Q&A for How to Start a Conversation at School

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    How can I become friends with the new kid at school?
    Katie Styzek
    School Counselor
    Katie Styzek is a Professional School Counselor for Chicago Public Schools. Katie earned a BS in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She served as a middle school mathematics, science, and social studies teacher for three years prior to becoming a counselor. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in School Counseling from DePaul University and an MA in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. Katie holds an Illinois School Counselor Endorsement License (Type 73 Service Personnel), an Illinois Principal License (formerly Type 75), and an Illinois Elementary Education Teaching License (Type 03, K – 9). She is also Nationally Board Certified in School Counseling from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
    School Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Say “Hi” and introduce yourself with your name and grade. Ask them for the same information. You can also ask the new student where they moved from and how it’s going at the new school. See if they want to play together at recess or sit together at lunch.
  • Question
    How can I talk at school if I'm really shy?
    Community Answer
    Try to start off with the people who also seem shy. Talking to these people helps to build confidence and it is a good starting point. Then, try to set goals for yourself and talk to someone new every day. When you're able to do this and you see that nothing bad happens, you'll feel a lot more comfortable.
  • Question
    I noticed a guy in a hallway; he has a backpack of my favorite band. I really want to talk to him but I'm really shy, he seems shy, and he really doesn't talk to girls. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Maybe point to his backpack and casually say, "I love that band!" and tell him why. Just start simply.
  • Question
    I have been at my school for a year and I still don't have any close friends. I want to make some more and start a conversation, but I just can't. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    You need to put yourself out there. That means joining groups and going to events. It may feel awkward at first, but it'll get easier. Look for someone else who looks awkward and just go over and make small talk. You can do it!
  • Question
    What if you want to talk about them being from another country? They're new, and I want to get to know them better and possibly have a relationship. I'm not sure if I should wait, or go ahead and talk.
    Community Answer
    Go ahead and talk but start with a simple "Hi" and tell him or her your name.
  • Question
    I feel like I'm the third wheel to my friends. I am very shy and find it difficult to open up with my friends. How do I overcome that and how do I make my friends like me?
    Morgan Joyce
    Community Answer
    If you feel like a third wheel then you should talk to your friends about it, if they get irritated or annoyed about you saying this then they are not considering your feelings and you should try to find new friends that do appreciate you.
  • Question
    I like this girl in my school who's very sweet and pious. She has achieved great things and so I'm very inspired by her, but I don't know how to talk to her. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That's very sweet, but don't start off the conversation by telling her she inspires you. Instead, strike up a conversation about a book she maybe holding or something thought-provoking she said in class. Try to have a short conversation with her every day until you've built up a solid friendship, then go from there.
  • Question
    How do I avoid hanging out with bad people in high school?
    Community Answer
    Like attracts like. In other words, if you exhibit good behavior and habits, you won't attract bad people, and vice-versa.
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    How can I talk to girls in my class that don't notice me?
    Community Answer
    Talk to a girl just like you would anyone else, just say "hi" or ask them a question about themselves. You could also try making a joke. Girls like guys with a sense of humor.
  • Question
    I want to talk to this guy in my P.E. class, but he doesn't really talk to girls. I just want to know why he stares at me, but doesn't talk to me. What should I do about the situation?
    Community Answer
    First of all, the most obvious reason this is happening is because he has a crush on you, but he's too shy to approach you. So let that information determine how you react. You could just go up and say hi, or you could tell him that you don't appreciate him staring at you, and you'd like him to stop. It really depends on how you feel about the guy and what you'd like to get out of the interaction. Of course, you could also just ignore him altogether and wait for him to talk to you. Most likely he'll get the nerve up eventually.
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    What if all my friends hate me?
    Community Answer
    Do they really hate you, or do you just feel like they do? Try talking to them about the way you're feeling. If they're treating you in a way you don't like, stand up for yourself and tell them to stop. Otherwise, you might need to find new friends.
  • Question
    How can I start a conversation with a group of people and join in?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    One way is to think of something specific you want to ask one of them that can be discussed publicly. "Hey Alice, I heard you know a good geography tutor; can you tell me more?" But don't just butt in, obviously. Position yourself in earshot, use body language to show you're there, and wait for an opening. The group will likely split in smaller groups, but at least everyone will have heard you that first time.
  • Question
    I'm a new kid at school, and I am really shy. I have a lot of trouble talking to other people, and it's difficult to approach the other kids. Could you give me advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Don't focus on being too shy to talk to all people, but pick one single human being instead and say hi. Keep the first conversations really short, do your very best to walk away as quickly as possible. "Hi, how are you? Great test yeah, I thought so too. OK, talk to you again tomorrow!" You'll feel good about yourself, and there won't be awkward silences. Listen to what the other person says and come back to that the next day.
  • Question
    There is this new kid at school that I have seen a couple of times. I have caught him looking at me, and I really want to go talk to him in between classes, but I don't know what to say.
    Community Answer
    Start by smiling and saying hi. After you've done that, say something like, "So, how are you liking the school so far?" When he answers, ask a few follow-up questions, maybe about what teachers he likes or dislikes, if he's doing any extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Question
    I am starting a new school next year and I want to make a great first impression. How do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Firstly, introduce yourself to a group of friendly looking people or if someone says hello to you first don't be afraid to reply with a hello to them. If you talk to a few people a lot over a period of days, try to hang out with them more. But most importantly, be confident!
  • Question
    I have a crush on this boy. Knowing that I'm just a little 13-year-old, I should just be friends with him. I was thinking of walking with him to class, but I don't know what to say. Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The good news is you only need to know half of what to say. It's a conversation, after all; trust that he will carry the other half of the conversation. Ask him what he's interested in, and spend three minutes talking about that. End the conversation quickly; it leaves open questions for a follow up, avoids awkward silences and piques his interest.
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    How do I make small talk without embarrassing myself?
    Community Answer
    Just be confident in yourself, and don't worry about embarrassing yourself. It's only small talk.
  • Question
    How can I start a good conversation if small talk is awkward, and we don't have much in common? How can I find the right time to start a conversation?
    Community Answer
    Just find a time when you're together, or if you're texting, maybe at night, try sharing something about yourself that is a bit more personal and deeper than just small talk, and see what happens from there. You could also try voicing your opinion on some deep topic related to politics, religion, etc.
  • Question
    Started a conversation with a dear friend who ran away after I said 9/11 was an inside job. Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you want to make a friend, then it's up to you to find a topic that the person is interested in, not drop it along with your opinions. There'll be plenty of time later to discuss these ideas. If you are on a mission to convince everyone you're right, then just about everyone will run away. You have a right to any opinion, but that doesn't include an obligation for others to listen to you. Know your audience; don't cater to them or try to please them, but start from common ground.
  • Question
    I'm part of a school band where I'm the only girl. I try to have fun with them, but they seem to leave me out of all their fun on purpose. Should I leave the band?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Before you leave, ask yourself if you're biased. If we get it into our head that penguins are pink, we're capable of ignoring every single penguin that doesn't meet our expectation, and when we find a pink one, we'll say, "See, they're all pink!" So if you got it in your head that they're leaving you out, look at all the evidence, not just the evidence that confirms what you think. This is called confirmation bias. If they are leaving you out, first ask what's going on; it could be a misunderstanding. All this is assuming you still want to be in the band; if not, quit. But learn about confirmation bias; it's interesting.
  • Question
    What should I talk about with my friend if I already know everything about my him? We have the same lessons every week, so we already know what's going to happen the next lesson and it's boring.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    All the boring obligatory topics have been talked about, the things we talk about with people who are not really friends. But you two are friends, so with those out of the way, you're finally free to talk about anything you want. Are you interested in space, what do you think happens after we die, do you want to learn about Peru, how do you feel about this new virus? Bring anything that interests you to him, see what he thinks. It's also very unlikely that you know everything about him; research some conversation questions online to go a little deeper with your conversations.
  • Question
    I want to make new friends but my friend doesn’t want anyone else hanging out with us. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    When you hang out with your friend, it's fine to keep it just the two of you. Your friend may fear that you'll stop being their friend if others join, or they may just simply like being one-on-one with you. That's fine. But the time you spend hanging out with friends doesn't have to all go to this friend. You're perfectly allowed to hang out with other people without this friend, while still keeping the current friendship. No one can tell you who you can and can't be friends with though, so don't allow this friend to limit you, or impose any restriction on your other friendships.
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    I'm an introvert and I don't talk much with my classmates but everyone keeps on asking me why I don't talk and I always answer with it is rude to talk over the teacher but they keep teasing me about it.
    Community Answer
    Don't listen to any negativity. As I quieter person myself, I understand your struggles. Have confidence within yourself and block out your classmates' opinions. Tell them that it's none of their business whether you want to talk or not. Keep on being you!
  • Question
    I have a friend who is not that close to me, and we’re both quiet, and I want to start a conversation with her but I don't know what to talk about. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have a shared interest, try talking about that. Or, tell her about some of your interests, and you may discover that you share some that way. Sharing a favorite song, artist, musical, athlete, book, author, TV show, movie, or anything along those lines can go a long way. Even try sharing something you did over the weekend or something you're looking forward to doing.
  • Question
    What if I ask them questions and they don’t talk much?
    Top Answerer
    It depends on the person. The person could be an introvert. Maybe he or she tend to listen more than they talk. They may also be quiet because they are shy or uncomfortable.
  • Question
    I'm going to a gifted and talented school next year, and I won't know any people. My friends don't like talking about it because they're a bit jealous. How do I make new friends and keep my old ones?
    Top Answerer
    Just be yourself and start conversations with people. Still keep in touch with your old friends. However, focus on yourself and your goals. A good friend should be happy that you'll be going to a gifted and talented school.
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    I have a crush on some other guy and he likes looking at me. Sometimes he calls me but I am very shy, so what should I do ?
    Community Answer
    Compliment him. Boys don't often get compliments, so if he likes you, doing so will make it all the better. Since you're shy, maybe just drop subtle hints, and if he is into you, make him come to you, not the other way around.
  • Question
    I want to talk to this girl on my bus who is/was quite popular. However, I am very shy and have low self-confidence and don’t know how to start a good conversation. I know her name and stuff but we have never spoken.
    Tina Xing
    Community Answer
    Try messaging her via a messaging app. Introduce yourself there, and let her know who you are. That could help you to gain the courage to talk to her.
  • Question
    I want to be friends with this girl but she is in a friend group that is really cliquey. How can I become her friend when her group is always hanging out with her?
    Tina Xing
    Community Answer
    You can try messaging her via your device. This could work, because you can message her privately, rather than having a whole group checking on you.
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