Q&A for How to Write a Batch File

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    How can I run multiple batch files?
    Community Answer
    Open multiple files at once. But if you really wanted to, you can open other batch files within a batch file as such: start "c:\Users\Xx_balzeitmichael_xX\Documents" random.bat.
  • Question
    How do I open images using a batch file?
    David Langr
    Community Answer
    You can do so by typing the following command: start "C:\Path\picture.jpg".
  • Question
    How do I create a batch file?
    Arsalan Kazmi
    Community Answer
    Enter the code in Notepad and then go to File > Save As, click File Type, set it to All Files, then in the Name box, enter name.bat, where 'name' is the name of your batch file.
  • Question
    How do I execute a batch file?
    Community Answer
    On a Windows machine, double clicking the file should execute it in command prompt (if you save it as a .bat file, that is). If it still isn't working, right click it and select Open with Command Prompt.
  • Question
    How do I answer the "Are you sure (y/n)?" message automatically without keyboard intervention?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what command you are using in your batch file. If you are performing delete operation, then you will use "del" command. It has an option to perform deletion without user intervention "/Q". Similarly, you can find more parameters by appending /? beside the command you are using.
  • Question
    What is the code for a save, as in batch commands?
    Community Answer
    You can write using 'echo WRITE DATA >> FILE.EXTENSION'. If you save 'set dataName = dataValue >> save.bat', you can make the program load data 'call save.bat', and then you have dataName.
  • Question
    How do I get a .bat file to run automatically every day/week/month?
    Community Answer
    Generally speaking (and the steps may differ between Windows versions), use the Windows task scheduler. Select Run and search for "Task Scheduler." Create a basic task and select your .bat file as the program to run/execute.
  • Question
    How do I configure an application using batch files?
    Community Answer
    There are different ways to configure applications, which ones are you thinking about? For example, you could open a web browser and minimize all tabs, set your computer to sleep, or send info to a text file to be used at a later time.
  • Question
    How do I create a prompt for the user to name the destination folder when writing a batch file?
    Community Answer
    Set /p will prompt the user to input a destination folder. Use the help file by typing set /? at the prompt.
  • Question
    How do I make a batch file run when I click on a certain app or file?
    Community Answer
    A batch file is considered an app, so you can simply go to start and enter its name. If you don't want to change the location you can make a shortcut(right-click on it, then click "Create shortcut" . If you want an app to open along with a batch file then you need another batch file. If you need a batch file to run when a file/app is opened without modifying it, you may be able to use Task Scheduler.
  • Question
    How can a batch file open a window "incognito" or InPrivate for Windows Edge ?
    Top Answerer
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --inprivate. I have not tested this with pre-Chromium versions of Edge. Make sure to wrap the path in quotes.
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