Q&A for How to Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve

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  • Question
    I want to stay up for New Year's this year, but I always fall asleep as I get tired easily. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you surround yourself with very awake people. Eat and drink to keep your stamina up. Get involved in games and activities. Splash your face with cold water if you have to.
  • Question
    What if all music puts me to sleep and I'm trying to stay up secretly?
    Jerry Cat
    Community Answer
    Try watching a video with headphones, playing a game, texting a friend or bringing something that will keep you awake into your room.
  • Question
    Should I pour cold water on my head?
    Community Answer
    That would help. You could also just splash water on your face whenever you begin to feel tired.
  • Question
    How does taking a walk and getting fresh air help me stay awake? So confused here.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Taking a walk activates your muscles, your bloodstream increases and your heart rate speeds up. Fresh oxygen stimulates your brain.
  • Question
    How can I stay up if I am a kid?
    Community Answer
    Take a nap during the day, eat a healthy dinner for energy and drink soda with caffeine to stay up late on New Year's Eve.
  • Question
    How can I stay up if the rest of my family doesn't plan on staying up?
    Community Answer
    You can try watching something on Youtube or Netflix to keep you excited and entertained. You can spend New Year's with friends, or other family members that are planning on staying up until midnight.
  • Question
    I always stay up late with my dad, but he falls asleep, and I am uncomfortable with being up all by myself. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Invite a friend over, if you can. Make sure she's on track with your New Year's Eve plan, though, because it's no use if she goes to bed, too!
  • Question
    Last year I was playing in my room and my mom forgot and we missed the countdown. How do I prevent that from happening?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you check the clock often, especially the closer you get to 12:00. You could try setting a timer/alarm clock for a few minutes before the countdown will begin so you can get ready.
  • Question
    Should I eat candy to stay up?
    Community Answer
    It might perk you up very temporarily, but it's not going to give you lasting energy.
  • Question
    Can I set an alarm?
    Community Answer
    Sure! If you want to sleep for a little while and then wake up to do the countdown, that's totally fine.
  • Question
    I don't drink caffeine, and I don't like to talk to people or play games. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can splash cold water on your face or take a cold shower. You can also play your favorite game on your phone. But, really, New Year's celebrations aren't much fun if you isolate yourself.
  • Question
    I want to hang out with my friends after I comfortably watch a movie. How can I stay awake?
    Community Answer
    You can try to watch an exciting movie, that will keep you entertained and awake. You can also try to drink caffeine, which will help you not fall asleep.
  • Question
    It's New Year's Eve and I am just with my parents. How do I stay awake without lots of people around?
    Community Answer
    Try taking a short walk with your parents if they are up to it. Splash cold water on your face, or rub your face with an ice cube. Drink soda or other caffeine loaded drinks. You can also play a video game to keep your mind occupied.
  • Question
    What if my eyes get sore?
    Community Answer
    If you want to try and stay awake l midnight, try taking a short nap first.
  • Question
    How can I stay up if I love sleep and I am a kid?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you're well-rested and entertained. Do things that will get your mind off of sleeping, such as being around others, watching TV, or listing to upbeat music.
  • Question
    My daughter wants to stay up too. Should I let her?
    Community Answer
    I say you should if she wants to. She probably won't have school the next day. If you really don't want her to stay up, Netflix has some kid-friendly options where you can watch a pretend countdown anytime you want.
  • Question
    Would puzzles help me stay awake until midnight?
    Community Answer
    Puzzles could definitely help you stay awake until midnight!
  • Question
    How can I stay awake for midnight if I'm already tired?
    Community Answer
    Splash cold water on your face and listen to really fast music. Play a video game or watch a suspenseful movie if you have a device or TV available.
  • Question
    I am sleep deprived already. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Drink lots of caffeine and blast a playlist of your favorite songs. You can also get some fresh air.
  • Question
    I took a nap, but that left me even more tired, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try cutting up a lemon and sucking on a slice or two. Don't add sugar or anything else. This usually helps wake me up quickly after a nap.
  • Question
    Don't bright lights make a person more tired?
    Community Answer
    No; light tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime.
  • Question
    Should I use essential oils?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Just make sure not to use calming ones like lavender, as they can make you feel sleepy. Peppermint oil works best, as it can help to keep you awake and alert.
  • Question
    Would walking my aunt's dog during the day help me stay awake? My normal route is about 2 blocks.
    Tater Tot
    Community Answer
    Yes it would. Oxygen supplies the brain with energy and perks you up. That is good exercise because (1) you get exercise (2) your aunt's dog gets a walk and (3) you get a boost of energy to keep you up for New Year's Eve.
  • Question
    What if you lie down for a minute and you fall asleep? Also, an alarm won't wake me up.
    Tater Tot
    Community Answer
    Try not to lie down if you are known to do that. If you must nap, ask somebody to gently wake you if you fall asleep.
  • Question
    How do I stay up as a kid without watching TV or drinking drinks or leaving to go outside?
    Tater Tot
    Community Answer
    Splash some water on your face or go into the bathroom and flush the toilet since it makes a loud-ish noise and will stimulate you. Or, you can just turn on a light and it will perk you up as well.
  • Question
    What if you don’t have a New Year's party and you can’t pay attention to the children? How do you keep them up and hyper for New Year's Eve?
    Tater Tot
    Community Answer
    Give them an electronic device in a childproofed room and give them some soda and maybe some music and bright lights, if you can. Just do not use relaxing music or it will just cause them to sleep.
  • Question
    What will I do if I am tired?
    Community Answer
    Splash cold water on your face, listen to some loud and peppy music, drink some coffee or tea or soda with caffeine in it, play games with your family/friends, watch an interesting movie that's full of action and won't bore you, or keep your body moving with walks around the house or doing a few jumping jacks at a time.
  • Question
    Can you use weird tasting foods to help you stay up, like limes or something?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Limes are acidic, and they should keep you awake for a good while. Just be sure to eat something solid first before you eat something acidic, so as not to upset your stomach.
  • Question
    We go to bed early and need some fun crafts and ideas to do?
    Community Answer
    Watch some movies on Netflix/hulu, make some snacks to eat, play some board or card games, have a couple of dance parties, play games such as Truth or Dare (don't go extreme on the dares though; nobody needs to be in the hospital on New Year's), do face painting, paint pictures, or spend time making your own skit/movie.
  • Question
    What should I do if I can’t sleep during the day but I’m really tired?
    Top Answerer
    Try drinking coffee or an energy drink. You could also take a cold shower or exercise to wake yourself up. Try not to lie down or you’ll fall asleep.
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