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Q&A for How to Write a Manga Comic
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QuestionCan I write a Manga if I am not Japanese?Community AnswerYou can. Manga in this sense is just referring to the style of drawing.
QuestionShould I also watch anime?Community AnswerAnime is usually based off of manga. However, it can sometimes get the style across easier and faster than manga can. If anime interests you, then definitetly. Still, reading the actual manga is recommended.
QuestionHow do I write the plot to a manga comic?Community AnswerStart with a basic idea or genre for the manga you want to create. Then try to expand on it by creating basic characters and worlds in your mind. Start with one simple sentence that explains the plot and expand on it, adding new characters. After this, write all the ideas down, make sense of them, and tie them together to make your own manga plot.
QuestionCan I write a manga if I am not good with English or Chinese?Community AnswerYou can write a manga in your own language, or you can get someone to translate into another language for you if you want to. P.S. Traditionally manga are Japanese, not Chinese.
QuestionDoes it matter if the design is simple or a little elementary?Community AnswerOf course not. The artist for "One Punch Man" had very undetailed art, but it was a hit.
QuestionHow can a non-Japanese person sell her story in Japan?Community AnswerYou would have to find someone who can write in Japanese or learn how to yourself. Then, you need to find a magazine which fits into the genre of your manga and then pitch it to the publishers. Or, you could self-publish by selling it independently, but this would result in fewer people knowing about your manga.
QuestionHow long does it take to write/draw manga?TsunXiCommunity AnswerIt depends. You have to write the storyboard first to see how and where all the panels and angles go. Then, you need to sketch the characters and the backgrounds, and you need to use screentones on specific parts. It just depends on how long you take and your effort.
QuestionHow can I sell manga and comics online from another country?TsunXiCommunity AnswerThrough eBay or Amazon. You can join a group somewhere that sells these things, but you'll need a credit card or PayPal.
QuestionHow do I get my story published?Community AnswerSearch online for publishers and carefully read over their submission information. Submit your story according to their guidelines and follow up each week until you receive confirmation that your story will or will not be published.
QuestionAm I allowed to send my manga to publishers in other countries or does it have to be a publisher that is based in the country I live in?Community AnswerYou can send your manga anywhere in the world that you would like.
QuestionI want to draw a Manga book but all my drawings are not very detailed or look like cartoons. What do I do?Community AnswerPractice your drawings and get some ideas from other Manga, it's a great help. The more you practice, the better your drawings will look. Also, look into other styles of drawing and incorporate some of those skills. Getting a strong foundation in figure drawing will make your drawings more realistic and detailed.
QuestionHow could I make a manga based around a real life Japanese-style video game such as Yandere Simulator or Yo-kai Watch?Community AnswerYou would need to license these characters through the company that released the game to prevent infringing on their copyright.
QuestionHow do I write sound effects in a Manga comic?Community AnswerMost sound effects in Manga are Japanese onomatopoeia, but it's perfectly fine to use English (or any other languages') onomatopoeia instead. To make it more interesting, try to make the word written on the page look like the sound it's describing. "Crash" might have sharp letters while "Oof" might have smooth and curved letters.
QuestionCan I combine two mangas to make a different comic and have it be legal?Stevenunum1fanCommunity AnswerNo. That would be plagiarizing. You would need to ask permission from both authors.
QuestionWould it be okay to write sound effects in Japanese characters and then translate them?Community AnswerOf course! Manga isn't about the language anymore, that's what Google translate is for! Do what feels right to you, after doing research on all your details.
QuestionIs a plot around aliens attacking Earth a good one?Community AnswerYes! In your manga, make sure there are some up and downs. Maybe they almost reach Earth, but they don't make it so they try again, and then they finally make it or something like that. Make sure each character is well-developed.
QuestionHow many pages can a manga have?Community AnswerAs many as you want. Some mangas can be very short but very good. Some mangas can be very long and not very good. It depends on how long YOU want your manga to be and what length works for your story.
QuestionDo I have to move to Japan to publish manga?Community AnswerNo. You can contact publishing companies in your country or publish it yourself.
QuestionIs there a way I can get my manga published without the illustrations?Community AnswerYou would need to hire or collaborate with an artist, as the manga art form includes text and illustrations.
QuestionCan I write a manga which continues a previous manga story?Community AnswerIf the previous manga is your own, yes. If not, you can write one for fun, but you can't publish it unless you get permission from the original author (which is unlikely).
QuestionIs it possible to combine multiple genres?Meowmix11Community AnswerOf course! Most people enjoy manga/anime with different genres, as it is more interesting.
QuestionCan I have an artist/company put the comic together if I give them the story and character information and draw the characters?Community AnswerYes, I have a friend that is currently writing a manga, while another artist is drawing the comics themselves. She does have to pay the artist, though, and depending on who you hire, the quality of the images you want, and the number of images you want, the price will vary.
QuestionCan I write and draw manga that is inspired by two different manga artists or will it be considered plagiarism?Community AnswerYou could. As long as you are not completely tracing the other artists' work, then it isn't plagiarism. Just try to combine certain elements of both styles to create your own.
QuestionIf I can't draw that well, but I have an amazing idea, a script, and few sample drawings, can I pitch the idea to an illustrator?Community AnswerYes, of course! If any of your friends are illustrators, you could ask them. If not, you may want to try finding artists on sites like deviantArt that draw in a style you enjoy.
QuestionI'm creating a story line but, do I need to write it in third person or first personBridget PetrenCommunity AnswerEither is fine, just choose as works best for you. And if you can't choose, look at other manga of the style you like to see what person it usually is.
QuestionHow do we write out the conversations in manga format based on what we've written from our story?Community AnswerFirstly, you can try simplifying the dialogues and copy them down in a speech bubble with an arrow pointing to the speaker. The types of speech bubbles vary according to the speaker. For example: You might make a faint outline for the speech bubble if the character is whispering or speaking in a low voice.
QuestionHow old do I need to be to publish a Manga?Community AnswerMost of the time you have to older than 18, but if you are younger than 18, your parents can help you publish it.
QuestionWhat do you mean by objective of the story?Kim GTop AnswererThe objective refers to how you want the story to unfold. Who is the main character? What do you want them to accomplish? What obstacles will they face? Who are the other characters in the story? These are examples of the questions you need to answer to determine the objective.
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