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Q&A for How to Stay Out of Trouble in School
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QuestionWhat if a teacher put you next to someone that always gets you in trouble?Community AnswerTalk to your teacher after class or during lunch. Ask them nicely if you can move, and explain why you want to do so.
QuestionHow do you not get in trouble for someone else's misbehavior at school?Community AnswerStay away from that person. Ask your teacher to move you, and don't spend time with them at lunch.
QuestionWhat should I do if I get in trouble?Community AnswerYou should own up to what you did wrong and apologize for your mistake.Try to fix the problem and make it a point not to do it again.
QuestionWhat if your friends use inappropriate words, which you don't like, but you don't want to lose them as friends?Community AnswerTalk to them about their language. Explain that it makes you uncomfortable because it breaks the rules. Don't copy them or feel like you have to use that language too.
QuestionWhat can I do to get out of being in trouble with my parents after getting a suspension for something I didn't do?Community AnswerTry to have an honest, mature conversation with your parents. Unless you've given them reasons not to trust you, they should believe your side of the story.
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