Q&A for How to Play Sardines

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    If there is one seeker left, does everyone come out of the hiding spot, or does the seeker have to find everyone?
    Community Answer
    The seeker must find everyone; he/she then becomes 'It' for the next round.
  • Question
    How many players are needed?
    Community Answer
    You can play with however many you want. If you have a lot of players, you can play in groups of two or three.
  • Question
    What if the people can't find me and give up?
    Community Answer
    You can set up an exact amount of time for the game. Plan a spot where you'll all meet up if the time runs out and no one has found you.
  • Question
    How do I figure out who the winner is?
    Community Answer
    There is no winner--the last person to join the sardines will be the hider in the next round.
  • Question
    Where are some creative places to hide?
    Community Answer
    Hide in places like a dark corner in your attic or you can mess up your blanket and hide under it.
  • Question
    What if I hide in a small place? How will everyone fit?
    Community Answer
    They won't fit, so that is why you are supposed to hide in a place that fits everyone.
  • Question
    What if I can't find the person?
    Community Answer
    Set a certain amount of time, and if not found in that set time, the last few seekers decide who is the new sardine.
  • Question
    How do I play it inside a store?
    Community Answer
    It is not a good idea to play sardines inside of a store, because you'll likely be caught and kicked out. Stores are for shopping, not playing games.
  • Question
    Can I play it with two players?
    Community Answer
    No, this game should only be played with 3 players or more. If you want to play with only two people, then play classic Hide and Seek.
  • Question
    How do I join the hider if all the seekers are around me? They might see me.
    Community Answer
    If you find the hiding person and another hunter is nearby, you might want to pretend like you haven't found anything and lead the other hunter into believing the hunted is somewhere else. Leave the room/area and come back shortly when no one is around.
  • Question
    What happens if a player hides in such a place where no one can find him and stays in there?
    Community Answer
    You should set a time limit, and if everyone agrees to quit, you can yell that everyone gave up.Then the hider wins and picks the next hider.
  • Question
    What happens if someone goes outside the boundaries?
    Community Answer
    Make sure that everyone is clear with the boundaries at the start of the game, but if they break the rules (or go out of the boundary) then they should automatically be "it" for the next round.
  • Question
    What if I get stuck in my hiding spot?
    Community Answer
    Call for help until someone comes and gets you out. Everyone will be looking for you eventually anyway.
  • Question
    What if a guy finds a girl sardine first or a girl finds a guy sardine first?
    Community Answer
    Sardines don't care about genders. This is a gender neutral game, and remember to be respectful to one another and never to assume someone's gender.
  • Question
    Can I use the flashlight to find the sardine?
    Community Answer
    All the players have to agree to it before the game starts, but it's more fun without a flashlight.
  • Question
    Can the original sardine move when there are more sardines, and do the other sardines have to move with the original? Can only the original sardine move?
    Community Answer
    The original sardine can move. If there are other sardines, they will also have to move with the original sardine.
  • Question
    Why do I have to count to 50 or 100 if I'm a seeker?
    Community Answer
    You have to give the sardines plenty of time to hide before you go looking for them. Those are the rules of the game.
  • Question
    Why is it called "Sardines" ? What is a sardine?
    Community Answer
    The game is called "Sardines" because when everyone hides in the same spot after they have found the person being "it" they look like a tin of sardines. A sardine is a type of small fish.
  • Question
    How can you play the game with 4 people - 3 players and 1 "sardine"?
    Community Answer
    You would play it the same way as a game of sardines with more than 4 people. Because there are fewer people, the game will be shorter, unless you find a good hiding spot.
  • Question
    What places are not suitable for hiding?
    Community Answer
    There are many places that aren't suitable for playing sardines, for example: Any place that's too small for a group of people to hide in, or a closed area with dangerous objects and/or no ventilation. The fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer are also unsafe areas to hide.
  • Question
    In Sardines, what if two people somehow find the sardine when they are the last two seekers?
    Community Answer
    If they do it at the same time, then you can decide how to do it. You could judge it by doing rock, paper, scissors, or whoever gets in first.
  • Question
    What is a game for siblings who have big age gaps?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how many siblings there are. If there is a family with a 12 year old and a two year old, tag will probably not be a good option. Hide and seek is good for all ages, as younger children can hide in small spots and older children can hide where it seems to be too small.
  • Question
    Can someone else say that they are the sardine even though they are not the original sardine?
    Marissa Yang Ayu
    Community Answer
    No. According to the rules of the game people cannot say they are the sardine if they are not the original sardine. It is breaking the game's rules.
  • Question
    What should the timer be set at?
    Beatrix CHOI
    Community Answer
    It depends on how much space you have. If you're in a small flat, 5 minutes. Normal house (one floor) 10 minutes. Normal house (two floors) 20 minutes. Garden included +5 minutes. One more floor/ basement/ attic +10 minutes each. A mansion, up to a half an hour.
  • Question
    How do I play Sardines in groups?
    Community Answer
    One team hides and the other teams find the two people hiding. The last team to find the people hiding are it.
  • Question
    Who invented Sardines?
    Community Answer
    Nobody's certain; records show the game being played in Greece in the second century, but no specific origin has been determined.
  • Question
    What if a person who was the seeker couldn't find anyone and they pick themselves as the next sardine?
    Community Answer
    The seeker has to admit defeat if they cannot find the sardines. They cannot appoint themselves a sardine.
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