Q&A for How to Pack for Swimming (Girls)

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    Do you need goggles if you're swimming in a chlorinated pool?
    Community Answer
    It's not essential but you are more likely to have irritated eyes from chlorinated water than not, as the chemical is quite strong. It would be recommended to wear them if you plan on keeping your eyes open under the water.
  • Question
    What hairstyle should I wear going swimming?
    Community Answer
    A ponytail or bun is ideal. Other hairstyles will get much more tangled.
  • Question
    What hair style should I use?
    Community Answer
    Use a simple hairstyle like a ponytail or braid that will keep your hair our of your face.
  • Question
    What hairstyle do I do if I am wearing a (swimming) cap?
    Community Answer
    Do something really simple like a topknot, which is just when you get you your hair and wrap it up and tie it with a rubber band. Or, just do a simple braid and put it up, anything that works for you.
  • Question
    What type of suit should I wear in a chlorinated swimming pool?
    Community Answer
    Any kind you want. It doesn't hurt to wear a simple bikini or one-piece; just make sure you have a shower nearby to rinse off afterwards.
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't have any goggles?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Though goggles are not required, it is recommended to swim with goggles. You will see better and your eyes won't get irritated. Many people forget their goggles at the swimming pool, and staff members find and collect them. You could ask a lifeguard if they will let you borrow one of those goggles. Just give them back before you leave the pool.
  • Question
    What if your hair is braided? What can you do that isn't unbraiding it?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Try wearing a swimming cap to keep your hair from coming undone. Just tuck your braid into the cap.
  • Question
    Is a waterproof bag essential if you are just keeping it in a locker?
    Community Answer
    It's not essential, but it is recommended, because some lockers may be wet inside, and you don't want your clothes and bag to get wet.
  • Question
    What should I do if I don't have time to wash my hair after swimming?
    Community Answer
    Comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb; don't use a brush. You can also use a hair detangling spray to make the combing easier. Wash your hair as soon as you get home.
  • Question
    Should I bring a lock for the locker?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is wise to bring a lock if one will not be provided.
  • Question
    What are some things to do on the poolside and not get wet?
    Community Answer
    You can read a book, bring some electronics to keep you occupied, tan, or simply just chill and relax!
  • Question
    What clothes should I wear after getting out the pool?
    Community Answer
    You could wear a bath robe, a swim dress, a wrap, a towel, a t-shirt, etc. Or, get changed back into the clothes you were wearing before you went swimming (and a fresh pair of underwear).
  • Question
    Why when I go to a swimming pool do I have to take a shower?
    Community Answer
    You have to take a shower because the chemicals and chlorine in the water can really irritate your skin.
  • Question
    What if you were at a swimming lesson. What would you need?
    Community Answer
    You would need exactly the same things. Whether you're just simply going to the pool or going to swimming lessons ,you need all of this. If learning outdoors, bring sunscreen and a chapstick. You might also need a cap and anything specific asked for by the instructor.
  • Question
    Can I go swimming with newly pieced ears?
    Community Answer
    You should wait until your ears are healed before you go swimming, because the chlorine can affect how they heal.
  • Question
    Do I have to wear a swimming cap?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to if you don't want to, though it may improve speed in competitive swimming.
  • Question
    What kind of sunscreen screen is needed for swimming?
    Community Answer
    You should wear waterproof sunblock. You should also reapply it every two hours while you are swimming.
  • Question
    What hair style should I do if my hair won't go in a pony or braid, but it's long?
    Community Answer
    Put it in two French plaits or Dutch plaits, and pin them up so you can fit them in your cap.
  • Question
    Does every swimming place have a shower?
    Hailey Groharing
    Community Answer
    It is very rare that you come upon an indoor swimming place that doesn't have a shower.
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    What brand of deodorant is best for swimming?
    Community Answer
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    What is a swimming cap?
    Hailey Groharing
    Community Answer
    A swim cap keeps your hair up so that when you swim you don't have your hair drag everywhere. It doesn't necessarily keep the water out.
  • Question
    Do you need sunblock if you are going to be under a tent?
    Community Answer
    Yes, because you may be walking around, or if the tent does not provide full coverage. It is a good idea to wear some anyway, for the part of your day walking to and from the tent.
  • Question
    What if I don't have flip-flops?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Most swimming pools do not require footwear.
  • Question
    What if I poop in the pool?
    Hailey Groharing
    Community Answer
    Notify someone immediately and leave the pool.
  • Question
    How do you keep your hair in a topknot?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Most people with long hair tie it with a simple hair tie. You can use a net over a topknot to fix it in place, or use two elastic bands instead of one for extra durability. Swimming pools usually do not allow pins or clips as they can come undone, sink or clog the drain. Consider wearing a swimming cap, which is the easiest way to keep your hair in check while you swim.
  • Question
    I always forget something, even if it's right in front of me. How can I stop doing this?
    Ingebjørg B
    Community Answer
    Write a list, either on your phone where you can get alerts, or on a post-it note that you stick on your bag.
  • Question
    Do I always need to have a waterproof bag?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    No but if you want your things to stay dry near the water, putting them in a waterproof bag is usually a good idea.
  • Question
    Does the swimming cap keep my hair from getting wet?
    Community Answer
    No, swim caps are meant to reduce friction as you glide underwater.
  • Question
    Should I bring extra clothes or water shoes with me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, extra clothes and water shoes are a great idea to pack if you are going swimming. It is better to be overly prepared than under prepared.
  • Question
    What should I do if I forgot to pack my swimsuit?
    Community Answer
    You can always go swimming in your clothes.
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