Q&A for How to Shoot an Arrow

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    If I'm a kid, is it best to start learning archery with a longbow or a recurve bow?
    Community Answer
    Recurve bows provide more power for less draw, which means you don't have to be as strong to pull the string. This is generally better for kids. However, there are longbows designed for kids. You will have to judge what equipment you want based on why you are practicing archery.
  • Question
    How do I put more pressure into it?
    Community Answer
    You draw the bow string back further while straightening your shoulders. This will give you more pressure and a more powerful shot.
  • Question
    When I release the arrow, I sometimes see the arrow contact the bow and then pitch sideways mid-flight. What causes this, and how should I correct this?
    Community Answer
    It is caused by the position of the fletch. The two same colored ones should be on the inside, and the single colored one should be on the outside.
  • Question
    Is it okay if I shoot with 2 fingers instead of three for my own comfort?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to do this, but your grip on the arrow will be less firm and this may inhibit your control.
  • Question
    How do I shoot an arrow that is notchless?
    Community Answer
    If the arrow has no notch, carve your own into it. Otherwise, the bowstring will slip, and the result would cause a painful burn.
  • Question
    Is there a specific way to hit the middle of the target?
    Community Answer
    It may work if you aim for the black part of the target. If you hit above the bullseye, aim lower but if it hits below the bullseye, then aim higher.
  • Question
    How do I gain the arm strength to pull it back? I can't seen to do it.
    Community Answer
    Training your tricep, shoulder, and upper back muscles can help you gain the necessary strength to pull a bow string back. Try exercises like pull-ups, tricep dips, and kneeling one arm rows. (Always, ALWAYS work out under proper supervision and guidance!) Furthermore, technique is important. Pull back the string using your shoulder muscles, and squeeze your back muscles to get to your resting point (that's where you can comfortably rest the arrow when it's drawn back). Keep your back straight, knees apart, breathe in before you pull, and breathe out when you pull. Start with a low-weight bow, like 7½ pounds. That's where I started out to learn proper draw-back technique. (I am a beginner)
  • Question
    There is usually one fletch that is a different color from the others on an arrow. Which way should that fletch be pointed?
    Community Answer
    The differently colored fletch should be facing away from the bow, while the one with the same colors goes by the bow.
  • Question
    Do I have to have a target?
    Community Answer
    You do not always need a target. Having a target recommended for accuracy, but for beginners shooting without a target could help with simply drawing, nocking, etc.
  • Question
    How can I use a stick bow and arrow to defeat my enemies?
    Sergey Lagunov
    Community Answer
    A stick bow and arrow is designed for sports and entertainment, sometimes for hunting. The bow is not used to defeat enemies in modern time.
  • Question
    Can you provide more information on holding the bow string?
    Community Answer
    Just pull it back, grasping the arrow that is placed on the string with the slit firmly with 2 or 3 fingers, and release. If that doesn't work, then pull it back even farther. But be careful not to let the string drag across your forearm, it hurts.
  • Question
    How do I understand the numbers on an arrow?
    Matthew Hester
    Community Answer
    Depending on the arrow manufacturer, the numbers on the side could indicate anything from the arrow's diameter and thickness to its draw weight. Check the manufacture's arrow number charts for model-specific information.
  • Question
    Is there an arrow rest?
    Community Answer
    There are multiple types of arrow rests; the most common is the hair rest, which you just rest your arrows on.
  • Question
    Where can I get the equipment to shoot an arrow?
    Community Answer
    The equipment is available at most sporting goods stores.
  • Question
    When I pull back the arrow, the front of the bow moves to the side. I put it back on the place that holds in the front and it sways once I pull back. What can I do?
    Sergey Lagunov
    Community Answer
    Either your bow is too powerful for you, or you pull it wrong. Beginners are not recommended to use bows with strength above 30lb. When pulling the bow, the elbow of the pulling arm should not be lowered to the ground, otherwise the load rests on the muscles of the hand, not on the back.
  • Question
    How do I make my anchor perfect?
    Community Answer
    If you use a sight, put the tab under your chin and let the string gently touch your nose and lips. If you use a barebow, put the tab on your cheek.
  • Question
    What is wrong if the arrow falls right to my feet when I try to shoot it?
    Matthew Hester
    Community Answer
    If the arrow falls toward your feet when you try to shoot it, check to make sure you nocked it correctly. If you did, check whether or not you are pulling the bowstring tight enough. If you are, there may be a problem with your bow itself.
  • Question
    Can I use my thumb while holding the arrow?
    Top Answerer
    While you are nocking the arrow, yes. When you are shooting, no. While shooting, the thumb should be bent under your palm, but not touching the string or arrow.
  • Question
    Will shooting hurt my hands or fingers?
    Community Answer
    If you do it properly, then no. However, your fingers may feel a little weird after as the bow string is always in the same place, which can feel strange.
  • Question
    Where can I buy archery equipment?
    Community Answer
    Nearly any store that specializes in outdoor, hunting, and fishing gear.
  • Question
    The distance that the arrow travels must be correlated with its speed. With a beginner's bow that is set up to shoot at 20 pounds, doesn't that limit the distance the arrow can go?
    Community Answer
    Technically yes, but do not underestimate what you can hit, you will have to aim higher. You can use lighter arrows. You can hit a 70 meter target just as well (or even better) with a lighter bow if you are not used to the weight.
  • Question
    Where does my hand go after the arrow is released?
    Community Answer
    After you release the string, your hand should do a slight backwards jerk that's not too rough. Just go with the flow and move your hand naturally after releasing the string.
  • Question
    What fingers do I put my finger guard on?
    Top Answerer
    If you have a split-finger tab, have your index finger on top and the middle and ring on the bottom. Place the arrow in the gap between your fingers with our index above the arrows and the others below. If you shoot three fingers under, have your index, middle, and ring all on the tab and place the tab under the arrow.
  • Question
    How do I shoot an arrow farther?
    Top Answerer
    You can draw the bow further, adjust the draw weight, buy a new bow in a higher draw weight, add a fast flight flemish string, or aim a little higher.
  • Question
    How do I shoot an arrow with a compound bow correctly?
    Sergey Lagunov
    Community Answer
    You shoot it the same way you would with a recursive bow. Most compound archers use release for shooting with a compound bow. Never shoot with a compound bow without an arrow. It causes damage even to recurve bows, and it's even worse with a compound bow.
  • Question
    My bow is really strong and I can't fully pull it. How can I adjust it?
    Sergey Lagunov
    Community Answer
    If the riser allows, you can buy and install more suitable arms on it. You can also put a slightly longer string. If the attachment of the shoulders is adjustable, then they can be slightly weakened, and this will reduce the load.
  • Question
    I made my own bow. Does dominant eye still matter?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it does. You will need it to help you aim, and dominant eye is more important that dominant hand in archery. If you are left-eye dominant, you will want a left-handed bow, with the rest on the right side. Vice versa for right eye.
  • Question
    Where can I practice target shooting?
    Community Answer
    The best place is a local archery club, where they can also teach you proper technique.
  • Question
    When I release, the arrow just falls straight down instead of going forward. What am I doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    Make sure the arrow is properly nocked, pull back the string fully, and make sure your release is steady and you follow through with your motion.
  • Question
    How do I make sure the arrow doesn't slant after I shoot it?
    Community Answer
    Ensure that your posture is straight and that your arms are facing the same way at the same angle.
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