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Q&A for How to Make a TNT Cannon in Minecraft
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QuestionWhat did I do wrong? All of the TNT just explodes and does not shoot!Community AnswerDid you flip the left switch first or not at all? That would cause it to just explode.
QuestionHow does the redstone help?Matthew RayCommunity AnswerThe redstone makes it so that the other TNTs next to it can activate first before the other TNT projectile can activate in a short delay, so the first TNT can explode and shoot the projectile out.
QuestionHow to craft an End Crystal?ToddCommunity AnswerEnd Crystals can be crafted from 7 glass blocks, 1 Eye of Ender, and 1 Ghast Tear using a crafting table. See also: <a href="/Make-End-Crystals">How to Make End Crystals</a>
QuestionWhich lever do you pull first?Carson HitsonCommunity AnswerYou press the right lever first to detonate the TNT, then you press the left lever to propel the TNT.
QuestionI play on a console. I found the stronghold but a dungeon chest replaced one of the end portal frame blocks. How do I get to the end?Carson HitsonCommunity AnswerYou could get a silk touch pickaxe and find another stronghold, get the frame blocks, and make your own end portal.
QuestionCan you launch sand because it can freely move down?ДрамелионCommunity AnswerIf you use a combination of pistons and slime blocks you can, but not sure using just TNT.
QuestionCan we change the obsidian?FrenchToastCommunity AnswerAny block that does not explode easily should work well. If you're using creative mode, bedrock would certainly work.
QuestionI did everything percisley yet it just exploded. I flicked the right then the left. Did the slab prevent it or is it just that you had and secretly used a command block?NowUknowCommunity AnswerYou probably flipped the switches in the wrong order. You have to flip the one on the side without the extra block first.
QuestionHow do you make the TNT go further?Niek VogelaarCommunity AnswerSimply add more TNT in your cannon. Also you can find mods, although they do not always work.
QuestionWhy does the TNT explode in the air and why do you need to make it from obsidian?Niek VogelaarCommunity AnswerObsidian cannot be broken with TNT. If you want to blow up your cannon, then make it out of wood or something similar. When TNT gets lighted, it takes time before it explodes, probably it was in the air when the time was over.
QuestionMine keeps going too high. What do I do about this?Niek VogelaarCommunity AnswerIt depends on how you made your cannon. Maybe you can add a few blocks on top so it goes more forward than up.
QuestionHow does the mechanism work?Matthew RayCommunity AnswerThe mechanism works because TNT does not explode blocks around it when it is in water. But when it's activated, the block turns it' solidness to false, so things like water can flow through it, and when another block of TNT that's activated is next to it, it can explode and shoot the other TNT in a direction and exploding when its tick to explode goes up.
QuestionWhy not use the original TNT cannon from the old Minecraft redstone handbook?Matthew RayCommunity AnswerIt's really your choice. The old Minecraft redstone handbook was just advice for when the book was published and the updates that they were in. With Minecraft evolving so much, the TNT cannon of any kind still works, even the original ones.
QuestionCan you shoot other things besides TNT?Matthew RayCommunity AnswerNo. TNT is the only block in Minecraft that can basically freely move, and only when it's activated. otherwise, it'll just stay idle or blow up unless it's in water.
QuestionCan there be a way to move the cannon (like make it move around like a tank, etc.)?Community AnswerNo, you have to manually rebuild the cannon. There may be a way to move it a few blocks with pistons, but it is not able to move around freely like a tank.
QuestionWhy right then left?Community AnswerThe left switch primes the TNT you wish to fire, while the right switch charges the cannon. If you light the piece before charging the cannon, it will explode your cannon and waste all four pieces.
QuestionWhy do you need water?D KCommunity AnswerIt is needed to push the TNT and make it go out and explode and fly in the right direction.
QuestionWhen I did it, nothing happened its 2020, so was there an update to make it different?Khang4312Community AnswerTry again, I can do it in 2020. Press the right lever and then the left lever. Try again and again. It will work.
QuestionHow do I shoot different types of TNT?Arden PengCommunity AnswerYou cannot get different types of TNT in vanilla Minecraft, you would have to use a mod, but if you do have a mod, you just replace the TNT at the very front with whatever TNT you want.
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