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Become a Shark in Blox Fruits with this simple guide
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Are you considering switching up your race in Blox Fruits? If so, you may be wondering if the Shark race would be a good race to change to. The Shark race is a great overall race in Blox Fruits, especially since Sharks can swim in the water without taking damage. This makes the Shark race invaluable for Sea Beasts and the Leviathan fight . To learn everything about this race, keep reading below.

Shark Race in Blox Fruits: Fast Facts

The Shark race is one of the four starting races you can get in Blox Fruits. Shark is considered one of the best overall races in Blox Fruits, thanks to its defensive buffs and the ability to swim in the water without taking damage. However, this race doesn't have the same mobility or damage output as other races.

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Shark Race Overview

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  1. As the name suggests, the Shark race is based on real-life sharks. As such, the Shark race can swim in the water without taking damage, plus it has many other defensive bonuses.
  2. Though other races have more mobility and do more damage, Shark's defensive bonuses make it the best overall race to play as in Blox Fruits. They excel at Sea Events and bounty hunting. [1]
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Ways to Get the Shark Race

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  1. Shark is one of the four races you can start Blox Fruits with, and you have a 12.5% chance of spawning into the game as an Shark.
    • The other races you can start as are Human (62.5% spawn rate), Rabbit (12.5% spawn rate), and Angel (12.5% spawn rate). [2]
  2. Race Rerolls will change your race to one of the other starting races at random. There is a 33% chance to change into a Shark if you use a Race Reroll (that chance is lowered to 25% if you're currently a Ghoul or Cyborg). You can get Race Rerolls the following ways:
    • Buy one from the Shop for 90 Robux
    • Buy from Tort for 3,000 Fragments
    • Buy from the Event Shop or Death King during certain events
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Shark Race Stages

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  1. This is the starting stage for Sharks.
    • Buffs: Player takes decreased damage in water, and is also faster while in water.
    • Visual changes: Blue shark fin on back.
  2. Unlocked by doing the Alchemist's Quest. To complete this quest, you must complete the Colosseum Quest.
    • Buffs: Player's speed is increased in and out of water, and they also take zero damage while in the water.
    • Visual changes: None.
  3. Unlocked by completing arowe's Quest, which involves killing a naturally spawned Sea Beast.
    • Buffs: Player unlocks Water Body. When Water Body is activated, the player takes 65% less damage from other players and NPCs.
    • Visual changes: One fin on each forearm (can cause clipping).
  4. Unlocked by completing the Temple of Time puzzle followed by the Trial of the Water.
    • Buffs: Player unlocks Leviathan's Armor and Whirlpool.
      • Leviathan's Armor: Player gains a water shield that is replenished by dealing damage. This shield reduces damage by 85% and can go up to 20% of the user's maximum health. When upgraded, the shield capacity is increased and it can go up to 40% of the user's max health.
      • Whirlpool: Applies a debuff on enemies that slow their speed and reduce their defense. When upgraded, the debuff lasts longer.
    • Visual changes: There are a number of visual changes with V4:
      • The player grows a tail-like fin.
      • When transformed, all fins plus the player's hair will turn white.
      • When using Leviathan's Armor, the player turns blue. The amount of blue on the player's body correlates to how much of the shield is left.
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