Craft a list or love jar of reasons why you love someone
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- Creating a “Reasons I Love You” List
Every day is a good day to make your partner feel loved, but it’s even better if you can come up with new and creative ways to express your affection. One way is to write a list or send a text to your significant other with alllll of the reasons why you love them. If you want to write them a super long list with 100 reasons, 500 reasons, or one for every day of the year, we’ll help you get started. Below, find our most romantic ways to tell someone why you love them, along with relationship tips from clinical psychologist Chloe Carmichael and marriage and family therapist Allen Wagner.
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Writing & Sharing a List of Reasons You Love Someone
Compile a list of 100+ reasons that you love someone. If you want to put together a list of reasons that you love your partner, start by drafting the list itself. Make a numbered list from 1-100 (or more!), either on your computer or on paper. Then, start writing all of the reasons that you love your partner ; include a range of funny and serious reasons, as well as a range of specific and more general ideas.
- You can start listing ideas based on just what you think of in your own head. Then, borrow some from this article (yay!) or use them as inspiration for coming up with “reasons” of your own.
- Why should you write this list for your partner? Well, maybe you just feel like doing it, or maybe you’ve been feeling disconnected in your relationship lately. According to Carmichael, “when we do behavioral activities towards a goal, our brain assumes that that goal must be important.”
- “So if you work backwards by just making some behavioral investments toward the goal of being with your spouse and trying to win them over again,” continues Carmichael, “that can actually awaken the part of you that is goal-oriented about the relationship.”
Write or type your list on nice stationery and gift it to your S.O. Once you’ve put together your entire list, you, of course, need to share it with your significant other! The easiest and simplest way to do this is by sharing the list directly with your partner, like a sort of love letter . If you take this approach, consider handwriting the list in legible script, or print out the list on nice stationery and place it in a neatly-addressed envelope .
Alternatively, share one “reason” per day through a love note or text. Write each of your reasons onto separate, small slips of paper. Each day, find a way to sweetly give the note to your partner—on their breakfast tray, in their work briefcase, taped onto their bathroom mirror, in their car’s center console, etc. [8] X Research source
- Or, you can send one reason a day by text to your spouse or significant other. This idea may work best if you don’t live with your partner or if you’re in a long distance relationship .
Go the extra mile by making a “reasons why I love you” jar. Write each of your reasons onto separate slips of paper—even better if you can print your reasons onto different colors of paper to make them look pretty. Then, place all of the slips into a jar and label the jar with a sticker or writing that says “Reasons Why I Love You.” Gift the jar to your S.O. so that they can read a new “reason” every day or week to keep the love flowing for a long time. [9] X Research source
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