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Plus, we include some frequently asked questions
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Both domestic (local to mainland China) and overseas businesses can create an official WeChat account to connect with Chinese customers. This wikiHow teaches you how to create and register an official WeChat account for your business using an internet browser.

Quick Steps

  1. Prepare all fees and documents.
  2. Create an official account on https://mp.weixin.qq.com .
  3. Fill in all required account and business information.
  4. Download and fill out the verification document in Chinese and English.
  5. Submit the verification document and any required business documents.
  6. Pay the verification fee.
  7. Wait for WeChat to process your account verification and application.
Section 1 of 2:

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  1. In order to get an official WeChat account, you'll need to pay some fees and submit some documents, no matter if you're registering a domestic WeChat account or an overseas one. [1]
    • Fees: Overseas accounts must pay $99 USD per year to verify their official overseas WeChat account. Domestic account fees may vary, but an option with advanced features could cost 300 RMB per year.
    • Documents: You will need a Chinese residence ID, mainland Chinese business registration, WeChat's authorization document, a business license, and a Chinese phone number for the business. You will also need banking information, three months of phone statements/bills, and an ID card or passport for the Chinese resident who provided their ID.
      • If your company isn't based in mainland China, you will need either a foreign business license or a third-party Chinese business license, as well as the Chinese residence ID and banking information for a Chinese citizen who will act as the account's administrator.
  2. Go to https://mp.weixin.qq.com and click Register Now . This is WeChat's official account registration webpage. Click the globe in the upper-right corner to switch the site's language to English, then click Register Now at the top-right corner of the screen.
    • Weixin (微信) is what WeChat is called in Chinese.
  3. It's the first option on the list.
  4. After entering your email, click Send code to send a verification code to your email address. Input that code in the field next to "Email verification code."
  5. By default, Mainland China will be selected. If you are not in mainland China, click the dropdown box and choose which country you are located in.
    • If your country is not on the list, you are not able to make an official WeChat account.
    • Domestic accounts can choose Official Accounts, Service Account, or WeChat Work. Overseas accounts can only choose Service Account.
    • If you're registering an official account in mainland China, you can choose a government, media, enterprise, other organization, or individual entity. If you're overseas and registering a service account, you can only choose between a corporation or sole proprietorship.
  6. You will need your organization's name, registration code, the full name of a Chinese citizen who will act as the account's admin, and that Chinese citizen's ID and phone number.
    • After entering your business name and registration code, choose WeChat Verification under "Verification Methods."
    • After entering the phone number of the account admin, click Get Verif. Code , then enter that code in the "SMS Verification Code" field.
  7. You can use both English and Chinese characters to fill out your profile. Include an account name, features, and operating region.
    • Once you move on from this page, your WeChat account will be created. After this, you'll need to complete verification and submit any and all required documents.
  8. To do this, click the Enable button underneath the "WeChat Verification" header, then download and fill out the verification letter.
    • It's recommended that this be done in both Simplified Chinese and English. Be sure to include all names exactly as they appear on official IDs and passports.
    • The documents should be signed by the legal representative of the company and the Chinese citizen who will be the contact/admin for the account. If these people are the same person, you'll only need to include the one signature.
  9. As you go through the verification process, you will be asked to provide and confirm your business's details and contact information. You will also be asked to submit your business license, verification letter, account contact's phone statement or bill, and contact's ID or passport.
  10. For overseas accounts, this is $99. The price may vary for domestic accounts.
  11. For domestic accounts, this can take 7 to 10 business days. For overseas accounts, it could take up to two weeks. During this time, you will be contacted by a member of the WeChat team by phone to confirm your account details. [2]
    • WeChat will call you during Chinese working hours. China's timezone is UTC+8, so depending on where you're located in the world, you may get this call after your working hours have ended.
    • If your application doesn't need revision, your official account will be created, and you can begin using it.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. No, you must have a Chinese resident ID to sign up for an official individual WeChat account.
  2. Overseas accounts have many of the same features as domestic WeChat accounts but cannot use any of WeChat's APIs or WeChat Pay.
  3. If you can't get a Chinese business license, you can potentially partner up with a trustworthy China-based business. This business could then create an account on your behalf. However, the account will technically be controlled by another entity, so there are some risks involved.
  4. Yes, WeChat will accept a WFOE business license as a Chinese business license, but the processing time for verification will increase to 1 to 2 months.
  5. In order to get an official WeChat account, you'll need to use WeChat's website. If you're not in China, the WeChat app available in your phone's app store is not the same WeChat that's available in China (Weixin).
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is a WeChat application only used for companies?
    Community Answer
    No - people across the world use it as a social media platform to keep up-to-date with friends and family and you can choose to follow WeChat users who interest you.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open WeChat's Official Account Registration page in a browser.
      2. Fill out Basic Info with an email and password.
      3. Click Next .
      4. Fill out Registration Info with your company information.
      5. Click Next .
      6. Fill out Account Info with a display name and a profile intro.
      7. Enter the verification code.
      8. Click Submit .

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