Q&A for How to Repent According to the Bible

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    How can I repent when I've sinned a lot?
    Community Answer
    Repent means to "change your mind about" or "to turn away from." If you make a decision to turn away from your sins, that means you are walking away all of your sins, no matter how many of them there may be.
  • Question
    If I keep doing the same sins then repenting, is that OK?
    Community Answer
    No. You need to see the non-holy thought patterns. Think about doing good deeds, admit to your sins, and try not do them again. Understand that habits don't change right away; keep striving, and be hopeful, righteous and faithful.
  • Question
    What If I want to repent, but I'm scared to even pray to Him? How do I know He will forgive me?
    Community Answer
    Fearing God is a good thing, but you have to know that God is both love and holy (Deuteronomy 7:9-10). You know He will forgive you when you genuinely repent through the Word of God (1 John 1:9 & Hebrews 4:14-16). It is up to you to believe His Words that He has written to you.
  • Question
    Can I repent, then change later?
    Community Answer
    Repentance and change go together. You cannot change without repentance, nor can you genuinely repent but then not change. As this article says the verb "repent" used in the NT means "to change one's mind" in Greek, repenting means you change your mind, and changing your mind should lead to a change of action. Even in daily life, after changing your mind, you do not intentionally do the opposite. I am not saying that change is immediate, but repentance and change go together. You cannot have bad fruits on a good tree nor good fruits on a bad tree (Matthew 7:18). By your genuine change, it will be revealed whether you truly repented or not (Galatians 6:7).
  • Question
    Do I have to repent for sins again if I do the same sin again?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you must repent as long as you keep sinning.
  • Question
    What am I supposed to say to repent?
    Community Answer
    Tell God that you want to turn away from your old life and follow Him. Tell Him you want a new life and to become a new creation to Him. Tell Him you are willing to do whatever it takes to get right with Him. (Note - whatever it takes is quite simple only baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are required.) If you are genuine, God will answer your prayer.
  • Question
    How will I know when to repent?
    Community Answer
    The Bible says the time to repent is now. God has done His part when he sent His son to the cross; now it's up to you to respond.
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    How to repent if I don't remember my sins?
    Community Answer
    You, and everyone else, sin every day, whether it's a simple "white lie" or a nasty thought, gossiping, backstabbing, etc. If you really can't remember anything bad, just pray, "I'm sorry for everything I have done that's sinful." He will know your sins even if you don't.
  • Question
    Will I always be tempted by sin?
    Community Answer
    Yes -- such is life in fallen bodies in a broken world. Hopefully you won't aways be tempted by the same ones, though! The devil always tries to tempt those who are close to God. Keep praying and fighting. God promises He will always provide you with a way of escape when you are tempted to sin. And it IS possible to have victory over certain besetting sins in your life.
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    Where is the kingdom of God?
    Community Answer
    The Kingdom of God is where God lives. It is everywhere but it is spiritual and you can't see it. Jesus said we must be born again to perceive and enter into it (John3:3-5). Paul tells us that it is not in food and drink (natural things) but in righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). He also said it is not in words but in power (1Corinthians 4:20).
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    How do I make peace with other people when I did something wrong?
    Rod Goodwin
    Community Answer
    This can be hard but the Bible promises that when a person pleases God, even that person's enemies will be at peace with them (Proverbs 16:7). So apologize if possible and concentrate on living a life that pleases God.
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    How do I repent at home?
    Community Answer
    The same way you repent anywhere else. Do not blab like the other people because they want to be seen and heard but actually feel the glory and gift of god. Don't be afraid for Jesus knows what you want before you even ask him. Repentance is the first stage to glory.
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    Can I ask Jesus into someone else's heart?
    Community Answer
    You can only pray for someone, that the Lord will work on his heart. A person can only be saved by his own faith.
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    Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow him. This was before his crucifixion, before the cross had its symbolic meaning. What did he mean by pick up your cross?
    Community Answer
    Jesus said this as He was heading to be crucified for our sins. In God's eyes, Jesus was already given up for crucifixion before even the foundation of the world was laid (Ephesians 1:4-5). What Jesus says about picking up our cross daily and following Him means renouncing our life on this earth as our own and giving it to Jesus, our master, every moment of our lives (Luke 9:24). And to do this, we have to fight against our sinful desire to live our lives as we want, and that is the cross we have to pick up and bear (Romans 6:11).
  • Question
    Can I be forgiven for all sins?
    Community Answer
    God forgives all of your sins through the atonement of His Son's blood if you genuinely repent. The only sin God cannot forgive is making Him a liar by not believing in the gospel and the message of repentance, which is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28).
  • Question
    Is soccer sinful since it's all about winning?
    George Hamilton
    Community Answer
    Like so many things, playing sports is not a sin. Making a sport more important than God is the sin of idolatry. Being competitive in a game is not a sin, as it is the nature of the game. Being arrogant, having to be better than everyone else all the time, having an attitude of superiority, being prideful about your abilities, or cheating would all be examples of sinful behavior. Being good at soccer is, in and of itself, not a sin.
  • Question
    What is the first point of repentance?
    Community Answer
    The first point of repentance is recognizing that you are a sinner. Because you are a sinner, you sin.
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    How do I get rid of my pride, so that I can be humble enough to submit to Jesus?
    Community Answer
    First thing to do is to invite the Holy Spirit to abide in you. With the Holy spirit in you, you will surmount the spirit of pride that lives in you. The Holy Spirit will become your guiding angel, telling you what to do and what not to do. Pride comes before a fall. A man's pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor. The person should also read the verses of the Bible that discuss pride.
  • Question
    What words should I use when asking for a baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    Community Answer
    There are no right words just use. Just speak what's in your heart.
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    What if I've already been baptized? Do I need to get baptized again after I repent about something?
    Community Answer
    No, you just need to practice your baptismal covenants and truly repent as you were before you were baptized.
  • Question
    How often do we need to repent?
    Community Answer
    Every day, every moment of our lives. Because we are sinners, we sin all the time. Therefore, we need to repent all the time for the sins - whether it is a thought or action. "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance" (Matthew 3:8). John the Baptist does not say "through one repentance" but he says "in keeping with repentance" meaning to constantly repent throughout our lives that we may not incur God's wrath.
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    How can I stop the devil from tempting me?
    Community Answer
    Ask God for the power and the strength to resist the temptation, because, "ask and you shall receive".
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    Does the baptism we got as infants count?
    Community Answer
    No, it doesn't count because you were not baptized based on your faith but on your parents' faith. Yet the bible says: Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 WHOEVER believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Morever, the Lord did not baptize children. He prayed for them. You have to be old enough to make your own decision in order to be baptized.
  • Question
    How do I know if I have been forgiven?
    Community Answer
    If you have done all the required steps, you are forgiven.
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    Do I have to be baptized to repent?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to be baptized to repent. You need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ask him into your heart.
  • Question
    Must I repent to someone or only God?
    Community Answer
    When you repent to God He has already promised to react in a very positive way. That is all that is needed to become a born again new creation. If you have wronged people, you may want to apologise to them but there is no guarantee of a good outcome and in any case it is not necessary in your path to making peace with God.
  • Question
    If I never get baptized, will I go to Hell even though I believe?
    Terri Sue Clark
    Community Answer
    My pastor says believing that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for your sins and trusting in His Word is more important than baptism. God will baptize us should we fail to get baptized.
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    Can I be forgiven if I feel no shame?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Repentance is about changing your patterns of thought and behavior. God knows it is hard to change ourselves so He gives us the power to change through Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • Question
    Can I repent for my kids?
    Community Answer
    No, you cannot. You can only repent for yourself. One must believe that when they repent, they will be saved. You cannot save other people, they are the ones who must believe for themselves. But you can pray that they will come to know Jesus, and you can talk to them about Jesus too, when they are ready to listen.
  • Question
    Will God forgive me if I repent for worshiping an idol?
    Captain Doodle
    Community Answer
    Of course! You do have to be truly sorry for it and resolve to follow God, but he always forgives.
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