Happy 18th Birthday! 47 Things You Can Legally Do Once You Become an Adult
Q&A for How to Play the Kissing Game
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QuestionWhat if you're too uncomfortable to kiss someone playing?Community AnswerYou're free not to play the game if you're uncomfortable. If you do agree to play, it should be with awareness and acceptance of the other people who are participating and the fact that that you may have to kiss any one of them - you don't get to choose who you kiss, and you don't get to discriminate against a specific person.
QuestionWhat if a boy has to kiss a boy in the game?Community AnswerIf the boy who has been chosen to kiss another doesn't feel comfortable about the situation, he certainly doesn't have to, but if the group you are playing with is very serious about the game, then rules are rules. This game is a silly game only for amusement, and if you don't feel comfortable playing it, then don't!
QuestionHow do I ask a girl out in high school?Community AnswerHave a date already in mind, either a restaurant, movie, or fun event, so you can ask her with a specific time and day. Walk up to her and ask her to this date. Be nice, smile, and be open and willing to change the date if she can't make it that day.
QuestionWhat if I'm in middle school and my friends really want to play it?Community AnswerIf you don't want to play, then don't. Think about it, especially if you haven't ever kissed anyone. There's only one time you get your first kiss, so you should make it special. If you do decide to play, make sure everyone else is comfortable too, and that no one is feeling pressured into it.
QuestionCan we hug instead of kiss in post office?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIt's a kissing game, but it's your body, so your rules apply. If you don't want to kiss, then you don't kiss. And if you don't want to kiss and don't want to hug either, then you don't hug either. You're not obligated to do anything, or to offer a hug as a consolation prize. If you don't want it, it doesn't happen.
QuestionCould I cheat in the last one and kiss the boy I want to kiss?Tom De BackerTop AnswererI genuinely think this is why this type of game is invented: so those who want to kiss each other can cheat and just do so. It lowers the thresholds, reduces the barriers, cuts through some red tape. The point is to get a chance to kiss anyone--hopefully the one you want to kiss--and if chance doesn't go your way, make your own luck! But remember, these things require the permission of both people involved. If he doesn't want to kiss you, then it can't happen.
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