation at hand. If it was something really bad, maybe give him time to take everything in and clam down, if it was something not so serious and you have sincerely apologized multiple times and he still won't answer, he's probably just trying to make you feel bad and is not really worth your time.
  • Question
    What should I do if I like a person that is always near me?
    Community Answer
    Be nice to them, talk to them, and be friendly. Don't do anything that seems to annoy or make them uncomfortable. Tell them how you feel if you'd like, or ask them if they'd like to go out or hang out with you sometime.
  • Question
    What if the guy refuses to forgive?
    Community Answer
    Let him cool off. Chat to him casually after a day or two and always apologize once tempers have calmed down.
  • Question
    What do I text when he says that he's unhappy in the relationship?
    Community Answer
    Ask him why he is unhappy, tell him you understand and text him ways that you can fix the problems.
  • Question
    How do I tell a guy who thinks I like another guy that I don't?
    Community Answer
    If you can figure out which guy he thinks you like, casually make it known that you don't like that person. And be sure to give the guy you do like enough attention so he feels like you may like him.
  • Question
    What if he doesn't reply even if he reads my text messages?
    Community Answer
    Move on or let him cool off. He is mad, and you have to understand that, give him some space, and if he still ignores you, move on. He will eventually come back.
  • Question
    What should I send as the first text?
    Community Answer
    You can send an apology as the first text.
  • Question
    What should I do when my significant other accuses me of something I did not do?
    Community Answer
    Try to prove that you didn't do it. You may have to prove your honesty and loyalty in general as well, however.
  • Question
    My boyfriend is completely ignoring me because a friend of mine told him not to talk to me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like neither of these people are very good for you. Your boyfriend should be more loyal, he shouldn't be listening to what your friend says, and your friend shouldn't be telling your boyfriend to ignore you in the first place. If you did something wrong, just apologize. If you didn't, reconsider your choice of friends/guys.
  • Question
    What do I do if I think he's in another relationship?
    Community Answer
    Ask him about it, and if he says he's not and you don't trust him, try asking one of his friends.
  • Question
    My boyfriend is angry at me because I am too quiet; what to do?
    Community Answer
    Is this your general personality or have you just gotten quiet recently for some reason? If it's just your personality, he has no right to be angry at you for being the way you are, and you should not be with someone who can't accept you the way you are. If you are being quiet for a specific reason, explain it to him and try to get past it if you can. If you want, you can ask him what he would like to talk about or what kinds of things he'd like to hear from you more. But he should be kind and understanding about it - if not, you should leave him.
  • Question
    What if I didn't do anything wrong, but we are just growing apart?
    Community Answer
    You just might not be right for each other, and always remember that there are billions of fish in the sea and new experiences waiting for you.
  • Question
    What if he replies with sharp comebacks and no kisses?
    Community Answer
    Give him some space. Leave him for a few hours so that he can cool off. He might be angry or upset and not want to talk at the moment. Try again after a few hours.
  • Question
    I kissed the best friend of the guy I really like. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    That really depends on what you want to do. Do you prefer this guy over your guy? If so, then give him time to respond before making any moves towards a relationship. But when he's ready, he want come to realize he loves you sooner than later. If not, then apologize for your lapse in judgment and say that it'll never happen again and that it was a mistake.
  • Question
    We're mean to each other on purpose, so how do I tell if he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Normally when a boy is always mean to you it means they like you somehow as a friend, girlfriend, or homie.They are most likely trying to get your attention and some reaction from you.
  • Question
    How do I react when he does not want to listen to my explanations about why I was angry?
    Community Answer
    I suggest you let him cool off. If it's extremely serious, try to tell him you would appreciate it if he would listen to you and that you would do the same for him. If it's not that serious, just tell him you were upset but now you are past it, hopefully then he will realize he was acting childish.
  • Question
    What do I do if my boyfriend won't take me back?
    Community Answer
    Move on. Ask yourself what you can learn from the experience and try to become a better person. You can't make someone want to be with you.
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