Q&A for How to Store Dates

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    Is there any sodium in dates?
    Community Answer
    No, which makes them an ideal snack for people with blood pressure issues.
  • Question
    Are dates high in sugar or carbohydrate?
    Community Answer
    Yes, dates are high in sugar and carbohydrates. They are made up of about 30% sugar and each date is about 6% of your daily value of carbohydrates.
  • Question
    I am a diabetic and love dates but cannot eat as many as I would care to. Is there a way I could remove the sugar?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, the sugar in dates is a natural sugar that the date produces as it grows. There is not a way to remove that sort of sugar.
  • Question
    How many dates are allowed to eat each day?
    Community Answer
    It is okay to consume about six dates through the day. Eaten in moderation, dates are super-helpful in shedding those kilos.
  • Question
    How does one store ajwa dates?
    Community Answer
    If you plan to eat your dates within a week, store them in an airtight container in your pantry. You can also use the fridge to store your dates for up to a year. If you bought your dates in bulk, or if you plan to use them at a later date, then store them in the freezer.
  • Question
    Can dates be in a vacuum pack?
    Lesley Ochiora
    Community Answer
    Yes, dates can be vacuum sealed. It preserves them longer. After vacuum sealing, keep them in your cupboards or somewhere out of sunlight in a dry environment.
  • Question
    Do you wash them before consuming?
    Lesley Ochiora
    Community Answer
    Yes, wash your dates before consuming them. Washing the dates gets rid of dirt, dust, and anything that could possibly be stuck on the dates.
  • Question
    Is there a skin on the date that needs to be removed?
    Community Answer
    No, dates have no skin that needs to be removed, you can eat them right from the packet if you like.
  • Question
    If you cook dates and puree, how long will they last in the refrigerator?
    Community Answer
    Most fresh things will only last about 4-6 days at the most, so it is not recommended to store them in the refrigerator for much longer than that.
  • Question
    How many dates should one eat per day to stay healthy?
    Community Answer
    There's no specific number. You can stay healthy without eating any dates.
  • Question
    Can you freeze-dry Medjool dates?
    Keerthi Didyala
    Community Answer
    Medjool dates are much softer than other date varieties and usually command a higher retail price. Despite their notably different texture, you can freeze them in the same way as harder dates, and they don't require any special treatment.
  • Question
    Should I wash dates before eating them?
    bayouinn suite
    Community Answer
    It's a good idea to gently rinse dates under running water before eating them to remove any dirt or debris.
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