Q&A for How to Start Doing Stand up Comedy

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    How do I come up with my own unique style of comedy?
    Community Answer
    Speak in your own voice, tell your own stories/jokes, practice A LOT, and your style will find you.
  • Question
    How long does the stand up have to be in terms of time?
    Community Answer
    When you're starting out, the slots you are given will be pretty short, around 5-15 minutes. Make sure you fit in your best material and don't go over your time. As you gain popularity, venues will offer you longer time slots.
  • Question
    Who can I talk to for advice?
    Community Answer
    Get in touch with local successful stand-up comedians; if you are taking acting or comedy classes, your professor or fellow classmates may also have good advice. You might also read books written by successful comedians, they have a lot of wisdom.
  • Question
    How can I entertain members of a college festival?
    Community Answer
    Tell jokes that would pertain to that age group. For example, you could start out by telling some funny stories from your time in college. Do some online research about popular comedians for that age group and what their material is like.
  • Question
    I am called MC HIV from Uganda. How can I become a celebrity outside my country?
    Community Answer
    Try to use online platforms like YouTube so more people will see you.
  • Question
    How do I find a club to join to become a comedian?
    Community Answer
    You can consult the internet to see what clubs are available in your area. You can call them to get more information about requirements to join their club.
  • Question
    I'm 12, where can I perform?
    Community Answer
    It will be tough to find places to perform at your age, so I'd recommend you try out your comedy routines on your friends for now. If your school hosts a talent show, that would be one option for you to perform in front of more people. There may also be all-ages open mic nights at clubs in your area, ask around or Google and see what you can find out.
  • Question
    Can I sit down and do it?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If your feet hurt, there's usually a stool center stage by a mic stand.
  • Question
    What are the best open mics in Atlanta to start off with?
    Baker and Maker
    Community Answer
    Some good places to go would be Laughing Skull Lounge and Uptown Comedy Center.
  • Question
    I'm too nervous to perform alone, but I'm too bossy and controlling to work with someone else. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Work on either facing your fears of public speaking, or working with other people. If you can overcome either one, it will be easier to move on with your passion.
  • Question
    Can you make jokes about the audience?
    Community Answer
    You can to a degree. But don't have it consume most of your act, and don't make it too offensive or awkward unless that's consistent with your style of comedy.
  • Question
    How can I get gigs booked as a comedian?
    Community Answer
    Local pubs and restaurants may be looking for gigs. You could also make a website where people can hire you to do comedy for them. An agent is also a good essential, too!
  • Question
    How can I do stand up comedy as a kid in a talent show?
    Community Answer
    Just be yourself and tell jokes. Simple. Look up the best jokes on Google and pick your favorites. Add a few funny ones that you know already, and you're good to go. Be normal and casual, the one thing people hate most about talent shows is when kids stiffen up or talk like robots.
  • Question
    I can make strangers and friends laugh. I can I translate that into stand up?
    Shruti Pundir
    Community Answer
    Making strangers or friends laugh is one thing and doing a stand up act on the stage is a totally different thing. If you want to put those things in your stand up, just make a reference document or a rough list of your one-liners or punches or jokes. Then learn them and perform it.
  • Question
    How can I think of a funny story line?
    Community Answer
    Find inspiration from other comedians' experiences, or re-tell an exaggerated version of something funny that has happened to you.
  • Question
    Where can I do stand up comedy as a kid?
    Community Answer
    You could start by just telling your friends. If your school does a talent show, that could work too. Do an online search fo places that have all-ages open mic night. And if none of those work, then just spend time perfecting your material.
  • Question
    How do I get the courage to go on stage?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    Practice performing in front of people you know first, like your friends and family. Slowly work your way up to bigger and bigger crowds until you feel confident enough to hit the stage.
  • Question
    What should you do if one of your top jokes fails to make them laugh?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    Try a different joke! Every comedian bombs at least one time, so you shouldn't let it get you down. If your first joke doesn't work, switch tactics and move on to a different subject.
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