Q&A for How to Wash Your Clothes With Dish Liquid

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    Does dishwashing liquid get stains out of clothes?
    Susan Stocker
    Green Cleaning Expert
    Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan’s Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of green cleaning practices.
    Green Cleaning Expert
    Expert Answer
    Sure it does, specially for acrylic, latex, and water-based paint stains. If the paint is still wet, immediately put dishwashing liquid on it. Scrub and then rinse in cold water. If the paint’s already dried, it can still be done, but is a bit more time-consuming and you'd need to scrape the paint before washing.
  • Question
    Why does the dish detergent need to be bleach-free?
    Community Answer
    If the detergent contains bleach, it will ruin your clothes' colors by creating white spots.
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    The images seem to portray a dessert spoon, which is about twice the capacity of a teaspoon. Do I need three teaspoons or three dessert spoons of soap for a large laundry load?
    Community Answer
    If you want to be precise, use a measuring teaspoon - like the kind you use for cooking. And remember, 3 teaspoons equal one tablespoon. So if you are doing a large load, you can use a measuring tablespoon.
  • Question
    Is a colored dish soap going to ruin my clothes or stain them?
    Top Answerer
    No; this applies to laundry detergent with color.
  • Question
    Will dish detergent fade colors more than laundry detergent?
    Community Answer
    Standard dish detergent for hand washing is good in removing grease and oil and shouldn't have any bleach compared to dishwasher detergents and should not cause more fading. It can be used regularly in combination with laundry detergent for oily clothes without any negative effects on most types of clothes.
  • Question
    My washer "requires" HE - high efficiency- detergent. Is it possible to try dish soap anyway?
    Top Answerer
    If it is a front load washer, it is not recommended. If it is a high efficiency top load washer, you may use dish soap, but you risk oversudsing. Since a regular top load washer uses more water, suds should not be an issue.
  • Question
    Will one pod be too much for a medium size or large size laundry load?
    Community Answer
    Normally its one pod for a small load and 2 for medium or large load, so you should be fine.
  • Question
    How much would I put in if I have a really big load?
    Community Answer
    About three teaspoons -- any more means that you run the risk of the suds overflowing.
  • Question
    Will dish soap hurt a washing machine?
    Top Answerer
    No, not at all! The only factor is oversudsing, which may be hard to clean up.
  • Question
    Can I use Borax with dish washing soap at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Yes. I have used both Borax and washing soda. You can even find homemade laundry detergent recipes that include both ingredients.
  • Question
    I am going on a 2 week train trip to Siberia. l will have to hand wash all my clothes every night. Woolite is expensive in the single packs, would it be OK to use Dawn dish washing soap instead?
    Community Answer
    I love Dawn. Bird rehabilitors use it to wash oil off of birds trapped in oil spills, and I've seen care workers use it to wash dirty kittens, so I tried it for my hand washables to save money. I also use a bit to wash my kitchen floor, along with essential oils. Dawn is cheaper and safer than cleaning products.
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    Can I use Cascade for laundry?
    Community Answer
    As it has strong abrasives, it's not recommended. It also has bleach, so you'd only be able to use it on whites.
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    If it cannot be used in a front-load washer, why are all the pictures referencing a front-load washer?
    Community Answer
    I believe that was referring to washers that require HG high-efficiency detergent. Not all front-loaders require HG detergents. I have to go to a laundromat, and the machines I usually use are front-loaders. They do not, however, require HG detergent.
  • Question
    Is Dawn safe for my sensitive skin?
    Community Answer
    Probably. Dawn is considered a very gentle soap. I would buy the clear Dawn for added safety, as it would be free of dyes.
  • Question
    This post refers to using both dish soap and dish detergent. Are these different products and which should be used?
    Community Answer
    The terms are being used interchangeably. Detergent is another name for "soap." The article refers to the liquid soap purchased to wash dishes by hand.
  • Question
    How much powdered soap should I use, and should I dissolve it in hot water first? I don't want it to be clumpy in my laundry.
    Community Answer
    I assume you are talking about dishwasher soap? If so, it does not have the same properties as the dish soap discussed in this article, the dish soap meant for hand-washing dishes. And yes, I would dilute it in a cup of hot water before using it in the washer. I would start with 1/8-1/4 the amount recommended for a dishwasher and see how it goes. It's easier to add more to your next load than to clean up a laundry room full of suds.
  • Question
    What would be the process for washing by hand?
    Community Answer
    Fill a sink with water, put in a sprinkle of your preferred dish soap and let it sit for 10 mins before hand-washing.
  • Question
    Can I use dish washing soap for candy in my washing machine front loader?
    Community Answer
    It is definitely not recommended to use dish-soap in a front loader washing-machine. This is because if the suds were to escape the washer, it would be somewhat difficult to clean up and they may damage the mechanics of the washing machine. Stick to laundry liquid for a washing machine.
  • Question
    How do I wash bedding that has fecal stains if they're not coming out in the wash?
    Community Answer
    Commercial cleaning companies use a product called Brown Out, there are brands as well. I've used it to get fecal stains, coffee stains, urine stains out of white carpet and sofas.
  • Question
    Is it okay to use dishwasher detergent to wash clothes?
    Community Answer
    Dishwasher detergent contains chlorine bleach, so you might be able to use it to wash white laundry, something you would already use bleach on. It might not rinse out very well from fabrics, but you could try it; just don't use on anything colored, printed or dyed--plain white items only.
  • Question
    Can I do the dishes with laundry detergent?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is possible to do this, at least for hand washed dishes. I've used powdered laundry detergent for hand washing dishes a few times. Be careful though, as the glassware can become very slippery. I have not used it in a dishwasher and do not recommend this usage, as it could damage the machine.
  • Question
    Should I not use dish soap in my front load washing machine?
    Community Answer
    If you want properly clean clothes, you should only use laundry detergent in any washing machine. Cleaning fabrics and cleaning dishes require different things, that's why laundry detergents were invented. Leave the dish detergent for the dishes!
  • Question
    Can you use shampoo in washer?
    Community Answer
    I have used shampoo in my front loader in a pinch. Like dish soap, it can get real sudsy. Use sparingly like dish soap. It will not do well on heavy grease spots.
  • Question
    Can I use liquid gel dishwashing soap for washing clothes?
    Community Answer
    Yes, about any type of dishwashing liquid soap will do the job just as well.
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