Q&A for How to Quit Porn as a Muslim

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    If sexual intercourse breaks the fast, does this mean even masturbation breaks the fast?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Both of them break the fast.
  • Question
    Which verse in the Quran says masturbation is haram?
    Community Answer
    "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." 23.5-7. Here the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for with their wives.
  • Question
    I watch porn and I am addicted to it. I really want to stop and I have managed to stop multiple times but then I go back to watching it. I've repented, but I keep doing it, what can I do to stop it?
    Community Answer
    You can try utilizing sites like keepmeout.com. They can block the sites you frequent and want to avoid. You can also just try to be more mentally determined to stop. Pray for help and follow the steps in this article as well.
  • Question
    Is mastrubation a sin in Islam?
    Hammad Abdullah
    Community Answer
    Yes. Masturbation is a sin in Islam. In fact, it is haram (very strictly prohibited) to masturbate.
  • Question
    Is masturbation haram in Islam before marriage?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. Even when you already married, if you masturbate, it will still be haram.
  • Question
    Is masturbation haram in Islam?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's haram. It's a sin and must be avoided. It can lead you into addiction.
  • Question
    I did all these steps, going to our local mosque and reading the Qur'an on a daily basis, but still I couldn't quit it, can you please help?
    Top Answerer
    There are many ways to stop watching porn, but it's very hard to be consistent even when doing extra worship. There's not much that can be done in such cases, except being patient and steadfast. There are a number of prayers you can read when you get bad thoughts. For example, "Allaahum-magh-fir dhan-bee wa ṭah-hir qal-bee, wa ḥaṣṣin far-jee" ("O Allah forgive my sin, cleanse my heart and guard my chastity.") and "al-laahum-ma in-ne a‘oodhu bi-ka min mun-ka-raatil akhlaaq wal a‘maali wal ahwaa’" (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from abominable morals, actions and desires.).
  • Question
    Is it permissible for a wife to masturbate her husband and vice versa?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but "masturbate" refers to self-stimulation. Perhaps you mean "manual stimulation", which is also fine.
  • Question
    Is that why circumcision was started? To make it more difficult?
    Community Answer
    No. Circumcision is used to prevent infection, as dirt and bacteria collect under the foreskin very easily and it's difficult to keep the area clean.
  • Question
    I'm a young boy and I usually masturbate about 5 times a week. Is this Haraam?
    z m
    Community Answer
    Yes, masturbation is Haraam. Do your best to get out of this addiction. Always remember that the pleasure will go away, but the sin will remain. Make lots of dua for forgiveness and try to busy your life. Get closer to Islam and get rid of those things that make you do bad deeds.
  • Question
    Is sex addiction halal for Muslim couples?
    Top Answerer
    Sex inside of marriage is not forbidden, but there are times when it is disliked or forbidden (for example, when fasting or going on pilgrimage). Otherwise, it is considered to be a blessing from Allah. Addiction, on the other hand, is harmful; the Prophet forbade against causing harm to oneself or others.
  • Question
    Can we eat anything in a state of janabah?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you are allowed to eat or drink when you're in a state of janabah. However, you must perform ghusl before touching the Qur'an or praying salah. Allah says in the Qur'an, "If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body", so you must perform ghusl as soon as possible.
  • Question
    Is masturbation without pornography a major or minor sin?
    Top Answerer
    It is not a major sin because there is not evidence to say that it is; however, it is still a forbidden act, and the Qur'an says, "Eschew all sins, open or secret! Those who earn sin will get due recompense for their deeds." Major or minor, we should avoid all sins.
  • Question
    Why would any Muslim drop masturbation and porn for the reason of love perfection if the Quran allows for the acts which are incompatible with the concept of serene and married life? (2:223, 4:34)
    Bat 🦇
    Top Answerer
    Masturbation is disputed by scholars, but pornography is unquestionably forbidden (24:30-31; Sahih Muslim 338 a/Book 3, Hadith 90).
  • Question
    I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for a year now. Is there any chance I can go to Jannah?
    Ayisha A. Gill
    Community Answer
    Yes, Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful. You just need to Repent truly and from the core of your heart and then quit all this.
  • Question
    If i masturbate at a young age will Allah forgive me?
    Community Answer
    He will if you stop and pray for his forgiveness and promise you will never sin again.
  • Question
    I used to watch porn daily. Is it halal or haram?
    Community Answer
    Watching porn is haram. In 5:39, the Qur'an says “But whoever repents after his wrongdoing and reforms, indeed, Allah will turn to him in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” This means that if you repent, Allah (SWT) will forgive you.
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