Q&A for How to Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in your Life

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    How do I seek forgiveness from Jesus?
    Community Answer
    You just ask for forgiveness, like you would from another person you'd offended. Close your eyes, get someplace quiet to pray, and talk to him. Tell him what you did, why you think you did it, and acknowledge that it was wrong. Pray for forgiveness and help to be and do better next time.
  • Question
    I've been a Christian for 10 years, but I am not able to leave my worldly lifestyle. How can I be a good religious person?
    Community Answer
    Pray about it, ask God for help. Resist worldly temptations, recite scripture to help you with this. Ask some Christian friends or a pastor to pray with you, and spend your time with them instead of anybody who might be a bad influence.
  • Question
    How does Jesus reply to my prayer?
    Community Answer
    Jesus will reply in your soul, and sometimes his replies will be visible in your life depending on the prayer.
  • Question
    How can I know if Jesus has forgiven me?
    Community Answer
    Jesus will always forgive you, there's no need to worry about whether or when.
  • Question
    Does Jesus accept everyone?
    Community Answer
    Jesus will accept you just as you are, no matter the circumstances. If you seek a continually growing relationship with him, he will rid you of all your sin.
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    I really want Jesus in my life, and I want to repent with all of my heart, but I keep failing back into sin. How can I stop?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to be at a perfect, sinless time in your life to accept Jesus as your savior. If you truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for sins, and ask Him to forgive you, you are saved.
  • Question
    Will Jesus know if I'm in pain?
    Community Answer
    He always knows when you're in pain. He was in pain Himself as a man, and He knows what it feels like. He always knows what is going on with you.
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    How do I find Jesus again if I feel spiritually lost?
    Community Answer
    Weep your heart out, get baptized, and truly seek Him. Repent and turn away from sin. Leave behind whoever/whatever is causing negativity in your life. Follow the examples Jesus left behind.
  • Question
    How do I seek out Jesus if I am not a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Get to know some Christian friends, have a chat with them regarding Jesus, and ask them to bring you to church and seminars or retreats where you can get to know more about Jesus.
  • Question
    How can I tell if Jesus is protecting me?
    Community Answer
    Jesus is always protecting you! This is a chance for you to test your faith; you just have to believe that Jesus is fulfilling his promise to you by protecting you.
  • Question
    I love Jesus but how can I give up drinking and smoking?
    Community Answer
    These are common addictions and it is difficult to stop them. You can pray to God and ask Him to help you with these addictions; you can also go to a pastor and ask help from them; the pastor might know a good way to try to get over these problems, or he could suggest someone for you.
  • Question
    I am searching Jesus, but I am sinner. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep reading the Bible. Jesus knows you are a sinner. In fact, all of us in this world are sinners! Don't let that stop you from finding Jesus. Read the Bible, pray to God, attend a Church, etc.
  • Question
    How do you get your husband to accept Jesus into his life and stop sinning?
    Community Answer
    You can't. What you can do is your best to show him God's love through your actions.
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    I always ask God for a sign of acknowledgement. How or when could I hear God either speak to me or give me a sign?
    Community Answer
    If you ask God for courage, he doesn't just give it to you, he gives you an opportunity to be courageous. If you ask God for patience, he may not just give it to you, he will give you a chance to be patient. Sometimes when you ask God for something the answer may be no. Just be patient, it may take time for him to answer by putting you in a situation down the road. Just open up your heart and give yourself totally over to him; he will send the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you in the direction he wants you to go in. No matter what happens, always keep the faith.
  • Question
    What can I do for Jesus that my Muslim family won't know about?
    Community Answer
    You need to accept that Jesus isn't part of your family's religion. You need to tell your family that you have moved to Christianity or even move away from your family if they cannot be tolerant of your faith choice.
  • Question
    How do I get to know Jesus Christ?
    Community Answer
    Ask Him to come into your heart, then find a church.
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    I am confused and suicidal. How do I find Jesus to help me?
    Community Answer
    Invite Jesus into your life, and read the Bible, especially the New Testament. Attend services and participate in events sponsored by your church. If you're feeling suicidal, please call the Suicide Hotline and speak with a representative, 1-800-273-8255. A pastor, priest, or other member of the clergy may help with your confusion and answer any questions you may have.
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    Will I feel the strength and happiness come into me and will he stay with me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, happiness will come to you, God is love and he wants us to be happy and he will never leave us nor forsake us.
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    I just saw a scary anime, and I need Jesus NOW. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Just pray to God and ask for help. Try to distract your mind from what you watched by listening to music or reading an interesting book.
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    Does Jesus forgive the sins that I do consciously?
    Community Answer
    Yes! He will always love and forgive you if you ask him to, no matter what sin it is!
  • Question
    To become a good religious person, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Pray often, live your convictions, help the needy and try to be like Christ.
  • Question
    How can I get the Holy Spirit back into my life?
    Community Answer
    Ask for Him. Try to stop any sinful habits and then ask God to GENUINELY to enter you and transform you. Ask Him everyday. God says you need to keep knocking for the door to be answered.
  • Question
    How do I overcome temptation?
    Community Answer
    Overcome temptation by putting God first. I always try to remember God is my Father who loves me and wants the best for me. Also, I think a lot of sowing and reaping. With every decision and action, I think what seeds I am sowing in my life and what will I reap from the choice I made.
  • Question
    If I seek the presence of Jesus Christ in my life, will he give back the person who left me?
    Community Answer
    It's possible, but God knows why he removed those people from your life. He has a bigger purpose for you, and it may or may not include those individuals.
  • Question
    How should I help other people in my writing? What should be some of my topics? I want to be a female pastor.
    Community Answer
    Inspire others to find Jesus in their life. Some topics could be: finding salvation, confessing your sins, remaining loyal to the Lord, and getting your life back on track.
  • Question
    How can I know Jesus is with me when I don't feel the presence of the Holy Spirit?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has part of the Holy Spirit - it is just a matter of your being able to notice and feel its presence. You can access its presence through the Bible, worship (including music, dance, community, etc), and prayer. Jesus is always present, because He loves each and every one of us - almost like a parent who always lovingly watches everything their child is doing. Know also that the things you do because of your faith, like praying, attending church, volunteering, etc, are as important for you as they are for Him.
  • Question
    If I'm not baptized, will Jesus still listen to me?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Jesus listens to everyone, baptized or not.
  • Question
    How do I know when Jesus comes into my life again after asking for forgiveness?
    Community Answer
    He never left, God is sovereign, and always faithful to us through his promises. It is only us who are unfaithful. Have faith.
  • Question
    Will Jesus help me even if I am gay?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As long as you pray to Jesus, he will help guide you through life.
  • Question
    How can I see Jesus while I'm still alive?
    Community Answer
    You cannot physically see Jesus on Earth, although you can feel his presence by doing the right thing and becoming closer to him.
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