Q&A for How to Practice Buddhism

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    Is it too late for me to join Buddhism if I am 29 and 1/2 years old?
    Community Answer
    It is never too late or too early for you to become a part of the Buddhist religion. Buddhism is a religion that is for all ages.
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    I am 14. Am I too young to join Buddhism?
    Community Answer
    Of course not! Some people are actually born into practicing Buddhism. It's never too early to start.
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    How do I concentrate on Buddha?
    Community Answer
    It takes a lot of practice. You must meditate often and whenever you feel yourself drifting away, take a moment to revert your attention back to it. This will take a long time but it can happen.
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    Can I practice some of the tenants of Buddhism yet not be a Buddhist?
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    In the simplest form, I would like to know about Buddhism.
    Community Answer
    Buddhism was founded on the teachings of the Buddha. Buddhists believe that attachments are the source of suffering, which can be ended by destroying all attachments.
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    I want to start practicing. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    I bought a "Buddha" and made a small shrine. If nothing else, having such a place in your home can be a reminder to continue on your path. Also, begin meditating. It's very simple.
  • Question
    If you are Buddhist are you Atheist?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. One does not need to believe there is a supreme being or there isn't in order to practice Buddhism.
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    Do Buddhists eat cows?
    Community Answer
    While Buddhism has no special holy animals, so nothing technically forbids them from eating cows, most Buddhists are vegetarian or vegan anyway since eating meat is considered bad karma.
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    Is it possible to practice Buddhism while still believing in God/Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. In Buddhism, there are 6 realms of existence; God is just a higher being in a higher existence.
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    Can I still become Buddhist if I am not vegetarian or vegan?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you practice the Dharma wholeheartedly, it will be fine.
  • Question
    I am 11. I already practice most of these things. Yet I do not consider myself Buddhist. Am I Buddhist?
    Community Answer
    If you do not consider yourself to be a part of the religion then you are not Buddhist. However, if you feel that you would like to be a part of the religion, then you would already have a good start.
  • Question
    What evidence do you have that suggests there is rebirth after death?
    Community Answer
    There have been several cases where small children have remembered things and details from their past lives, such as where they lived, and what their names were.
  • Question
    How can I avoid stepping on ants or other small insects when I'm walking?
    Community Answer
    Try being mindful of your every step, as if the insects were treasured family members.
  • Question
    Can I be Buddhist without believing in reincarnation?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you are welcome to believe what you wish. Most Buddhists do believe in reincarnation though, so try to keep an open mind about it.
  • Question
    Can I make a small shrine at my house if I am unable to make it to a temple?
    Sai Laurino
    Community Answer
    Yes. Many people make small shrines in their houses with incense and a picture or statue of Buddha, and practice at home.
  • Question
    Do Buddhists have a leader or someone that they pray to?
    Community Answer
    There isn't a god in traditional Buddhism, but many people treat the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) and other Buddhas as leaders or godlike figures of the religion. Many other people also combine Buddhist principles with more theistic religions, and certain forms of Buddhism incorporate cultural gods from the nations where they're concentrated.
  • Question
    If reincarnation exists, why can't I remember my previous life?
    Sophie Walford
    Community Answer
    Some people have some awareness of their past lives, and some do not. This just depends on the person and how their past life was lived. An inability to remember a past life doesn't mean that you never had one.
  • Question
    Must I give up meat in order to practice Buddhism?
    Community Answer
    Although most Buddhist are vegetarian, there are some who still eat meat. If you can't give up meat completely and are concerned about karma, there are other things you can do. For one, consider cutting down on meat consumption. And when you do eat meat, eat meat only from ethically raised animals, and offer prayers for and thanks to those animals.
  • Question
    I am a Hindu but I would like to follow Buddhist traditions as I think it is more sensible. Will I be able to do so?
    Community Answer
    The only person/thing that decides your beliefs is you. If you believe in the practice of Buddism more then chances are you are a Buddhist. Being raised with one religion does not mean you can not change.
  • Question
    For medical reasons I cannot become vegetarian or vegan, does that mean I will automatically attract bad karma? I am chronically anemic.
    Community Answer
    For health there is no bad karma attached. When you dedicate your practice for the sake of all sentient beings, and you are really sincere, then your efforts produce good karma for all. Tibetan monks, for instance, live in a difficult northern climate, so they eat meat. Perhaps you might be able to try to eat a little less meat. Eat a great variety of foods. In Chinese monastic vegetarian cooking it is said that there should be at least 42 different vegetarian ingredients or the meal won't be nutritious. Being vegetarian is not easy! Vegetarianism done wrong can even harm your body. Buddha taught that the Middle Way should avoid asceticism as well as self-indulgence.
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    I am 16 years old and I want to be a Buddhist. Do I have to undergo a conversion ceremony like in other religions to become officially a Buddhist?
    Community Answer
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    Do I have to pray or meditate to be a Buddhist?
    Community Answer
    Praying is not necessary. Meditate is required.
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    I'm 70 years old. Am I too old to live in a monastery and study Buddhism?
    Community Answer
    You're never too old. Do not feel that way. You can do brief stays. For instance in India, the Dalai Lama has places where you can stay and become gradually exposed to Buddhist practices. Opportunities like that exist all over. Studying at home can be very beneficial as well. You may need deep immersions once in a while to keep your compass on course. The benefits of study to the older mind are innumerable and incredible. Pop open those tired brain cells. Find a commitment to go forward with renewed purpose. You are lucky already to have such opportunity. May that continue!
  • Question
    I am a Catholic and I do not feel that Catholicism is right for me anymore. I am 40 years old and had a friend invite me to try Buddhism. Is there anything in particular I must do to start practicing?
    Community Answer
    While it's not a must, I'd recommend reading some books about Buddhism. There are many great Buddhist writers. Maybe you could try Thich Nhat Hahn for starters!
  • Question
    Is it okay to be homosexual if I'm a Buddhist?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is completely fine.
  • Question
    I love meat, but I do not like the killing of the animal and always give thanks to the animal for its life. Is it still bad karma?
    Community Answer
    Of course not! As long as you are thankful for the animal and the food it gives, it is not bad karma.
  • Question
    Can I be a Buddhist and still occasionally drink alcohol? And am I still allowed to eat meat even though it's considered bad karma? I agree and practice most Buddhist teachings but those might be hard.
    Community Answer
    As long as you take refuge in the triple gem, namely The Buddha, The Dharma and The Sangha, you can consider yourself a Buddhist. However, keep in mind that the fifth training precept does state that you must abstain from mind-altering substances. As for meat, Theravada Buddhism does not consider it bad karma per se unless you order the butcher to kill an animal on your behalf.
  • Question
    If I start practicing Buddhism independently, at what point can I self identify as Buddhist?
    Community Answer
    You may call yourself Buddhist whenever you want. As long as you start practicing the religion, you're Buddhist. You may not be an experienced Buddhist, but you're a Buddhist.
  • Question
    I am 20 years old. Can I join this religion?
    Community Answer
    Religion does not have an age requirement, especially Buddhism. There are children that are Buddhists, and there are hundred-year-old Buddhists.
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    If my favorite thing that gives me joy involves something material, like driving cars, do I have to give that up to follow the Eightfold Path?
    Community Answer
    No, regular lay persons can attain lower stages of enlightenment like Sotapanna (Stream Entry) and Sakadagami (Once Returner). The two higher stages are more difficult to attain and may require monastic practice. The good news is, once you have attained Stream Entry, you are guaranteed to become fully enlightened within 7 lifetimes.
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