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Q&A for How to Say the Rosary
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QuestionWho discovered the Holy Rosary?Community AnswerMost people attribute the Holy Rosary to Saint Dominic. But it more than likely evolved from repeating the Ave Maria (Hail Mary) and other Marion prayers.
QuestionWhere do I place my personal intentions when praying the rosary?Community AnswerSome pray personal intentions before starting the Apostles' Creed at the very beginning of the rosary. Some people pray each decade for a specific intention; if you want to do that, pray your personal intention before the Our Fathers for each decade.
QuestionDo I have to say the Mysteries while saying the rosary?Community AnswerNo, that's optional. Just following Method 1 is enough.
QuestionWhen saying the "Glory be,"" what does it mean when we pray, "as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end."Community AnswerIt means we unceasingly give glory to God from the time of creation and forever. It is basically an extended "amen."
QuestionSome add the "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" prayer. What is this about?Community AnswerSome Catholics have extra prayers that they add to the end of the Rosary. They're not necessary, just a little thing some families like to do.
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