Q&A for How to Produce Electricity from Cow Dung

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    How can I produce electricity with cow dung using copper and zinc sheets?
    Community Answer
    By connecting copper and zinc plates due to flow of electrons from zinc to copper the current flows from copper to zinc and thus the electricity is produced.
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    Is producing electricity from dung poisonous?
    Science With Arvin
    Community Answer
    Electricity is not poisonous. Electricity can stop your heart if you have it on a high enough amperage, but electricity itself has no intrinsic poison factor.
  • Question
    How do I do a working model of geothermal energy?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways. Cow dung can be used to generate electricity.
  • Question
    Is the gas smell from burning gas in an open flame harmful to people?
    Da genius
    Community Answer
    The gas can be harmful to people if too much is inhaled. It is advised that you do not step near these flames for prolonged amounts of time to prevent harm to your respiratory system. If you must be near them it is a good idea to wear a mask or face covering to prevent you from inhaling the gases.
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