Q&A for How to Throw a Party

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    How do you make a party fun?
    Natasha Miller
    Professional Party Planner
    Natasha Miller is an Event Planner, Chief Experience Designer, and President of Entire Productions, an event and entertainment production company based in San Francisco, California. Notable clients Natasha has collaborated with include Apple, Google, Gap, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co., and Salesforce. Natasha and Entire Productions has been awarded Inc. 5,000's "Fastest Growing Companies in America", Entrepreneur Magazine's 360 List of "Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America." Entire Productions is also a Certified Women Business Enterprise. Natasha is a member of Meeting Professionals International (MPI).
    Professional Party Planner
    Expert Answer
    I've seen a lot of really fun theme parties. In San Francisco, we have a lot of tech clients, so gaming, virtual reality, Star Wars, and outer space parties are popular. I've also seen a lot of Great Gatsby and art deco-themed events, and those are really beautiful, lively parties. Themes like Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka, and Candy Land are all popular, as well. We've even had clients who want to do a murder mystery.
  • Question
    What are some good things to have at a party (like a photo booth)?
    Community Answer
    A bags set or another yard game. You could also rent a slush maker or chocolate fountain for the night.
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    Where can I find DIY decor ideas?
    Community Answer
    Pinterest is a great resource to find inspiration for new decorating ideas. You can also try home decor-specific websites, or ask a friend whose decorating style you admire to help you.
  • Question
    Can I have it in my bedroom?
    Community Answer
    You can if you're having a very small party, but it's probably better to have at least two rooms if you're having more than a few people over.
  • Question
    How should I throw a party for my parents but keep everything hidden in my room?
    Community Answer
    First, if you have a closet in your room, you could possibly hide some stuff behind the clothes and just make sure your parents don't go in your closet. Same thing with drawers, cabinets, or armoirs. Then when it's time for the party, get parents out of the house. Possibly by having one of their friends invite them to lunch. Then pull out all of your decorations, and you have a party.
  • Question
    What games are suitable to have at a 13th birthday party?
    Community Answer
    You could play Truth or Dare, watch movies, have a water balloon fight (in a warm season), play Musical Chairs, have a scary or funny Scavenger Hunt, play Two Truths and a Lie, Name the Song, Wink Murder, etc.
  • Question
    How do you keep guests entertained?
    Community Answer
    Have plenty of music playing, and an array of active games lined up, such as Twister, pin-the-tail-on-the-whatever, charades. Also, encourage lots of dancing.
  • Question
    What party food should I get for my own 13th birthday? I don't want to cook a dinner or anything, just snacks.
    Community Answer
    You could have a table with different types of chips, marshmallows, sweets and chocolates! This gives your friends lots of delicious options to choose from.
  • Question
    What games should I plan for my teenager's surprise party?
    Community Answer
    If you can, ask your daughter's friends what kind of games she likes to play, like truth or dare. If she's older, she may be less interested in games and more interested in things like dancing or movies.
  • Question
    I am planning an event for 150 kids, aged six to 13 years old. What kind of activities should I have?
    Community Answer
    Try to have some some music going, and perhaps a bounce house, bean bag toss, and/or a gender challenge.
  • Question
    How do I get my friends to stay off their phones during a party?
    Community Answer
    Have lots of games, or try to use their phones to your advantage. Toward the beginning of the party, you could send all the guests pictures of your other guests and a guest list. Their goal would be to try to guess who is who. Finally, you could set out a "phone basket" near the door and politely ask people to leave their phones there so you can all enjoy some "tech-free" time.
  • Question
    Would a movie at the park be a good teen party?
    Community Answer
    A movie at a park is not a good one, because teens like to move around and dance. They don't want to sit still for a long time.
  • Question
    What kind of activities should I offer at a party for my 72-year-old grandparent?
    Community Answer
    My guess would be stations of what they enjoy, like a knitting station, a tea/coffee station. Whatever your grandparent likes, turn it into a station. You can do it around a big table if you have one.
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    Any ideas for the location? I have no idea where to host the party, and I do not want it at home.
    Community Answer
    There are many places you could possible hold the event, such as restaurants, fast food places and rooms that can be hired in places such as museums, pubs or hotels. Holding it at home tends to be easier and less expensive though.
  • Question
    How can I throw a fun party at home for my 17th birthday?
    Talia Beth
    Community Answer
    Supply many options of food and drinks to keep your guests busy. Set a theme and come up with contests with prizes, such as dance battles.Tell your neighbours in advance so they will be ready for loud music and not call the police. You can also keep the tv on a funny show to keep guests in their party mood.
  • Question
    How can I throw a Christmas party that is appropriate for all ages?
    Community Answer
    Play some Christmas music and do a fun Secret Santa gift exchange! You could have snacks and drinks too, but I would have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks so everyone can find something they enjoy.
  • Question
    What kind of party should I host for a boy who is turning 8?
    Community Answer
    Try a superhero-themed party. Or a Lego-themed party. But it ultimately depends on what he's interested in.
  • Question
    How do I throw a party for an 11 year old?
    Community Answer
    Choose a theme that the child likes, such as superheros or games, then plan the party around that.
  • Question
    How can I throw a party while my parents aren't home?
    Community Answer
    Put away all valuables before you have the party. Make sure you know exactly when your parents are coming home so you can get everyone out in time. Leave plenty of time to clean up after the party. Make sure the party doesn't get too loud, or your neighbor's might call the cops.
  • Question
    What is a good party theme and gift idea for a child turning 5?
    Community Answer
    Popular themes for a 5 year old's birthday party include princesses, ocean, vehicles, and sports. Your best bet is to ask the child what they are really into, and base the theme around that. As for gifts, ask the child or the child's parents what they might like. Books, art supplies, slime kits, dolls, and toy vehicles are some common gifts for that age group.
  • Question
    What should I use for party favors at a party?
    Community Answer
    Candy is always great! But you could add in some mini toys, like bouncy balls, erasers etc.
  • Question
    Should I introduce the guests to one another?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is the host's duty. Then, all the guests will be able to hang out with each other and no one will feel lonely at your party.
  • Question
    What alcohol do I buy?
    Community Answer
    Have a few options for beers and maybe wines. Don't do hard liquor as that would encourage people to get drunk and make unwise choices.
  • Question
    How do I throw a family reunion party for the Fourth of July?
    Community Answer
    Go to stores such as Party City or Walmart to get cheap 4th of July decorations, including red white and blue balloons, American mini flags, July 4th themed party hats, etc. If you can afford it, you can go to your local bakery and commission an American flag-shaped cake or you could make one yourself. Also, if you are allowed to use fireworks in your area and you can afford them, buy fireworks at a local stand.
  • Question
    How do I plan a sleepover Halloween party? The neighbors down the street are hosting the party, and their aunt Beatrice and her children are coming to visit. What do I bring to the party?
    Community Answer
    RSVP to the neighbors and tell them you'll bring your costume and pajamas, etc.
  • Question
    How do I plan a pool party at the country club or public pool recreation center in my community?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about planning, and they will talk to the scheduling department about hosting and organizing.
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