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Q&A for How to Play Jenga
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QuestionHow do you win if playing with 3 players? Whoever loses the first game sits out the second to see who wins that game?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerWith more than 2 players, the "winner" is the last person to successfully remove and stack a block without toppling the tower. In other words, the person immediately before whoever made the tower fall.
QuestionCan you stand the blocks upright instead of placing them flat?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThat'd make for quite the tricky game of Jenga! For a typical game, lay them flat, but go ahead and stand them up as an experiment!
QuestionIf you're playing Jenga and the other person pulls the block out for you and they make the tower fall, who wins?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe player who caused the tower to fall loses the game. Players shouldn't be removing blocks on other players' turns.
QuestionWhen it is my turn, how many blocks must I remove?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou only remove a single block from the tower, then carefully place it on the top layer.
QuestionDo we have to complete three blocks on top before we stack any higher?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, you must complete a row of 3 before you place blocks on a new row. That said, you can place blocks anywhere in that row that you wish.
QuestionCan you poke multiple blocks before you take one out?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can manipulate the position of the blocks, yes, but if you're testing a block with your finger you must attempt to place it back in its starting position if you end up not taking it.
QuestionCan I sit during Jenga?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes! You can sit, stand, and move around the tower however you wish, so long as you don't touch it with 2 hands.
QuestionHow to make the opponent lose?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerTry taking particularly tricky blocks to set the tower off-balance, so that when your opponent makes a move they're more likely to topple the tower.
QuestionOnce the game is started can you touch and straighten the stack?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can use one hand, and one hand only, to manipulate the tower. In the spirit of the game, though, it's best to let the tower lean as it may.
QuestionDo you have to always take from the bottom?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can take any block from beneath the last completed row. You can't take blocks from the top 2 rows.
QuestionCan I stack the Jenga blocks any way I want?Community AnswerYou can, but don't do it in a way that there are gaps or the blocks are all aligned in the same way as this makes it more likely to fall down. It's recommended that you do it the normal way as in continuing the way it was stacked to start.
QuestionDo the subsequent layers created on top of the Jenga tower have to contain three pieces?Community AnswerNo, the layers you create on top of the Jenga tower do not have to contain three pieces, but layers with fewer than three pieces will not create a sturdy foundation for subsequent layers.
QuestionHow can I win Jenga?Community AnswerIf the opponent has made the tower fall, you have won. Take the loosest blocks and align them properly.
QuestionIf I put a block on top and it falls 2 seconds after I place it, am I the loser?Zade CrossmanCommunity AnswerYes. The rules also require that the tower should stand for 10 seconds after your turn, or at least until the next player moves. The last person to take a block before it topples is the loser.
QuestionCan I steady the tower with a finger while pulling out a block with same hand?Community AnswerYes, as long as you are only using one hand. You can take as much time as you want as well.
QuestionIs the loser of the game required to rebuild the Jenga tower?Community AnswerNo, the loser is not required to rebuild the Jenga tower, but feel free to make that a rule in your game if you want to (as long as everyone agrees).
QuestionIf another block comes out while removing the block you were touching, but the tower doesn't fall. Is that the end of the game or only when the tower tumbles?Zade CrossmanCommunity AnswerThat would be a violation, as the rules imply taking one piece at a time. The consequences can be discussed among the players.
QuestionWhat happens when you have played all possible pieces and the tower has not fallen?Community AnswerYou keep going or you call it a tie.
QuestionCan I take blocks from the top?Community AnswerUnfortunately you cannot, due to regulations of Jenga, otherwise everyone would start from the top and work their way down until they finish the blocks, making the game pointless.
QuestionAm I allowed to move multiple blocks, but only pull out one?Community AnswerNo, you are only allowed to move the block you are trying to remove. If you start by moving one block and then decide to remove another block, the first block must be moved back into place.
QuestionDo I have to remove the block that I touched, or can I poke around and check which block to remove?Community AnswerYes, you have to remove the block that you touched. However, you can poke around with your nail to see which one is loose and try to get that one.
QuestionCan I re-align the tower during the game?Community AnswerNope! Once the tower is misaligned, it just stays that way until it falls, making the game even harder.
QuestionWhat can I do if I got a number of block is only one in the middle?Community AnswerIf you got a number of block that is only in the middle, then leave it. Taking it would cause the tower to fall.
QuestionCan I stack the block on its widest side, or its narrowest side, or do all levels of the tower have to keep the same "wide" or "narrow" approach?Community AnswerStack them on the wide side. Jenga blocks are differently shaped and if they were on the narrow side then they would be hard to take out and stack in the proper manner.
QuestionCan I erase the dares or truths written on the blocks if it's been written with pencil?Community AnswerPencil should come off depending on the type of pencil and how hard it was pressed into the Jenga piece.
QuestionCan I use the blocks in a different way?Community AnswerYes! For example, you can have a building competition, use them as dominoes, etc. wikiHow also has a short article on turning Jenga blocks into something else that you might find useful.
QuestionIf there are no moves left, can a player push an outside block into the middle in order to take the other outside block?Nils SchweizerCommunity AnswerNo, they can't. That would be a rule violation, because the rules state that only one block may be actively used in a turn.
QuestionIs it a rule that I have to take out the first block I touch?Community AnswerIt depends on how you play the game. I usually like to tap at a couple of blocks before choosing the loosest to take out.
QuestionCan I place a few layers on the top and then begin to pull from those top layers?Community AnswerThe top three layers should be off limits while playing Jenga. Not much of the tower would fall if you were to take them from the top.
QuestionI pulled one and all but one fell. Do I lose or replace two?Community AnswerIt would be a violation, and usually if you get a violation you pull another block or it is 5 or 3 violations and you lose. Or you can play by rules where you just put it at the top.
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